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Presented by S.C. Kashyapa P.G.T. ( History ) KV. No. 1, Delhi Cantt.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by S.C. Kashyapa P.G.T. ( History ) KV. No. 1, Delhi Cantt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by S.C. Kashyapa P.G.T. ( History ) KV. No. 1, Delhi Cantt.

2 Title of the Lesson Bricks, Beads and Bones

3 Duration 35 minutes

4 Instructional Objectives
1.              To define the terms of the Harappa Civilisation 2.              To enable the students to Compare the Harappa Civilisation with other Contemporary Civilisation. 3.              To make students understand how Archaeological Sources helped in the reconstruction of the Harappa culture 4.              To analyse upto which extent the Harappans were developed. 5.              To Evaluate the Art, Craft, Economy, religions etc. of Harappa.

5 Overview of the Lesson 1. Age of the Harappa Civilisation
1.                  1.       Age of the Harappa Civilisation 2.        Extent of the Harappa Civilisation 3.        Characteristics of the Harappa Civilisation :- ( I ) Subsistence strategy ( II ) Planned Urban Centre ( III ) Domestic Architecture ( IV ) Social Differences ( V ) Art and Craft ( VI ) Economic Condition ( VII ) Seals, Script, Weights ( VIII ) Political Condition ( IX ) The end of the Civilisation ( X) Discovery of the Harappa Civilisation ( XI ) Problems of Piecing together the past

6 Extent of the Civilisation ( India, Pakistan and Afghanistan)

7 Important Concepts Harappa was a city in the Indus civilization that flourished around 2600 to 1700 BCE in the western part of South Asia.

8 EXTENT 2. Southern Boundary Daimabad, Maharashtra
1.              Northern Boundary Manda, Jammu and Kashmir 2.   Southern Boundary Daimabad, Maharashtra 3.   Eastern Boundary Alamgirpur, Uttar Pradesh W Western Boundary Sutkagendor, Pakistan

9 Drainage System

10 Drainage System The roads and streets were laid out along an approximate grid pattern, intersecting at right angles. Every house needed to have at least one wall along a street.

11 Harappan Seal

12 Harappan Seals Harappan seals were used to facilitat long distanct communication. It usually have a line of writing, probably containing the name and title of the owner

13 A priest King

14 Harappan ornaments

15 Harappan Art

16 Harappan Seals

17 Harappan Script

18 Terracotta Figurine

19 Harappan Ornaments

20 Great Bath

21 Great Bath The length, bredth and depth of the Great Bath are about 39, 23, and 8 feet respectively. It was surrounded by porticoes and rectangular rooms. There are two holes at the top and bottom to let the in and out.

22 Instructional Strategy / Methodology
Questionnaire method Lecture method Power Point presentation

23 Teaching Learning Materials used
( a ) White Board ( b ) Pointer ( c ) L.C.D.Projector ( d ) Power Point Slides

24 Self Check Questions Q. 1. What waws the period of Harappa Civilisation ? Ans. C to 1900 BCE. Q. 2. Name the first site of Harappa Civilisation . Ans. Harappa Q. 3. Name some early harappan sites . Ans. Kotdiji, Siswal, Amri-nal, Damb-Sadaat Q. 4. Name some mature harappan sites. Ans. Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Kalibanga, Banmali, Chanhudaro, Lothal etc. Q. 5. What were the number of signs in harappan script ? Ans. 375 – 400

25 References Website :-

26 Remarks Area – 12,99,600 sq. km. Shape – Triangular
Shape – Triangular Distance ( North to South ) – 1400 km. Distance ( East to West ) – 1600 km. Biggest building of Mohenjodaro – Grainary Name by which Indus region was known in Mesopotamia – Meluha

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