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By: Melanie and Sarah. Carbohydrates (cont.) Simple : Also called sugars Easier to digest than complex For short energy Found in candy, fruit, dairy,etc…

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Presentation on theme: "By: Melanie and Sarah. Carbohydrates (cont.) Simple : Also called sugars Easier to digest than complex For short energy Found in candy, fruit, dairy,etc…"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Melanie and Sarah

2 Carbohydrates (cont.) Simple : Also called sugars Easier to digest than complex For short energy Found in candy, fruit, dairy,etc… Complex: Also called starches Healthier than sugars Lasts longer than sugars Found in grains, potatoes, corn, etc…

3 Fats Helps people feel full Building blocks of hormones Energy source Helps absorb vitamins Helps brain and nervous system develop Types: Saturated (good) Unsaturated (bad) Trans (worst)

4 Fat (cont.) Saturated Fat: Found in plant foods and fish Good for heart health Found in oils,albacore tuna, salmon etc… Unsaturated Fat: Found in meat and animal products Raises blood cholesterol Increase the risk of heart disease Found in butter, cheese, and milk Trans Fat: Found in baked goods, snack and fried foods Raises cholesterol

5 Protein Builds, maintains, and replaces the tissues Muscles, your organs, and your immune system need it Constantly broken down and replaced Used to create parts of blood cells Builds cardiac muscle (makes your heart stronger) Contains 22 essential amino acids Types: Complete Incomplete

6 Protein (cont.) Complete proteins: Also called high quality proteins Provides all essential amino acids Found in meat, fish, dairy products, etc… Incomplete proteins: Low in essential amino acids Two or more create enough amino acids found in nuts, seeds, legumes (black beans, lentils) etc…

7 Fibre Helps weight loss and digestion Indigestible nurturance Two types: Insoluble Soluble

8 Fibre (cont.) Soluble: Oats brown and bran, rice, barley dried beans and peas, etc… Makes you feel full longer Insoluble: Whole-wheat breads,cereals, fruits, & corn bran, etc.. Decreases blood cholesterol

9 Minerals  Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy  2 major types: -Trace - Macro  Trace - Iodine, Copper, Zinc  Macro - Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Iron

10 Minerals (cont.) Macro minerals: Body needs large amounts  Calcium: Builds strong bones - In dairy foods  Iron: Helps red blood cells & oxygen move around - In red meats  Sodium: Helps blood pressure & muscles - In meats, bread, cheese, etc.  Potassium: Helps maintain proper fluid balance - In fruits, veg, nuts, etc.

11 Minerals (cont.) Trace minerals: Body needs a very little amount  Copper: Helps maintain blood vessels - In seafood, veg, etc.  Iodine: Helps produce energy - Also in seafood, veg, etc.  Zinc: Helps cells & tissues - In meat, seafood, eggs, etc

12 Vitamins Organic compounds essential for growth In most foods, healthier foods have more Two main types:  Fat soluble (A, D, E & K) -Dissolve in fat -Stored in body  Water soluble (C & B) -Dissolve in water -Pass through body

13 Vitamins (cont.) Vitamin A Helps eyesight & fights infections In orange, green, red fruits & veg Vitamin B 8 types Helps make energy & red blood cells In green veg, dairy, meat, grains, etc. Vitamin C Most animals can produce their own Helps cuts & body tissues heal In citrus fruits, green veg & red peppers

14 Vitamins (cont.)  Vitamin D Helps body absorb calcium Keeps bones strong In milk, fish, eggs, etc.  Vitamin E Helps fight off diseases Protects red blood cells & tissues In whole grains, vegetable oils, nuts, etc.  Vitamin K -Helps prevent heart disease -Makes blood clot, it helps stop bleeding -In green veg, dairy, etc.

15 Water (H2O)  Is in almost every food  75% of our body weight  Suppresses your appetite  Helps bloodstream flow through vessels  Regulates body temperature  Carries nutrients & oxygen to cells  Helps you digest

16 Bibliography information/foods/48684.html information/foods/48684.html 5&n 5&n water-and-how.html water-and-how.html e_and_water_soluble_vitamins#ixzz1lcj3QSE5 e_and_water_soluble_vitamins#ixzz1lcj3QSE5

17 Thanks for watching!

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