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Presentation on theme: "V1/23m04 WATER QUALITY MONITORING FOR COLIFORM AND OTHER RELEVANT PARAMETERS IN THE PHILIPPINES Ella S. Deocadiz Environmental Management Bureau Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY MONITORING FOR COLIFORM AND OTHER RELEVANT PARAMETERS IN THE PHILIPPINES Ella S. Deocadiz Environmental Management Bureau Department of Environment and Natural Resources June 2004

2 v1/23m04 OBJECTIVES OF WATER QUALITY MONITORING IN THE PHILIPPINES -To protect the environment and human health from the effects of low water quality; -To establish baseline data and provide the latest/updated information on the quality of bathing beaches; -To check if water quality of water bodies meet the officially promulgated water quality objectives and criteria; and -To initiate corrective and other actions to improve water quality.

3 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY CRITERIA Rules and Regulations (DAO 34/1990) Classification and Relevant Beneficial Uses related to recreational waters -Class B: Recreational Water Class I. For primary contact recreation such as bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc. (particularly those designated for tourism purposes) -Class SB: Recreational Water Class I. Areas regularly used by the public for bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc.

4 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY CRITERIA Rules and Regulations (DAO 34/1990) Classification and Relevant Beneficial Uses related to recreational waters -Class C: Recreational Water Class II. For boating, etc. -Class SC: Recreational Water Class II. For boating, etc.

5 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY CRITERIA Recreational criteria values for selected parameters Class BClass C Coliform, Fecal, MPN/100mL 200 - Coliform, Total, MPN/100 mL 1,000 5,000 DO, mg/L 5.0 5.0 DO, % saturation 70 60 pH 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 Temperature, max. rise in deg. C 3 3

6 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY CRITERIA Recreational criteria values for selected parameters Class SBClass SC Coliform, Fecal, MPN/100mL 200 - Coliform, Total, MPN/100 mL 1,000 5,000 DO, mg/L 5.0 5.0 DO, % saturation 70 70 pH 6.0-8.5 6.0-8.5 Temperature, max. rise in deg. C 3 3

7 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES Manila Bay Period covered : 1985-1991; 1996-present Parameters:Fecal and total coliform, DO, pH, Temperature, Heavy metals, Nutrients, Oil and grease, Salinity, Temperature, POPs Media : Seawater, Sediment, Shellfish, Benthos

8 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES Frequency: Bathing Water Quality in Eastern & Western Manila Bay Seawater - Fecal and total coliform (Monthly) Heavy Metals & POPs Analyses in Shellfishes Shellfish - Heavy metals (As, Cu, Hg, Pb) [Quarterly-1985- 1991; Semi annually - 1996-present] - POPs (Semi-annually every 3 years,1996-present)

9 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES Frequency: Offshore Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Heavy metals, i.e. As, Cu, Hg, Pb (Quarterly) POPs (Semi-annually every 3 years, 1996 – present) Seawater DO, Nutrients, Oil and grease, pH, Salinity, Temperature (Quarterly) Benthos (Semi-annually, 1996 - present)

10 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES Frequency: Central Outfall Monitoring Seawater DO, pH, Fecal and total coliform, Salinity, Temperature (Monthly/Quarterly) Southern Outfall Monitoring Seawater DO, Fecal and total coliform, pH, Salinity, Temperature (Monthly/Quarterly)

11 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES Other Beach Areas: 20 bays/resorts (until 2003) 57 major bathing beaches (1st quarter of 2004) Period covered: 2003 - present Parameters: Fecal and total coliform, DO, pH, Temperature, TDS, TS, TSS, BOD, Color, Phosphate, Turbidity Follow up action: -LGUs advised on areas exceeding water quality criteria (WQC) for bathing purposes - On-going monitoring activities

12 v1/23m04 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES MMT – Nationwide, for ECPs Period covered : 1990 - present Parameters: General: BOD, Oil and Grease, pH, Temperature,TSS Other parameters: Fecal & total coliform, DO, etc. depending on project type) Follow up action: Proponent officially informed re: exceedances to institute mitigating measures; if proponent takes no action within specified period, EMB issues NOV in consultation with EQD/PAB

13 v1/23m04 CAPABILITY OF EMB LABORATORIES IN WATER QUALITY MONITORING Fecal and Total Coliform6 labs (Total = 17) DOall labs pHall labs Temperatureall labs

14 v1/23m04 CAPABILITY OF DENR RECOGNIZED LABORATORIES IN WATER QUALITY MONITORING Fecal and Total Coliform20 labs (Total = 31) DO26 labs pH31 labs Temperature23 labs

15 v1/23m04 ISSUES/RECOMMENDATIONS -Sustainability of beach monitoring -Involvement of other stakeholders -Adoption of other monitoring parameters that could be measured by other stakeholders (e.g., litter, macro biota, etc.) -Adoption and use of more rapid testing methods for microbiological monitoring, i.e., < 24 h turnaround time -Capacity building for monitoring and identification of solutions to pollution problems in beaches.

16 v1/23m04 Salamat po!

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