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The Art of the Designer: creating an effective learning experience HEA Conference University of Manchester 4 July 2012 Rebecca Galley and Vilinda Ross.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art of the Designer: creating an effective learning experience HEA Conference University of Manchester 4 July 2012 Rebecca Galley and Vilinda Ross."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art of the Designer: creating an effective learning experience HEA Conference University of Manchester 4 July 2012 Rebecca Galley and Vilinda Ross

2  Introduction to Viewpoints  Typical walkthrough of the workshop approach  Sharing resources

3 Viewpoints  Viewpoints is a JISC funded curriculum design project  Remit to create a series of reflective tools to promote & enhance effective curriculum design  The tools use a learner timeline with established pedagogical principles and ideas as prompts to help staff consider areas of their curriculum while considering the learner perspective

4 Viewpoints 3 Part Framework  4 Viewpoints Themes  2 Views (Course and Module)  Benefits

5 Assessment and Feedback Theme REAP ( 1.Clarify good performance 2.Encourage time and effort on task 3.Deliver high quality feedback 4.Provide opportunities to act on feedback 5.Encourage interaction and dialogue 6.Develop self-assessment and reflection 7.Give assessment choice 8.Encourage positive motivational beliefs 9.Inform and shape your teaching *Implementation ideas for each principle on back of cards

6 Learner Engagement Theme Principles are based upon the 8 Learning Events Model, LabSET, University of Liège, Belgium 8 Learning Events Model, LabSET, University of Liège, Belgium 1.Receive 2.Create 3.Debate 4.Explore 5.Imitate 6.Experiment 7.Practice 8.Meta-Learn *Implementation ideas for each principle on back of cards

7 Information Skills Theme SCONUL 7 Pillars ( 1.Define the task and understand the topic 2.Identify appropriate resources 3.Search effectively 4.Find and extract information 5.Compare and analyse information 6.Organise and share information ethically 7.Interpret information and create new content *Implementation ideas for each principle on back of cards

8 Creativity and Innovation Theme *Implementation ideas for each principle – work in progress CHEP Creativity Working Group (

9 A typical Viewpoints workshop walkthrough

10 Learner timeline worksheet & resources

11 Discussing the objective  The team agree the objective and write it at the top of the A0 timeline worksheet

12 Reading the front of the cards  The team read the principles on the front of the cards, choosing ones appropriate to their objective

13 Mapping cards to the learner timeline  The team take selected cards and map them to the timeline (e.g. induction phase, during first few weeks of course)

14 Reading examples on cards  The course team turn the cards over and read the examples/ ideas on the back

15 Choosing relevant examples The team select any examples that would fit with their course objective and their teaching practice

16 Adding in own ideas/comments  The team write on any of their own ideas or comments, in order to tailor the examples to their own module

17 Sample finished worksheets

18 Photos

19 Typed up Worksheets

20 Course Teams Benefits “Provides a focus for discussion” “Used Viewpoints to design new curriculum” “Used the cards as a starting point to plan induction classes, helped in organising lesson plans” “Awareness of how valuable Viewpoints cards/timeline are when planning a module, in particular in relation to assessment and feedback” “Greater understanding of what we are looking for collectively” “Visualisation of course in a holistic manner” “Common language that everyone can agree with due to the sound pedagogical principles upon which it is based”

21 Individual Benefits “Shaping and organising thoughts and ideas” “Provide new ideas on enhancing effective learning and feedback” “Learning how to align my module and come up with alternative ideas for teaching and learning” “Clarity around purpose of module and assessment – appropriate challenges that have a secondary impact on marketing and induction processes” “Become more confident and knowledgeable concerning my approach to assessment and module design” “The approach embodied in Viewpoints has increased my understanding of staff experience of supporting students (both academic and support/professional services)”

22 Learner Benefits “Good resources to stimulate discussion” “Scaffolded learning” “To be implemented next academic term” “Opportunity to see things from the learner’s perspective in terms of building in regular feedback” “Identifying what learners should be doing at every stage of lesson” “…early engagement and formative assessment/feedback made the students more independent in their learning and allowed them to process what assessment was measuring and how” “…early engagement of the student in their learning”

23 Learner Benefits “Since the Viewpoints approach…has been adapted to develop a tool for retention and transition strategies and embedded into my University’s regular programme of staff development, I believe there has been a clear improvement in the support for new students in their teaching and learning as well as their wider university experience. Evidence from students provided in our New Arrivals Survey shows increased levels of satisfaction and feelings of belonging and the approach we have taken (thanks in part to Viewpoints) is a factor in this improvement” External Participant

24 In the Viewpoints workshop… AgreementDisagreement/Do n’t Know We articulated better as a team86%14% Our team developed good action plans93%7% We were more creative about course design79%21% I was more confident about sharing ideas83%17% Course Teams (Follow-up Survey) “It assisted a successful validation” “My practice has changed in that I promote every opportunity I can for colleagues to take part in cross-institutional collaboration” “Different modes of assessment considered and implemented”

25 Created at

26 Viewpoints resources site:

27 Viewpoints project blog:


29 Viewpoints Team Dr Alan Masson, Project Director - Catherine O’Donnell, Academic E-Learning Consultant - Dr Vilinda Ross, Research Fellow -

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