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Welcome to First Grade. Absences/Tardies Classes begin at 7:50. Your child is tardy after 8:01. Breakfast ends at 8:10. If your son or daughter is absent,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to First Grade. Absences/Tardies Classes begin at 7:50. Your child is tardy after 8:01. Breakfast ends at 8:10. If your son or daughter is absent,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to First Grade

2 Absences/Tardies Classes begin at 7:50. Your child is tardy after 8:01. Breakfast ends at 8:10. If your son or daughter is absent, please send a note explaining why or a doctor’s note.

3 Transportation We know from time to time it is necessary to make changes in your child’s transportation arrangements, but it is extremely important to send a note in the morning or call the office before 2 pm that day to make any changes. Please no voice mail!

4 Medications Please do not send ANY medicine to school with your child. If it is necessary for your child to take medication while at school, a parent must bring the medication directly to the school nurse and fill out an authorization form.  This includes: cough drops, Tylenol, Advil, allergy medicines, etc.

5 COLTS Behavior C are for property (school, others and self) O wn my choices L isten and follow directions T reat others with respect S tay on task

6 COLTS Behavior System The students will begin the day with 4 sticks/cards. There will be a number that is noted on your child’s behavior chart showing how many sticks/cards they moved during the day. 4 sticks/clips – Your child had a GREAT DAY! 3 stick/clips – Warning 2 sticks/clips – Note Home 1 sticks/clips - No recess and note/call home 0 sticks/clips - Office referral

7 Birthdays We love to celebrate your child’s special day! Let the teacher know ahead of time. Send only individual items, such as cupcakes, cookies, or individual treats! NO cakes please! If at all possible, please send napkins too! No Juice boxes or pouches (water only).

8 Homework Binder This binder will contain the following: Pencil pouch – to transport supplies for nightly homework Behavior Log/ Reading Calendar – initial daily and put reading minutes Notes - a place for me to comment on behavior Homework – A packet will go home on Monday and is to be returned on Friday. Please check & sign your child’s homework before returning. White Folder- graded/returned work  Please look at this folder daily!

9 Schedule A copy of your child’s daily schedule will be in their binder. Lunch: 10:45 – 11:15 Recess: 1:30-1:45

10 B.E.A.R (Be Excited About Reading!) Have your child read each night (Monday –Thursday) for at least 15 minutes, for a total of 60 minutes or more, and write their minutes on your child’s reading calendar. Keep the reading/behavior calendar in your child’s binder so that it is returned daily. So, READ, READ, READ!!!

11 Baggie Books It is necessary for your child to read every night! DRA Reading Levels (Beginning of Year-3, Middle of Year-10/12, End of Year-16/18) The books that your child will take home, in their Reading Bag, need to be read every night with an adult. By the end of the year, all first graders need to be reading at a fluency of 60+ words per minute. The best way to increase fluency is to read, re-read, re- read, and re-read again!

12 Spelling Grammar Writing Open Court~ phonics

13 Encourages multiple ways to solve the same problems Independent thinking Hands on learning & real life experiences Work on math facts at home! Addition/Subtraction Time & Money App-Bouncepages enVision Math & Guided Math

14 Science Hands on Learning Experiments Science Lab Science, Engineering, and Technology Physical Science Earth Science Life Science

15 Social Studies Families Maps Inventors Texas Holidays Presidents Wants/Needs Neighborhood/Community/States/Country

16 Teacher/Parent Conferences Look for information in email or notes home regarding sign-up for your child’s conference. Volunteers If you plan to be a volunteer on campus or on field trips, you must complete your online background check. You can find it on the Carver website:

17 PTA It’s not to late to sign up! Fundraiser: Sell those CHOCOLATES!!!

18 Thank you for your support! If you have any questions... Please contact your child’s teacher with specific questions or concerns. 512-943-5070 Mrs. Armstrong ext. 8533 Miss Broz ext.8537 Ms. Mitts ext. 8538 Mrs. Terbush ext. 8535 Ms. Walters ext. 8539

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