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Related Issue 4 To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization? In our studies of related issue #4 we will consider the following: Human.

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Presentation on theme: "Related Issue 4 To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization? In our studies of related issue #4 we will consider the following: Human."— Presentation transcript:

1 Related Issue 4 To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization? In our studies of related issue #4 we will consider the following: Human Rights, Democracy and Globalization To what extent have democracy and human rights shaped, and been shaped by globalization? Global Awareness To what extent does global awareness affect quality of life? Global Connections To what extent do global connections affect people? Global Citizen To what extent should citizens respond to globalization?

2 U4L1 Learn the Terms Refer to Chapter 13 for the answers Basic Needs Inalienable Universal Declaration of Human Rights Human trafficking Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Cannot be taken away The basis of UN policy since 1948 that defines the rights to which every human is equally entitles (civil, equality, social, cultural rights) Recruiting, transporting, harbouring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them. 1982 Canadian Charter that guarantees political and civil rights for Canadians. People’s basic needs including food, clothing, shelter and water.

3 Global Awareness Primary Focus #1 Effective Governance and Human Rights Respect for human rights Institutions, such as courts, that protect citizens Incorrupt police forces Parliaments that represent citizen goals Do the following examples demonstrate effective governance?


5 Human Rights Violations… Human rights advocates agree that, sixty years after its issue, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is still more a dream than reality. Violations exist in every part of the world. For example, Amnesty International’s 2009 World Report and other sources show that individuals are: Tortured or abused in at least 81 countries Face unfair trials in at least 54 countries Restricted in their freedom of expression in at least 77 countries

6 Examples of violations of six Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights … Right to Live Free… In Brazil in 2007, according to official figures, police killed at least 1,260 individuals—the highest total to date. All incidents were officially labeled “acts of resistance” and received little or no investigation. No Slavery… In northern Uganda, the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) guerrillas have kidnapped 20,000 children over the past twenty years and forced them into service as soldiers or sexual slaves for the army. No Torture… In 2008, US authorities continued to hold 270 prisoners in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, without charge or trial, subjecting them to “water-boarding,” torture that simulates drowning. Former-President George W. Bush authorized the CIA to continue secret detention and interrogation, despite its violation of international law.

7 Since 1986, over 30,000 boys and girls have been abducted in Northern Uganda and forced to become soldiers, laborers and sex slaves.

8 A child soldier rides back to his base in Ituri Province, northeastern Congo.

9 Freedom to Move… In Myanmar, thousands of citizens were detained, including 700 prisoners of conscience, most notably Nobel Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. In retaliation for her political activities, she has been imprisoned or under house arrest for twelve of the last eighteen years, and has refused government offers of release that would require her to leave the country. Freedom of Expression… Since 2000, the murders of seventeen journalists, all critical of Russian government policies and actions, remain unsolved. Right to Democracy… In Cuba, at the end of 2007, sixty two prisoners of conscience remained incarcerated for their nonviolent political views or activities.

10 Since December 2006, abductions and "disappearances" have risen rapidly in Sri Lanka, with government security forces frequently implicated.

11 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Watch the following video and answer the following question, what are human rights and how can they best be achieved for all? IQ Whose responsibility is it to respond to the concerns of human rights around the world?

12 Global Awareness Primary Focus #2 Extreme Poverty is a lack of basic human needs such as adequate food, clothing, housing, clean water and health services.

13 More than 1.2 billion people (1 in every 5) survive on less than $1 a day. Over 800 million people go to bed hungry every day…300 million are children. The Facts of Poverty…

14 Continued facts of poverty - lack of opportunities… Have you every wondered as you put on your running shoes, what life might be like for the person who made them? High profile companies like Nike, set minimum standards for working conditions in factories that produce their goods.


16 Annual Cost of… Eliminating hunger globally: $19 billion. Providing education for every kid on earth: $12 billion. Providing access to water and sanitation: $15 billion. Reversing the spread of AIDS and Malaria: $23 billion.

17 US Consumer Spending in... Coffee Shops: $4 billion Electronic and Appliance Stores: $82 billion Florists: $6.6 billion Shoe Stores: $22 billion US Defence Spending: $522 billion

18 Assignment for this week SS101 Complete and submit the chapter questions. SS102 Complete the chapter questions. No need to submit.

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