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Satiating Power of Macronutrients.  Satiety comes from when you eat a good meal and are full and satisfied  This method is used to reduce between meal.

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Presentation on theme: "Satiating Power of Macronutrients.  Satiety comes from when you eat a good meal and are full and satisfied  This method is used to reduce between meal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satiating Power of Macronutrients

2  Satiety comes from when you eat a good meal and are full and satisfied  This method is used to reduce between meal snacking

3  Proteins  Carbohydrates  Fats  Fiber, calcium and proteins molecules are harder for our bodies to breakdown  It takes longer meaning we stay fuller longer

4  Red meat, chicken, pork, nuts, milk/dairy alternatives  Larger molecules are harder for our bodies to break down  Gives us iron, glucose and other molecules our bodies need to get active

5  No epidemiologic studies done between refined and whole grain  Surveys done show people who eat more whole grains tend to be skinnier  They have more fiber, harder to break down, fuller longer  Correlation is not causation

6  Protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals  Many macronutrient such as phosphorus  Again lots of large molecules  Other health benefits that help with bacteria in your colon

7  There have been no conclusive studies done on the power of satiation and weight loss  Eating more means you stay fuller longer and reduces snacking  These were just a few of the foods mentioned on the site  It may work for some not for others due to body type and metabolism

8  id=96dcd8f1-433f-4459-a602- af7fb7af56cc%40sessionmgr12&hid=21&bdata=Jn NpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=25 632356    &sid=1c07f5a0-293c-43aa-ae95- 9530a28ee947%40sessionmgr12&hid=21&bdata=J nNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=8 4108131

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