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INTD 50A color. light is the source of all color color is light broken down in electromagnetic vibrations of various wavelengths longest—red shortest—violet.

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Presentation on theme: "INTD 50A color. light is the source of all color color is light broken down in electromagnetic vibrations of various wavelengths longest—red shortest—violet."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTD 50A color

2 light is the source of all color color is light broken down in electromagnetic vibrations of various wavelengths longest—red shortest—violet

3 color pigments substances used for adding color to dyes and paints were derived from animal, mineral and vegetable sources now produced through chemistry as well

4 the color wheel basic tool we use when working with color based on standard color theory known as Brewster/Prang

5 participation activity:COLOR directions: …using your red, yellow & blue colored pencils & the handout provided, follow the verbal directions carefully & create your first, basic color wheel.

6 color categories primary colors red, yellow, blue the basis of all colors on the color wheel cannot be mixed from other pigments

7 color categories secondary colors orange, green, violet created by mixing unequal amounts of two primary colors

8 color categories tertiary colors red-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-violet, blue-green also known as intermediate colors made by mixing a primary color and a secondary color when naming tertiary colors, the primary color ALWAYS comes before the secondary color

9 color categories warm colors reds, yellows, oranges create feelings of warmth, activity and excitement advancing generally tend to close in a space or make it appear smaller fluorescents are always warm

10 color categories cool colors blues, greens, and violets create feelings of coolness, calmness and relaxation receding pastels are always cool generally tend to expand a space or make it appear larg er

11 color categories neutral colors white, black, gray, brown, beige, tan & cream also called achromatic— without color colors not found on the color wheel

12 participation activity:COLOR directions: …using your colored pencils, color one side of the handout using only warm colors & the other side using only cool colors.

13 color is affected by: texture lighting artificial natural

14 value & intensity hue another term for color intensity the brightness or dullness of a hue changed by mixing a color with its complement creates a tone

15 value & intensity value the lightness or darkness of a hue the amount of black (shade) and white (tint) in a color

16 value & intensity value tints created by adding white to a hue also called pastels shades created by adding black to a hue

17 participation activity:COLOR directions: …using the paints provided, create a value and intensity chart paying close attention to making a GRADUAL color change …please listen to all directions and follow along with instructor

18 color schemes: color combinations based on color wheel relationships that are known to be pleasing to the senses

19 color schemes: monochromatic related color scheme using tints, tones or shades of the same hue example: royal blue, baby blue, slate blue, navy blue



22 color schemes: analogous/adjacent related color scheme using three or more colors next to each other on the color wheel example: orange, red-orange, red


24 color schemes: complementary contrasting color scheme using colors found directly opposite each other on the color wheel example: red & green


26 color schemes: split-complementary contrasting color scheme combining a color with the two colors found on either side of the original color’s complement example: red, blue-green, yellow-green

27 color schemes: triad contrasting color scheme using three colors equally spaced from each other on the color wheel example: red, yellow, blue

28 color schemes: neutral/achromatic using only colors not found on the color wheel example: beige, gray, white, cream

29 color schemes: neutral with an accent using all neutral colors except one (accent) example: black, white, yellow

30 participation activity: COLOR SCHEMES …select an interior to work with …pick up a sheet of color wheels …fold your interior into thirds …using a different color scheme for each section of the interior, color the interior with your colored pencils …color a corresponding color wheel for each section …glue the color wheel to the corresponding section of the interior

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