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Chapter 1, Section 1 Objectives What is the goal of science? What is a hypothesis?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1, Section 1 Objectives What is the goal of science? What is a hypothesis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1, Section 1 Objectives What is the goal of science? What is a hypothesis?

2 Vocabulary Create a flash card for the following terms: Science Observation Data Inference Hypothesis

3 What is the Goal of Science? To investigate and understand nature, to explain events in nature, and to use those explanations to make useful predictions Science is an ORGANIZED way of using evidence to learn about the natural world.

4 Observations Science starts with observation – Observation involves using the 5 senses to gather information – Can be quantitative (numbers) or qualitative (not numerical, more descriptive) – All of this information is gathered as DATA, or evidence – What are the 5 senses??

5 INTERACTIVE Monster Activity

6 Interpreting the Evidence Scientists must make inferences based on the observations. Inferences are a logical, unbiased, interpretation based on prior knowledge, experience, and observation Examples of Inferences: – You see a broken window and a baseball laying on the floor under the window. You INFER that the baseball broke the window.

7 INFERENCE - a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge * Drawing a conclusion

8 INFERENCE - a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge * Drawing a conclusion

9 INFERENCE - a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge * Drawing a conclusion

10 Explaining the Evidence A HYPOTHESIS is a possible explanation or answer to a scientific question. A Hypothesis must be TESTABLE. Examples: 1. Purina food will reduce a dog's shedding. 2. Putting Miracle Grow on tomato plants will make them produce more tomatoes. 3. The drug Avapro will lower a person's blood pressure.

11 Examples of Hypotheses Examples GoodBad Plants will grow taller with Miracle Grow. Plants will grow better when given Miracle Grow. Girls will score higher on math tests than boys. Girls are smarter than boys. Hermit crabs will choose colorful shells over plain shells. Hermit crabs like colorful shells.

12 INTERACTIVE Write a hypothesis for the experiment below: – A scientist is going to measure toy car speed on a ramp. He is going to test if the size of the wheel affects the speed of the toy car going down a ramp. He has a regular toy car, a toy car with extra large wheels, and a toy car with mini-wheels. – What is your hypothesis??

13 Identify the GOOD hypotheses Copy the good hypotheses and explain why it is good. Plants will grow taller with sunlight. Boys like video games. 9 th graders are smarter than middle school students. Dogs will run faster after eating a bone. Bounty paper towels are stronger than the store brand. Cats are good mouse hunters.

14 Quick Check What is the goal of science? What is a hypothesis? Write a hypothesis for the following question: Which environment do ants prefer— moist or dry?

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