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Fall 2014 Most of the Material taken from: Roadside Design Guide (2011) published by AAHSTO.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2014 Most of the Material taken from: Roadside Design Guide (2011) published by AAHSTO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2014 Most of the Material taken from: Roadside Design Guide (2011) published by AAHSTO

2 History of Roadside Safety 1940s and 50s 1960s 1970s 1970s - now Most highway design components established here: horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, etc. Roadside safety design started to be discussed here Roadside safety design incorporated into highway projects National guidelines and substantial amount of research conducted on roadside safety design

3  Driver Fatigue  Excessive Speed  Driving Under the Influence  Crash Avoidance  Roadway Conditions  Vehicle Failure  Poor Visibility

4  1. Remove obstacle  2. Redesign obstacle  3. Relocate obstacle  4. Use breakaway devices  5. Shield obstacle  6. Delineate obstacle

5  Cannot duplicate every roadside condition  Provides an acceptable level of performance under normalized conditions  NCHRP Report 350 provides recommendations for testing and evaluating the performance of roadside devices: ◦ A basis for comparison of impact performance merits of candidate safety features ◦ Guidance for safety manufacturers ◦ A basis for the formulation of safety feature performance specifications

6  Guidelines: ◦ Vehicle mass, speed, approach angle, and point on the safety feature to hit ◦ Test vehicle: passenger cars, ¾-ton pickup, tractor- trailer ◦ Impact speed: 20 to 60 mph ◦ Angle 0 to 25 degrees

7 Crash Characteristics First Harmful Event Fixed Object Fatalities (FARS)

8 Crash Characteristics

9  Clear-zone concept: provide a traversable and unobstructed roadside area adjacent to the traveled way  Dependent on design speed and vehicular traffic  Roadside design affected by horizontal alignment  Geometry: ◦ Foreslope ◦ Backslope ◦ Transversable slope (used in median)

10 Roadside Topography Clear Zone: Area located between the edge-of-travel way and the location of fixed objects (trees, posts, etc.)

11 Roadside Topography Foreslope 1V:4H or flatter: Recoverable 1V:4H – 1V:3H: Non-Recoverable <1V:3H: Critical (barrier needed see Chapter 5)

12 Roadside Topography Backslope

13 Roadside Topography Drainage Channel

14 Roadside Topography


16 Traversable slope

17 Roadside Topography Traversable slope

18 Roadside Topography

19 Adjustment for horizontal curves: Table 3.2 provides adjustment factors as a function of radius and design speed. These values are only needed if the site has been experienced safety problems (e.g., run-off-the-road crashes) See overhead.

20 Roadside Topography Adjustment for horizontal curves:

21 Roadside Topography Drainage Channel Design Acceptable only for the following characteristics: Restrictive ROW Resurfacing, Restoration or rehabilitation (3R) projects Rugged terrain Low Volume Roads If not, you need a barrier

22 Roadside Topography Gradual design

23  Sign Supports  Traffic Signal Supports  Luminary Poles  Utility Poles  Callboxes  Trees  Many are now designed breakaway supports



26  Used to shield and protect obstacles that cannot be removed (person-made or natural)  A barrier becomes itself an obstacle  Hence, the way the barriers are designed will significantly affect the risk of injuries when they are hit by a vehicle (i.e., this is why they are tested).  There exist several types of barriers: ◦ Rigid: Jersey, Single slope, etc. ◦ Semi-Rigid: Box-beam, Steel-Backed Timber ◦ Flexible: W-beam, Three-stand cable  The type of barriers selected is governed by the initial costs, repair/maintenance costs, risk of injuries, etc.

27 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Warrant for embankment

28 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Warrants for non-transferable terrain and objects

29 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Example Design based on Speed, Volume, Slope Geometry

30 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Definition of roadside barriers

31  Lateral Offset (def’d as “shy line offset”) ◦ Depends on speed ◦ Shy line offset not so critical for long runs of railing (as long as the barrier was introduced at or beyond the shy line offset)  Terrain Effects ◦ Best results will occur when all four wheels are on the ground and the suspension is not compressed nor extended  Flare Rate ◦ The rate between the end of the barrier and bridge railing ◦ Can affect how the vehicle will be redirected into traffic  Length of need ◦ This the length needed to shield an object

32 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Shy Line Offset Shy-line offset: Distance between objects and barriers.

33 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Deflection Distance

34 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Terrain Effects

35 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Terrain Effects

36 ROADSIDE BARRIERS End Treatments Dependent on the type of barrier: w-beam, cable, concrete, metal (rigid) Energy versus non-energy-absorbing Flared versus tangent Site grading Advanced grading (no less than 1:10) Adjacent grading


38 MEDIAN BARRIERS Suggested Guidelines

39 MEDIAN BARRIERS Suggested Guidelines: End Treatments

40 MEDIAN BARRIERS Three-Stand Cable

41 MEDIAN BARRIERS Box-Beam Barrier

42 MEDIAN BARRIERS Strong Post W-Beam

43 MEDIAN BARRIERS Barrier Placement

44 ROADSIDE BARRIERS Barrier Placement

45  Program used to perform a cost-benefit analysis of roadside conditions  Four modules: ◦ Encroachment ◦ Crash Prediction ◦ Severity Prediction ◦ Benefit-Cost  Currently being completely revised (Hence, won’t spend a lot time on this).

46  Only good for roadside devices (no rollover, crossover collisions, etc.)  Long computation times (simulation)  Multiple solutions  Encroachment algorithm developed 30 years ago  Vehicle path linear  Lateral encroachment distributions (simplistic model)  Crash Severity (highly variable)

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