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1 Practical Ideas for Assessing Pupils’ Progress in Science Finstall Centre 20 th September 2010 Charlotte Walmsley

2 2 Primary Science APP

3 Investigating Materials Give children an interesting bag of materials to look at and talk about AF1 – Thinking Scientifically (L2) Draw on observations and ideas to offer answers to questions Make comparisons between basic features or components of objects, living things or events Sort and group objects, living things or events based on what they have observed. AF3 – Communicating and collaborating in science (L2) Use simple scientific vocabulary to describe their ideas and observations

4 Science Investigation Cards ulum/science-file-storage-items/primary-science- file-store/science-speak-investigation-cards.en ulum/science-file-storage-items/primary-science- file-store/science-speak-investigation-cards.en Produced by Coventry LA

5 Use the Investigation cards to discuss the following problem Joe and Fred want to find out how they can make their Go kart go as far as possible. They are trying to think of all the things they could do to make the Go kart give them a really long ride. They would like to know what will have the biggest affect on the distance that they travel.

6 Assessment Focus Skills Strand Links AF4 – Using Investigative Approaches (L3) Identify one or more control variables in investigations from those provided. Select equipment or information sources from those provided to address a question or idea under investigation. Make some accurate observations or whole number measurements relevant to questions or ideas under investigation. AF5 – Working Critically with evidence (L3) Identify straightforward patterns in observations or in data presented in various formats, including tables, pie and bar charts Describe what they have found out in experiments or investigations, linking cause and effect Suggest improvements to their working methods

7 Daisy, Daisy Activity reproduced from Lincolnshire School Improvement service materials. Cut out paper flower, then fold petals (not creased too sharply) into the centre. Place paper flower on to a plate of water. What Assessment Focuses could this simple activity help you to assess? 7 Primary Science APP

8 Primary Upd8 Standard yearly subscription - £120 + VAT ASE member yearly subscription - £30 + VAT


10 Getting to Grips with Graphs £36 (or £30 with ASE membership) Available from ASE website.

11 Getting to Grips with Graphs AF1 – Thinking scientifically (L4) Use scientific ideas when describing simple processes or phenomena Identify scientific evidence that is being used to support or refute ideas or arguments AF5 – Working critically with evidence (L4) Identify patterns in data presented in various formats, including line graphs. Draw straight forward conclusions from data presented in various formats.

12 More Useful Resources Science Enquiry Games Concept cartoons Active Assessment (all three available from Millgate House Publishing) Smart Science (available from ce/ ce/ Science in the news – Edulink  Science  Resources

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