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Hooke Court December 2013 Year 4 Residential Trip Mon 2 nd Dec - Wed 4 th Dec 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Hooke Court December 2013 Year 4 Residential Trip Mon 2 nd Dec - Wed 4 th Dec 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hooke Court December 2013 Year 4 Residential Trip Mon 2 nd Dec - Wed 4 th Dec 2013

2 Staffing Miss Babra (Leading) Mr Schofield (DTL/First Aider) Mrs Severn (HLTA) Mrs Sheen (First Aider) Mrs Law (TA/SNA Support) Ms Hales (SNA) Mrs Mitchell (Former CT) 50 children therefore an adult to pupil ratio of 1:7.

3 ‘Life in Tudor Times’ Aims: To give children a deeper insight into the lives of those in Tudor times through role play and activities. Promoting and developing independence. Learning to care for themselves. Develop team work skills.

4 Accommodation The Manor House: - cloakroom. - children's dormitories. - en suite toilets and showers. - staff rooms.

5 Accommodation Continued New Block: Consists of adult and children’s room. 2 adults will be in the new block with 1 group of children. All rooms en-suite.

6 The Manor House Accommodation block

7 The Out-House Room Plan

8 The Outside Area Set in the large grounds of the Manor House. Large open spaces – some space specifically for us.

9 Itinerary Monday (Approximate timings): Arrive at school: 7.30am. Leave school at 8.00am. Stop en route for snack. 12.00pm - Arrive at centre, have lunch and unpack. 1.30pm: Intro to Hooke Court Manor at Christmas. 1.30pm: School Room Activities. 4.00pm: Free Time. 5.30pm: Evening meal. 6.30pm: Murder at Hooke Court (Investigation game).

10 Itinerary Tuesday (Approximate timings): 8.00am: Breakfast 9.30: Intro to Hooke Court Manor at Christmas/Cooking and Drama. 9.30am: Making a Kissing Bough/Tudor Writing/Making a Pocket. 12:30pm: Lunch 1.30 – 4.00pm:Morning activities reversed. 4.00pm: Free time. 5.30pm: Christmas Tudor Feast – dressing up 6.30pm: Mummers’ Play Performance.

11 Itinerary Wednesday (Approximate timings): 9.30 – 11.30: Costumes and Dancing 12.00: Lunch and depart. Arrive back at school approximately 4.00pm.

12 What is a ‘Mummers Play?’ A traditional English folk play, of a type often associated with Christmas and popular in the 18th and early 19th centuries. The plot typically features Saint George and involves the miraculous resurrection of a character. Mummers is the name given the group of actors who performed the plays.

13 What is a ‘Kissing Bough?’ A Kissing Bough is a traditional Christmas decoration in England. Also called a Christmas-bough or mistletoe-bough, it has the shape of a sphere or globe with a frame made of wire.

14 Food Packed Lunch for first day – children to bring this with them, as well as a drink and snack for when we stop on the way. Breakfast: Cereals Toast Dinner: Home cooked food. Lunch: Sandwiches Fruit Crisps Yoghurt

15 Kit List Please see the detailed list in your information pack. Children need to be prepared for Winter weather. Many activities inside but some will be outside and there will obviously be opportunity for free time outside if weather is reasonable. Children can bring up to £5 pocket money in a labelled purse or envelope. Please hand this in to Mrs Severn on the Monday. PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING! YOU MAY NOT GET IT BACK OTHERWISE!

16 Tudor Costumes Please make sure you have packed your Tudor costumes. The costumes need to be ready to be worn on the day we arrive (Monday).

17 Letters If you would like to, it is a lovely idea to put a letter in their bag that they will find when they unpack on Monday evening. They will have the chance to write to you so please provide them with envelopes with the address and stamps on already. The address of the centre is provided on the next slide so that you can send letters too.

18 Hooke Court Contact Details: Telephone: 01308 862260 (Normal Office Hours). Email: Write to: Hooke Court Hooke Nr Beaminster Dorset DT8 3NX ALL DETAILS AVAILABLE ON HOOKE COURT WEBSITE!

19 What Not To Bring! Electronic games. Mobile phones. Cameras. Sweets and treats.

20 Medical Staff at Hooke Court are First Aid trained. Please ensure that the medical form you received includes all relevant medical needs. If possible, please hand medicines to the office, labelled, on the Friday prior to trip.

21 Any Questions …

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