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ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo1 On the robustness of power law random graphs Hannu Reittu in collaboration with Ilkka Norros, Technical Research Centre of Finland.

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Presentation on theme: "ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo1 On the robustness of power law random graphs Hannu Reittu in collaboration with Ilkka Norros, Technical Research Centre of Finland."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo1 On the robustness of power law random graphs Hannu Reittu in collaboration with Ilkka Norros, Technical Research Centre of Finland (Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, VTT)

2 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo2 Content  Model definition  Asymptotic architecture  The core  Robustness of the core  Main result and a sketch of proof  Corollaries  Conjecture  Resume

3 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo3 References Norros & Reittu, Advances in Applied Prob. 38, pp.59-75, March 2006 Related models and review: Janson-Bollobás-Riordan, 504/0504589.pdf R Hofstad: N.pdf

4 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo4 Classical random graph ( )  Independent edges with equal probability (p N ) pNpN pNpN 1-p N

5 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo5 However,  => degrees ~ Bin(N-1, p N ) ≈ Poisson(Np N )  Internets autonomous systems graph (and many others) have power law degrees  Pr(d>k) ~ k -  With 2 < < 3

6 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo6

7 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo7 Conditionally Poissonian random graph model Sequence of i.i.d., >0,r.v. (the ‘capacities’) number of edges between nodes i and j:

8 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo8 Properties, conditionally on : (i) (ii) (iii) The number of edges between disjoint pairs of nodes are independent

9 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo9  Assume :

10 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo10 Theorem (Chung&Lu; Norros&Reittu):  a.a.s. has a giant component  distance in giant component has the upper bound:, almost surely for large N

11 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo11 Asymptotic architecture  Hierarchical layers:

12 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo12 The ‘core’:

13 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo13 ‘Tiers’: Short (loglog N) paths: Routing in the core: next step to largest degree neighbour

14 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo14 The core  ‘Achilles heel’?

15 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo15 Typical path in the ‘core’ WjWj W j-1 W j-2 i*i*

16 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo16 U j-1 is destroyed WjWj W j-1 W j-2 i*i* X X X

17 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo17 Hypothesis:  has a sub graph, a classical random graph with constant diameter,

18 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo18 Back up WjWj W j-1 W j-2 i*i* X X X

19 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo19 hop counts:  a.a.s. Wj

20 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo20  d j is a constant => asymptotically, the same distance ( )

21 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo21 Proposition:  Fix integer j>0  a.a.s., diam(W j )

22 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo22 Remarks  Back up path in W j has at most d j hops  However, in classical random graph, short paths are hard to find  W j is connected sub graph ('peering')

23 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo23 Sketch of proof:  Use the following result (see: Bollobás, Random Graphs, 2nd Ed. p 263, 10.12)  Suppose that functions and satisfy and Then a.e. (cl. random graph) has diameter d

24 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo24  We have:

25 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo25  Find such d: and => the claim follows

26 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo26 Corollaries  Nodes with are removed => extra steps (u.b.). More precisely:

27 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo27 Can we proceed:

28 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo28 Yes and no  If goes to 0 no quicker that:  With this speed

29 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo29 but  Is too quick!  These tiers are not connected because degrees are too low.

30 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo30 Conjecture  However, has a giant component  And degrees =>  Diameter of g.c. (Chung and Lu 2000), yields u.b.

31 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo31 Resume  Removal of ‘large nodes’ has, eventually, no effect on asymptotic distance up to some point  We can imagine graceful growth in path lengths:  Core ( ) is important! Although:  in cl. random graphs, such events do not matter

32 ABIMarch 1. 2007, Espoo32 Thank You!

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