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Contraceptive Other Methods By: Jenna Cavanagh and Stephanni Perini.

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Presentation on theme: "Contraceptive Other Methods By: Jenna Cavanagh and Stephanni Perini."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contraceptive Other Methods By: Jenna Cavanagh and Stephanni Perini

2 Vasectomy

3 Contraceptive Film Pros- Dissolves inside the body and is inexpensive. It is still effective for women who smoke and are on other antibiotic and hormonal birth control. Cons- Insertion in proper location can be difficult to women, and does not prevent against STIs.

4 IUD Pros- gives protection as soon as it is inserted. Doesn't need much assistance and only needs to be checked once a month (menstrual period) Can treat heavy flows, and is great against protection. Cons- doesn’t protect against STIs. Best for women who have already had children and don’t intend on having another one. Can sometimes puncture the uterus, and can sometimes cause infection.

5 Spermicide Pros- Doesn’t cost much, and no prescription is needed so there is easy access. Cons- Doesn’t prevent against STIs, and it may increase the risk of HIV infection for women who have intercourse daily. Know if one of the members participating in intercourse is allergic. Lowest pregnancy prevention therefore should be used with another contraceptive (cervical cap)

6 Tubal Ligation Pros- Only one time will prevent pregnancy forever. It is also one of the most effective ways for contraceptive. Cons- A minor surgery procedure. Is not undoable, and if wanting to untie, major surgery must take place which is not always going to be successful. Procedure starts at $1000. EXPENSIVE!

7 Abstinence

8 Rhythm Method Pros- Supported by most religions, while women get to know their bodies better as well as their menstrual cycle. Cons- Does not protect against any kinds of STI.A woman needs to be aware of her menstrual cycle and the timing. Is difficult when the period is irregular.

9 Withdrawal Pros- Allows men to be a part of preventing pregnancy, it is free, and it is easy to do. Cons- Men cannot always predict when they are going to ejaculate. Does not prevent against STIs, and women are not in the control of the prevention.

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