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OSU Extension Service Statewide Telephone Survey PREPARED FOR Oregon State University February 2014

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1 OSU Extension Service Statewide Telephone Survey PREPARED FOR Oregon State University February 2014

2 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Survey Methodology Telephone survey of 800 Oregon residents (ages 18+) using a list of all registered voters o Sampled five regions of the state: Central, Eastern, Southern, Valley/North Coast and the Metro area Conducted January 2-8, 2014 Results are benchmarked against prior studies conducted for OSU Extension Service, when appropriate Averaged 12 minutes in length Quotas were set for age and gender to ensure representative sample Quality control measures including callbacks and validations Land line and cell numbers incorporated Margin of error falls between +/-2.1 and +/-3.5%, at 95% confidence level 2

3 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Survey Methodology—IRB Process Participants were assured confidentiality and voluntary participation, provided contact information should they have questions, and measures were taken to determine their capacity to take the survey. At the end of the survey, participants were made aware of the project’s sponsor. At this point, they were provided the opportunity to have their individual responses removed and not included as a completed survey. All contact information provided by participants was kept separate at all times from participants’ survey responses so as to maintain confidentiality. 3

4 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Who was surveyed? Quotas and statistical weighting provided a representative sample. 4 2014 OSU Extension Telephone Survey 2012 Census Data Age 18-3430% 35-5435%36% 55+33%35% Region Metro42%43% Willamette Valley and North Coast 31% Southern13% Central8% Eastern5% Gender Male 49% Female 51% Ethnicity White/Caucasian (non- Hispanic/Latino) 87%85% Hispanic/Latino 5% 11% (+6%)


6 Sources of Information & Potential Collaborators

7 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: How to Handle Food Safely 7

8 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: Helping Families Maintain Good Health 8

9 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: Activities for Kids 9

10 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: Continuing Education for Professional Development 10

11 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: Going to College 11

12 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: Questions about Farming, Ranching, or Livestock* 12

13 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: How to Enhance a Stream to Improve Salmon Habitat 13

14 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: Identifying and Getting Rid of Non- Native Plants, Animals, or Insects* 14

15 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: Planning to Pass on a Private Farm, Forest, or Ranch 15

16 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: Taking Care of a Small or Large Woodlot 16

17 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Sources of Information: What to do After an Earthquake or Tsunami 17

18 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Ways People Receive Information (Examine Regional Differences) 18

19 Educational Programs

20 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Funding for Educational Programs: Split Sample A (Trends Since 2006) 20

21 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Funding for Educational Programs: Split Sample B (Trends Since 2006) 21

22 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 22 Is there anything that comes to mind that affects you today which could be addressed with educational programs? Funding Education o “We need to increase educational funding for teaching our youth how to balance a check book or mortgage, real life economic principals. These are things that they can use in everyday life.” o “The public schools need to be better funded in general.” o “Funding programs that teach recreation and maintaining affordable healthy lifestyles.” Financial Education o “It would be a good idea to teach young people how to get a job and manage their money.” o “Teaching people how to save money and what kind of investments to make.” o “I would support educational programs to improve students’ understanding of personal finance like banking, credit cards, etc.”

23 OSU Extension Service

24 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Organization Responsible for the Overall Administration of Extension Programs in Oregon 24 2006: 40% 1998: 28% 1992: 34% 1986: 34%

25 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Familiarity with OSU Extension Service 25

26 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 26 In a few words, what comes to mind when you think of the OSU Extension Service? Crop/agriculture/farming information (18%) o “A valuable organization for information on gardening, ranching, and farming.” o “Its a great organization for farmers and anybody who wants to take advantage of it.” o “If you have a question about farming they're always there to answer your questions and help you.” Gardening Information (14%) o “First people I’d contact for gardening tips.” o “They give advice on anything that has to do with food, cooking, gardening, and health issues.” o “They have signs everywhere saying to call if you need help with gardening.”

27 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Past Use of OSU Extension Service 27

28 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 Last Contact or Use of the OSU Extension Service 28

29 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 29 What did you contact or use the Extension Service for? Gardening/weed control information (45%) o “We use it for our farm. We use them for any weed problems like what kind of spray for the crops.” o “A source to ask about specific issues with gardening.” 4H (10%) o “I've been involved in 4H and other programs.” o “I wanted to know about the 4H re-enrollment for the new year.” Canning food/food Safety Information (8%) o “Getting information on canning food and to find out about safety requirements.”


31 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 31 Familiarity with the OSU Extension Service was mixed. Unprompted, 36% correctly identified OSU as the organization responsible for the overall administration of Extension programs across the state. o This was a slight decline from 2006: 40%. Upon being told that the OSU Extension Service administers Extension programs in Oregon, six in ten (61%) said they had heard of the organization before taking the survey. o Familiarity with the OSU Extension Service on both questions (unprompted and prompted) tended to be higher among older residents, those who had lived in Oregon the longest, and residents with higher levels of education. o These were also the same groups who had contacted or used the OSU Extension Service in the past at the highest rates.

32 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 32 Residents were most likely to associate the OSU Extension Service with programs related to gardening and agriculture. Open-ended, residents who had heard of the OSU Extension Service before taking the survey said they most associate it with crop/agriculture/farming information (18%) and gardening information (14%). The OSU Extension Service came up most frequently for referring friends for questions about farming, ranching, or livestock (21%) and identifying and getting rid of non-native plants, animals, or insects (19%). o These have been the top-two subjects dating back to 1986. Among residents who had contacted or used the OSU Extension Service in the past, the top reason given for doing so was to obtain gardening/weed control information (45%).

33 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 33 Residents were most likely to have searched online to obtain information to help with their job or personal life. Roughly nine in ten (87%) said they had searched online using a search engine like Google or Bing, making this the top resource. o High-tech informational sources (social media, downloaded apps, webinars) saw higher usage among Metro-area residents than from those in other regions of the state. Having searched online using a search engine like Google or Bing was higher than 80% among the majority of demographic groups including all regions of the state, with notably high rates among those ages 18-34 (95-99%) and Hispanics (97%), and lowest among those ages 65 and older (65%; though still a strong majority).

34 DHM Research | OSU ES Statewide Survey, January 2014 34 Residents were asked about 9 issues and funding educational programs to help deal with them. The highest mean score provided was for programs for developing responsibility, leadership, and other life skills among Oregon youth (7.6). o This was similar to the 1998 and 2006 studies, in which residents were provided the same list of educational programs and when told they could fund only one, youth development was the top priority. Only two programs received mean scores higher than 7.0 across all areas of the state: Programs focused on developing responsibility, leadership, and other life skills among Oregon youth and programs focused on keeping our water plentiful and of high quality (up from 2006). In DHM’s recent 2013 Oregon Values and Beliefs Project, strong support was shown for educational programs for developing similar life skills among Oregon youth, as well as for government action to promote and maintain clean water.

35 Adam Davis & Ari Wubbold (503) 220-0575 @DHMresearch

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