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Abdominal Biopsy Techniques

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1 Abdominal Biopsy Techniques
KAKUI Shigeru DVM Miyazaki JAPAN

2 Good Oncology Practice

3 Accuracy of Biopsy (Low to High)
FNA Needle Punch Incisional biopsy Excisional biopsy

4 Patient Risk (Low to High)
FNA Needle Punch Incisional biopsy Excisional biopsy

5 Biopsy Always the surgeons responsibility!

6 Value of Biopsy “If the histological diagnosis is incorrect,every subsequent step in the management of the patient may also be incorrect”

7 Positive Attitude “give the patient the benefit of doubt”
“do not doom the patient without knowing what you are treating”

8 Common Excuses for not Performing Biopsy
“the owner refuse to pay for it” “the result will not matter anyway” I know the owners will not elect adjunctive therapy anyway” “no matter what it is, the animal will eventually die from it anyway” “pathologists are always wrong”

9 Withrow “if a mass warrants surgical removal, it warrant tissue analysis”

10 Medical Oncologist “there is no body cavity which cannot be reached by a strong arm and a 16 gauge needle”

11 Multidisciplinaly Approach-Cancer
Oncologist Nutritionist Surgeon Radiologist Pathologist

12 Abdominal Exploration
Complete your exploration first unless: Active hemorrhage Gross contamination Lesion obstructs vision

13 Incisional vs. Excisional Biopsy
Decision Making: 1.Will full excision be potentially curative? 2.Will excision of entire lesion improve patient’s condition

14 Incisional vs. Excisional Biopsy
Decision Making: 3.Will excision cause significant problems? Hemorrhage, ischemia, increase operative time 4.Is there hope for success with non surgical treatments?

15 Excisional Biopsy-Advantages
“If in doubt, cut it out” 1.Less seeding tumor cells 2.Diagnostic and therapeutic

16 Incisiosional Biopsy Conciderations
Need diagnosis before excision? Type or extent of treatment altered Client consent for treatment altered Reconstruction difficult Likelihood for morbidity or mortality

17 When to Biopsy Abnormal tissue Appearance
Supports reason for exploratory Tumor staging; metastatic involvement

18 When to Biopsy Normal tissue Appearance
Potential for involvement of “normal” appearing tissue Diagnostics indicate disease in “normal” appearing tissue

19 Where to Biopsy Sample lesion including “normal” adjacent tissue
Sample various areas in diffuse conditions, Inflammatory or infected tissue

20 Equipment and Materials
Bakers biopsy punch Needle punch biopsy Gelfoam Suture material General surgery pack

21 Principles of Biopsy Limit tumor seeding Control contamination
Minimize manipulation Provide representative sample Do not limit Surgicul excision

22 Biopsy Tips Hemorrhage Control Digital pressure
Ligate local supplying vessesls Gelfoam Omental “tack”technique

23 Biopsy Tips Minimize Sample Artifact Stay suture manipulation
Use 4x4 sponges as “cutting board”

24 Proper Biopsy Preparation
Cut into sections after excision Specimens<1cm thick 1:10 ratio formalin: tissue volume

25 Liver Biopsy General indications Liver size changes
Abnormal laboratory tests Benign vs. Malignant processes Assess liver disease Evaluation treatment of liver disease

26 Open Liver Biopsy Excisional biopsy; primary hepatic neoplasms, singular metastatic nodules Incisional biopsy; diffuse diseases, multiple nodules

27 Liver Biopsy Contraindication; Coagulation abnormalities
No bleeding tendencies;Screen activated clotting time,platelet count Suspect bleeder; coagulation profile treat first.

28 Baker’s Biopsy Punch Technique
Isolated liver lesion Deeply located lesion

29 Guillotine Method Difuse liver disease Isolated lesion at periphery

30 Spleen Biopsy Indications; Excisional biopsy Large splenic masses
Incisional biopsy Difuse disease Regenerative vs. malignant processes

31 Spleen Biopsy Bakers Punch Technique Guillotine Technique
Mattress Suture Technique TA stapler Technique

32 Hollow Organ Biopsy Principles; Gentle Tissue Handling
Full thickness samples Protect against contamination Protect “otomy” site?

33 Intestinal Biopsy Indications
Single Biopsy Solitary, viable, and nonobstructive amendable to resection Multiple biopsies Diffuse processes

34 Intestinal Biopsy Technique
Proper preparation 1-2cm length antimesenteric enterotomy Prevent excess mucosal eversion Do not remove >20% circumference

35 Intestinal Closure Remove everted muccosa
Appositional, noncrushing pattern Transverse vs. longitudinal closure Omentum or serosal patch coverage

36 Pancreatic Biopsy Principles; Gentle handling Preserve blood supply
Avoid duct areas No electrocoagulation

37 Pancreatic Biopsy Indications
Excisional Biopsy Solitary nodules Incisional Biopsy Diffuse involvement Benign vs. malignant processes Lesions near duct areas

38 Pancreatic Biopsy Techniques
Shave biopsy technique Guillotine or suture fracture Peripheral tissue lesions Diffuse lesions

39 Pancreatic Biopsy Techniques
Wedge incision technique Needle punch technique Parencymal lesions in body Nonresectable masses

40 Lymph Node biopsy Indications; Lymphadenopathy
Benign vs. malignant proccesses Clinical staging Paraneoplastic proccess

41 Lymph Node biopsy Liac and mesentric nodes most biopsied
Excisional biopsies unless risk vascular compromise Stay suture technique

42 Kidney Biopsy Principles Adequate patient prep.
Ensure normal coagulation function Avoid hilar area

43 Kidney Biopsy Indications Acute vs. chronic disease

44 Kidney Biopsy Techniques Needle Punch Biopsy Less hemorrhage, easier
Wedge Biopsy(Preferred) More consistent samples More hemorrhage

45 Prostatic Biopsy Principles Avoid central located urethral area
Contain contamination, tumor cells Examine median iliac LN Minimal peripheral dissection

46 Incisional Prostatic Biopsy
Indications Benign vs. malignant disease Obtain culture specimen,refractory prostatitis

47 Prostatic Biopsy Techniques Needle Punch Poorly exposed areas
Difficult disease Wedge incision Requires good exposure More hemorrhage

48 Conclusions Full benefits of biopsy:
Surgeon’s ability to fully explore the abdomen and recognize abnormalities Proper indications and technique

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