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Student Rights and Responsibilities 2003 - 2004 RIGHTS OF STUDENTS You have the right to: Public education You have the responsibility to: Attend school.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Rights and Responsibilities 2003 - 2004 RIGHTS OF STUDENTS You have the right to: Public education You have the responsibility to: Attend school."— Presentation transcript:


2 Student Rights and Responsibilities 2003 - 2004

3 RIGHTS OF STUDENTS You have the right to: Public education You have the responsibility to: Attend school and demonstrate academic effort

4 RIGHTS OF STUDENTS You have the right to: A safe school environment and respect of personal property You have the responsibility to: Assist school staff in operating a safe school

5 RIGHTS OF STUDENTS You have the right to: Courteous, fair and respectful staff and peer behavior You have the responsibility to: Respect the personal property rights of others Respect the rights and authority of others

6 RIGHTS OF STUDENTS You have the right to: Exercise freedom of expression You have the responsibility to: Expressions should not interfere with the educational program

7 RIGHTS OF STUDENTS You have the right to: Appeal decisions made by staff members You have the responsibility to: Comply with all rules and regulations

8 RIGHTS OF STUDENTS You have the right to: Resolve disputes with students or staff members You have the responsibility to: Resolve disputes through non threatening manners such as conflict resolution or per mediation

9 Student Participation and the Extra Curricular Participation Policy You have the opportunity to participate in school activities You have the responsibility to comply with all rules for student behavior Students may not participate in extra curricular activities if they violate FCPS substance abuse policy regarding alcohol or illegal drugs at ANY time Students may not participate in extra curricular activities if they fail to exhibit good citizenship at all times

10 Attendance Absences Parent or guardian can call the attendance office on the day of absence Parent or guardian must provide a written note within 72 hours of absence if phone call not made Release during school day requires note from parent or guardian with satisfactory explanation and must be presented to the attendance office before leaving school. The school determines whether an absence in excused or unexcused.

11 Attendance A student forfeits daily grades for each unexcused absence. Three unexcused absences results in failure for the quarter If a student accumulates a total of five unexcused absences in the school year, the student will be referred to the attendance officer. Further unexcused absences will result in petition of the court

12 Attendance Justifiable Absences  illness of the student  death in the family  medical or dental appointment  personal religious obligation  other reasons acceptable to the principal (Pre-arranged absence)

13 Attendance Unexcused Absences  car trouble  missed the bus  overslept  10 minute illnesses

14 PREARRANGED ABSENCES Pre-arrange an absence for:  business and family trip  college visit  medical treatment  funeral  religious holiday

15 PREARRANGED ABSENCES To prearrange an absence:  written note by parent to your administrator five days in advance  prearranged absence form issued  form taken to all teachers for assignments  return form to administrator

16 Tardy Policy If you arrive after 8:30, you need to go to the Attendance Office for a pass to class. If tardy to class, teacher will assign a tardy. Two unexcused tardies = an unexcused absence

17 Closed Campus Policy Students cannot leave campus unless properly excused through the attendance office Once you leave home until you return home you are considered to be on school grounds Students not permitted to return to their cars without permission of an administrator or security.

18 Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence Virginia law requires that students: 1. Recite the Pledge of Allegiance 2. Observe one minute of silence

19 FCPS/TJ Dress Code Prohibited Attire: Clothing with sexual innuendo/racist themes Vulgar or obscene language Pictures or depictions of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, drug paraphernalia, violence or gang symbols bandanas, gloves cannot be worn inside the building No visible gang tattoos No hats or other head apparel* between 7:20 – 2:10 Any clothing that interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable. Clothing should be clean, and conform to standards of safety and good taste Clothing that exposes cleavage, private parts, the midriff or undergarments or that is otherwise sexually provocative is prohibited *Religious and medical exemptions may be obtained from your administrator.

20 TJ Dress Code cont. Examples of prohibited clothing include but are not limited to: Sagging or low-cut pants Low cut tops, tube tops, halter tops, backless blouses or blouses with ties in the back and clothing constructed of see through material

21 Other Student Guidelines Additional items not allowed during the school day:  Beeper/pager  Laser pointer/device  The possession of these items can result in a discipline referral  Cell phones are allowed in school but CANNOT be turned on or used, cell phones must remain OFF. These items will be confiscated. Parents must request return of confiscated property.

22 Personal Property Students are responsible for their own personal property Expensive items, jewelry, large amounts of money, etc. should be left home. Teachers and other staff members cannot accept responsibility for the safety of such items. Calculator - Engrave, mark with indelible ink. School has an engraver.

23 Your Agenda Put your name and TA in your agenda Replacements required—$5.00 cost

24 TJ Honor Pledge “ As members of the Thomas Jefferson community, we honor academic and personal integrity. We uphold the values of honesty, integrity, respect, and responsibility.” For violating the pledge, the following will occur: a grade of F on the assignment parental notification disciplinary referral to your administrator notification of all applicable honor societies, extra curricular activities and sports teams

25 Rules of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures The following will result in a discipline referral:  Noncompliance with SR&R  Damage to school property: vandalism, arson, graffiti  Safety hazards which may cause bodily injury  Leaving trash in eating areas  Littering

26 Disruptive/Inappropriate Behavior The following are forms of disruptive behavior: disruption of the educational process disobedience, insubordination or open defiance of any authority fighting, cursing, verbal abuse making threats, bullying harassment dishonesty/plagiarism

27 RULES OF CONDUCT Continued Students may be disciplined at school for: conduct resulting in a criminal charge for acts committed away from school property or outside school hours. conduct occurring while going to or returning from school, including on a school bus or at a bus stop. taking part in gang-related activities that are disruptive to the school environment. If conduct is detrimental to the interests of the school

28 ACTIONS THAT RANGE FROM INTERVENTION TO RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION Threatening to assault a staff member or another student Fighting, bullying Gambling Improper touching Gang related activities Use of nonprescription drugs Disruption, disobedience, insubordination, defiance of school officials Possession or display of obscenity Profanity, verbal abuse including gestures Gambling Vandalism

29 ACTIONS THAT RECEIVE UP TO A 10 DAY SUSPENSION Use, possession or under influence of alcohol, inhalants, or nonalcoholic beer Under influence of marijuana or other controlled substance (first offense) Possession of drug paraphernalia (first offense) Illegal use or possession of prescription drugs (not classified as controlled substances (first offense)

30 ACTIONS THAT RECEIVE A 10 DAY SUSPENSION AND A MADATORY RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION Physical assault on staff with bodily injury Sexual assault or battery Mob assault Hazing or mistreatment with bodily injury Distribution or manufacture of alcohol or inhalants Distribution of or manufacturing imitation marijuana

31 ACTIONS THAT RECEIVE A 10 DAY SUSPENSION AND A MADATORY RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION Illegal use or possession of prescription drugs (2 nd off.) Distribution or manufacture of a controlled substance, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia Unauthorized use or possession of any weapon or any object used as a weapon Under influence or marijuana or other controlled substance (second offense)

32 Driving Curfew State law: Curfew in effect between 12:00 am and 4:00 am Due to this law, all TJ sponsored events will end at 11:00 EXCEPT Homecoming Winter Ball Prom

33 Tobacco Violations 1st violation of tobacco products- participation in an alternative ed program in lieu of suspension. May be referred to police. 2nd - report to police and charge with civil offense and placed in an alternative instructional assignment or suspended. 3rd or subsequent violation-charged, and placed in an alternative instructional arrangement or suspended.

34 Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Violations Distribution is defined as  giving  sharing  selling  intending to sell  attempting to sell  facilitating any of the above

35 Property and Weapons Violations Vandalism, arson, or any threat to bomb, burn, damage, or destroy in any manner a school building or school property Willfully causing or attempting to cause damage to school property- required to reimburse the school for any actual breakage or destruction of property Possession of a weapon on school grounds Unauthorized use/possession of knife Being in possession or having brought a weapon onto school property or to a school-sponsored activity will result in expulsion for a period of not less than one year Unauthorized presence in the school or on school grounds after being told by a staff member to leave

36 Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Network User Guidelines The Information Systems and Internet Access Available at TJHSST are Intended for Educational Purposes Only. The Use of the Information systems is A Privilege, Not a Right.

37 Network User Guidelines Declaration of Understanding and Adherence You and your parent have signed the acceptable use policy stating that you have read and understand all guidelines and standards of conduct when using the electronic resources available to you at the school. A VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINE CONSEQUENCES RANGING FROM LOSS OF PRIVILEDGES TO POSSIBLE PROSECUTION WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION FOR THE MOST SERIOUS OF INFRACTIONS.


39 Thank you for your attention. Have a great day!

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