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Acrostic Poems How to write them!. Our lesson today Objectives:Students will be able to: - recognize the differences between verse and prose. -recognize.

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Presentation on theme: "Acrostic Poems How to write them!. Our lesson today Objectives:Students will be able to: - recognize the differences between verse and prose. -recognize."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acrostic Poems How to write them!

2 Our lesson today Objectives:Students will be able to: - recognize the differences between verse and prose. -recognize and identify the figurative language used in a poem(Review). -Understand what an acrostic poem is and write his own poem Outcome: By the end of the lesson you will know what an acrostic poem is and write your own so that it can be shared with the class.

3 To start off, let’s take a look at some of those features that makes poetry look and seem different from prose. First of all, poetry is written in Lines and Stanzas. Even though it’s a bit different, think of these as Sentences and Paragraphs of poetry! Lines (sentences): rows of words written across a page in a poem Stanzas (paragraphs): A group of lines that form the divisions of a poem. You can usually recognize these by the spaces between them.

4 Can you identify from the following two examples which is verse and which is prose. Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you But roses always die And violets shrivel away But forever you will be as sweet As you are today How many lines are in this poem? _____________ How many stanzas are in this poem? _____________ Next, it’s important to understand that a lot of poetry deals with the difference between Literal language: Actually means exactly what it says Figurative language: Uses creative language to be descriptive. Doesn’t actually mean exactly what it says Example: “It’s raining cats and dogs.”

5 Figurative Language ???

6 Mrtaphorsimilepersonification




10 Do we have only one type of poetry?

11 Types of Poetry AcrosticShape Haiku Free Verse Bio

12 Types of Poetry AcrosticShape Haiku Free Verse Bio

13 What is an acrostic poem? Here is an example. Pop Corns P op pop pop popping around O ne after other making a sound P op pop popping I am having so much fun C onstantly shooting like the bullets of a gun O riginally so beautiful and white R idiculously addictive and a nice sight N o one can resist the sensational crunch S o delicious and appetizing when I munch

14 What is an acrostic poem? Answer: An acrostic poem uses the letters in a topic word to begin each line. All the lines of the poem should relate to or describe the topic word.

15 Here’s one I made earlier! S ometimes hard work C ool teachers H omework to be done on time O n Everyday I have Mr Touir O lder students are16, may be 17 L eave with end of preparatory certificate.

16 Now your turn! Each group will have a scrambled acrostic poem. Your Task is to reorder the poem and stick it to the paper given to the group. When you have finished share it with the group sitting next to you. A volunteer from each group to read the poem

17 Now your turn! On your piece of paper write an acrostic poem about a topic you like or about a name given to the group When you have finished share it with the group sitting next to you and then reporters from groups to read them to the class

18 Thank you for your attention. I hope that you enjoyed the lesson. See you next lesson. Teacher: Fethi Touir

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