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 Greed and Political Corruption  Concerns over the power of the rich  Worries about corruption  Spoils System  Patronage.

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Presentation on theme: " Greed and Political Corruption  Concerns over the power of the rich  Worries about corruption  Spoils System  Patronage."— Presentation transcript:


2  Greed and Political Corruption  Concerns over the power of the rich  Worries about corruption  Spoils System  Patronage


4  Rutherford B. Hayes 1 st to try reform  James Garfield › Merit  Assassination of Garfield by Charles J. Guiteau 1881  1883 Pendleton Act = Civil Service


6  Regulation of Business and Railroads  Interstate Commerce Act (Commission) › Pools and Rebates  1890 Sherman Antitrust Act


8  Political Bosses  Boss Tweed › $100 million  Thomas Nast › Exposed Tweed  To Spain and back


10  Jacob Riis › Photos of Slums  Ida Tarbell › Targeted Big Business  Standard Oil  Upton Sinclair › The Jungle


12  Not Single Group  No Single Goal  Public Interest  John Dewey › Education › Democratic Values



15  Robert La Follette › Wisconsin Idea › Ex. Lowered railroad rates  Lower Tariffs › Help Consumers  Graduated Income Tax › 16 th Amendment  Direct Election of Senators › 17 th Amendment


17  Not against trusts  Good trusts v. Bad trusts  Brought suits against › Northern Securities Company (railroad) › Standard Oil › American Tobacco Company  Trustbuster  Pennsylvania Coal Miners Strike › 1 st President to side with Labor


19  Election of 1904  Equal Opportunity to Succeed  Businesses › 1906 Railroad rates set by ICC  Consumers › The Jungle  Pure Food and Drug Act › List of Ingredients › End False Advertising  Conservation › National Parks


21  Roosevelt did not run for reelection  Supported Taft  Taft as President › Broke up more trusts › Supported shorter work day  Trouble with progressives › Supported Higher Tariffs › Fired a Forest Service Official


23  Roosevelt runs against Taft  Republicans supported Taft  Progressive Rep. stormed out  Set up new party called Bull Moose Party › Nominated Roosevelt to run  Democrats nominate Woodrow Wilson  Republican candidates got more votes › But Taft and Roosevelt split vote  Wilson wins the election


25  New Freedom › Break up trusts into smaller comp.  Lower Tariffs  Federal Reserve Act › System of Federal Banks  Federal Trade Commission  Clayton Antitrust Act › More against Trusts › Can’t be used against Unions


27  1869 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton set up National Woman Suffrage Association  Late 1800’s women in some western states get suffrage  In the Early 1900’s Carrie Chapman Catt took over with a detailed plan › Suffragists  Alice Paul met with President Wilson  Paul and Rose Winslow started Picketing the White House


29  Wilson finally agreed to support  Constitutional Amendment  19 th Amendment › Passed Congress in 1919 › Gets ¾ states ratification by 1920



32  Temperance Movement  Women opposed because: › Ruined families › Prevented political discussion by women  Bars wouldn’t admit women  WCTU › Frances Willard-President  Carrie Nation › Hatchet


34  By 1917 Congress passed the Prohibition Amendment › 18 th Amendment › Ratified by ¾ states in 1919  Cannot: › Possess › Consume › Transport › Sell › Distribute


36  Progressives did little to help  Jim Crow Laws › Segregation  Prejudice  Discrimination


38  Lynching › Ida B. Wells  Proposed Boycotts  Booker T. Washington › Races live in Harmony › Tuskegee Institute › Learn a trade  WEB Dubois › Agreed with Washington › But need to fight discrimination › NAACP  Jane Adams and Lincoln Steffens


40  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo  Gadsden Purchase  Famine forces Mexicans to US  Barrios  Mutualistas


42  Gold Rush and Railroads  Chinese Exclusion Act  Immigrants came from other Asian nations  Discrimination  Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan  California banned Asian immigrants from owning land


44  Dawes Act › Small Family Farms  Failure › Land not suitable › No tradition › Sold to speculators  Society of American Indians › Teach America about Natives › Mainstream Natives › Abolish Reservations › Opposed by most Natives


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