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Kent Chronicles Suffrage and Prohibition Intertwined Progressive Amendments to the Constitution May, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Kent Chronicles Suffrage and Prohibition Intertwined Progressive Amendments to the Constitution May, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kent Chronicles Suffrage and Prohibition Intertwined Progressive Amendments to the Constitution May, 2013

2 Interconnected Reform Groups Abolitionists Suffragettes Prohibitions Interrelated groups; Suffrage and Prohibition learned about social reform from the Abolitionists, then fed off the energy of one another

3 Women’s Suffrage World Anti-Slavery Convention Seneca Falls, NY The Declaration of Sentiments

4 Education

5 Suffragette Split 15 th Amendment Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucy Stone Julia Ward Howe

6 National American Woman Suffrage Association Carrie Chapman Catt

7 National Woman’s Party Alice Paul Lucy Burns

8 19 th Amendment

9 Now What? League of Women Voters

10 Changing Role for Women More opportunities for work Refused to return to Victorian society Really, this was only in the Cities

11 Switching Gears

12 Prohibition Laws Wartime Prohibition 18 th Amendment Volstead Act

13 Dries Washingtonians Women’s Christian Temperance Movement – Frances Willard – Carrie Nation Prohibition Party Anti-Saloon League

14 Wets The German American League – Adolphus Busch Association Against the Prohibition Amendment Women’s Organization for National Prohibition Reform – Pauline Sabin

15 Everybody Else “Capital T” Total Abstinence Or Scofflaws

16 Unintended Consequences Stockpiled Bootlegging Rum running

17 Organized Crime Al Capone Roy Olmstead Wood Alcohol poisoning

18 DIY Booze Grape Bricks Home Stills Home Brewing

19 Unintended Consequences Loss of Federal Government Revenue

20 Killing Prohibition Speakeasies.

21 21 st Amendment

22 Lest we forget

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