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Theater Shaping With Allies and Partners: Herman Finley 19 March 2012 Information Technology (IT) and Cyber Security.

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Presentation on theme: "Theater Shaping With Allies and Partners: Herman Finley 19 March 2012 Information Technology (IT) and Cyber Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theater Shaping With Allies and Partners: Herman Finley 19 March 2012 Information Technology (IT) and Cyber Security

2 Agenda IT and Asia-Pacific Key categories of IT Implications of IT trends Potential outcomes Dealing with those outcomes

3 Main Points IT is the foundation of future well-being IT integrates, cross-cuts and enhances other technologies Cyber-security is foundation for use of IT In dealing with Allies and Partners, IT is all about connection, collaboration and context

4 What Does IT Do For Us? E+C=E Educate: creates awareness and understanding Connect: creates shared awareness and potential for collective action Empower: enables collective action and paradigm shifts

5 Big Bags of Toys



8 Internet Usage in Asia Asian Nations with over 50% of Population Using the Internet Country or Region Internet Usage % of Population Rank in World Australia80.111 Korea77.313 US76.316 Japan75.519 Singapore72.425 Hong Kong69.232 Taiwan65.939 Malaysia65.740 Niue62.644 Selected Other Asian Nations Country or Region Internet Usage % of Population China38.4 Vietnam33.7 Indonesia22.4 Mongolia11.3 India10.2 Laos8.1 Myanmar0.2 ASIA Total26.2 WORLD Total32.7 Data Derived from at

9 Asia’s IT Landscape Whole-of-society leaders – US, Korea, Japan, Australia, Singapore Bi-level societies – PRC, India, Indonesia Emerging players – Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Philippines Marginal adopters – Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh

10 Implications of Trends More Faster Denser Agile Integrated Mass customization

11 Functional Implications Economic Military Social Political

12 Good Stuff Positive Outcomes Massive increase in ability to collect, manipulate/build and propagate knowledge Deep and wide connectedness Enhanced productivity – Major industry and entrepreneurial levels Wider availability for educational programs: “Cell Phone University” Increased agility of knowledge

13 Dark Side Negative Outcomes Political Instability “Know-Do” Gap Cyber Activities – Cyber psychosis – Cyber pollution – Cyber attacks – Cyber crime

14 Cyber Crime is Big... $388Billion Bigger than…the global black market in marijuana, cocaine and heroin combined ($288bn) and approaching the value of all global drug trafficking ($411bn 431million adults in 24 countries experienced cybercrime in the last year More than a million became victims every day Norton Cybercrime Report 2011

15 Cyber Attacks “Stuxnet is the new face of 21st-century warfare: invisible, anonymous, and devastating. “ Vanity Fair, March, 2011 on-line edition “…the United States reserves the right, under the laws of armed conflict, to respond to serious cyber attacks with a proportional and justified military response at the time and place of our choosing” William Lynn, former US Deputy Secretary of Defense

16 Where Can You Help?

17 Main Points IT is the foundation of future well-being IT integrates, cross-cuts and enhances other technologies Cyber-security is foundation for use of IT In dealing with Allies and Partners, IT is all about connection, collaboration and context

18 Theater Shaping With Allies and Partners: Herman Finley 19 March 2012 Information Technology (IT) and Cyber Security

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