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UMBC New Approaches to Modeling Optical Fiber Transmission Systems Presented by C. R. Menyuk With R.  M. Mu, D. Wang, T. Yu, and V. S. Grigoryan University.

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Presentation on theme: "UMBC New Approaches to Modeling Optical Fiber Transmission Systems Presented by C. R. Menyuk With R.  M. Mu, D. Wang, T. Yu, and V. S. Grigoryan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 UMBC New Approaches to Modeling Optical Fiber Transmission Systems Presented by C. R. Menyuk With R.  M. Mu, D. Wang, T. Yu, and V. S. Grigoryan University of Maryland Baltimore County Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department Baltimore, MD 21250

2 UMBC New Approaches to Modeling Optical Fiber Transmission Systems Presented by V. S. Grigoryan With R.  M. Mu, D. Wang, T. Yu, and C. R. Menyuk University of Maryland Baltimore County Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department Baltimore, MD 21250

3 UMBC Professors Gary Garter Curtis Menyuk Associates Vladimir Grigoryan Edem Ibragimov Pranay Sinha Students Ronald Holzlöhner Ivan Lima, Jr. Ruomei Mu Yu Sun Ding Wang Tao Yu Current research group

4 UMBC A Decade Ago System with Electronic Repeaters 500 Mb/s looked achievable; 100 Mb/s was achieved Only attenuation mattered in fibers – fibers were a transparent pipe Repeaters had limited bandwidth (WDM and upgrading impossible) – Cost and complexity rose dramatically with data rate – spacings of 20 km were required RRR 20 km

5 UMBC Today System with Erbium-doped amplifiers 1 Tbit/s looks achievable; 200 Gbits/s achieved Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is possible and becoming widely used (200 Gb/s = 80 channels  2.5 Gb/s) Fiber dispersion, nonlinearity, and polarization effects all accumulate! Fiber impairments set the limits on what is achievable – nonlinearity is strong and hard to model properly. 50 km or more

6 UMBC What formats should be used? 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 Non-return to zero (NRZ) (close to zero dispersion) Solitons (anomalous dispersion) vs. 1101001

7 UMBC Approaches are converging! Solitons and NRZ resemble each other – solitons dispersion-managed solitons – NRZ phase- and amplitude-modulated pulses 011100111001110 01110

8 UMBC What formats should be used? Time-division multiplexed (TDM) 1234567812345678 I t channels Wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels 12345678 I

9 UMBC Fiber impairments Chromatic Dispersion Polarization Effects Nonlinearity ASE noise Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Albrecht Dürer Four Horsemen of Optical Fiber Transmission

10 UMBC Modeling approaches ¶ Multiple scale length methods — for establishing equations · Split-step modeling — often too slow (especially with WDM) ¸ Reduced methods — dealing with many channels, long-term effects, networks

11 UMBC Modeling approaches ¶ Monte Carlo — often too slow · Ito’s method — often does not work ¸ Linearization Randomly varying effects

12 UMBC Multiple Scale Lengths methods Light wavelength 1  m 10  m 100  m 1 mm 10 mm 100 mm 1 m 100 m 10 m 1 km 100 km 10 km 1 Mm 10 Mm 100 Mm Core diameter Pulse durations Polarization beat length Attenuation length Nonlinear length Fiber correlation length Dispersion length FLAG trans-Atlantic Manakov-PMD approximation Slowly varying envelope approximation Maxwell’s equations land link Optical systems have a wide spread in length scales! Scale lengths in fiber transmission

13 UMBC Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Maxwell’s Equations Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Manakov-PMD Equation Averaging over the Poincaré sphere Using the slowly varying envelope approximation

14 UMBC Linearization approach Monte Carlo: Linearization (with small noise): signalnoisecomplicated mix signalnoiseGaussian statistics (nonlinear) (linear)

15 UMBC Comparison of theory & experiment 0 1 2 01000020000 Timing jitter (ps) Distance (km) experiment Monte Carlo simulation our approach

16 UMBC Average Power Approximation With N channels, scaling reduces from N 2 to better than N! Useful for point-to-point systems (Yu, Reimer, and Menyuk; Wang and Menyuk) Critical for network simulations (Bellcore: R. Wagner, I. Roudas, & colleagues)  target channel complete channel averaged channel

17 UMBC With polarization Stokes vector distance (km) simulation theory Evolution of the Stokes vector –0.5 0 0.2 0 10000 –0.5 0 0.2 0 10000 –0.5 0 0.2 0 10000 S 1 S 3 S 2 (a) S 1 S 3 S 2 (b) S 1 S 3 S 2 (c) realistic dispersionlarge dispersion

18 UMBC Reduced Polarization Model ¶ PDL effects calculated — one year ago · Verification of model effectiveness with chromatic dispersion and nonlinearity — now ¸ Inclusion of PMD, PDL, and PDG — in one year

19 UMBC Experimental Applications D L Normal Anomalous Average 1.2 nm Filter AO Switch 60/40 Coupler Input To Receiver PC EDFA Normal Anomalous Dispersion-managed soliton experiments

20 UMBC Theory and experiment Dynamic Evolution in One Round Trip Amplitude Margin experimental theoretical experimental theoretical

21 UMBC Normal dispersion solitons: A B 0 10 20 00.2  D=110  D=100  D=90  D=80  D=70  D=60 Pulse energy Average dispersion — Solitons exist in the normal dispersion regime — These solutions are stable Intensity 0 Time – 5 5 10000 0 5000 1 0.001 At point B: Distance

22 UMBC World record experiment 20 Gbit/s: BER < @ 20 Mm 20 Gbit/s input 10 Gbit/s Demux output (20 Mm) experimental theoretical 1 Bit 0 Bit

23 UMBC Conclusions ¶Optical fiber transmission systems are rapidly changing · Good modeling has become critical ¸ Enormous strides have been made

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