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Housing General priniciples of planning The following points should be considered before planning and designing animal houses. It should be of attractive.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing General priniciples of planning The following points should be considered before planning and designing animal houses. It should be of attractive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing General priniciples of planning The following points should be considered before planning and designing animal houses. It should be of attractive appearance ; minimize labour cost ; improve efficiency and resale value First a rough plan which consists of following should be prepared. Site plan; Floor plan ; Elevation ; Cross section ; Master plan ; Van – Dyke prints ; Blue print and orientation. Site plan: It is used to locate the site where the buildings are to be erected. It should contain details of various building arrangement, road formation and space between buildings etc will be located. Floor plan: It is the aerial view of the different structures to be erected within a farm building. It should contain details like dimensions of the building, location of ventilators, and doorways will be marked in the floor plan. Elevation: The appearance and view of the whole building will be shown in the elevation.

2 Cont… Cross section: It gives details of building foundation, type of flooring, walls and roof of the building. The internal fittings, partition, feeding and securing devices should be clearly shown Master plan: The master plans are prepared in semi-transparent paper with black ink as per scale. From this mass production of plans will be made by subsequent process like blue printing. VAN–DYKE print: These are negatives of the original drawing. Black (or) blue lines are provided on the white back ground in the negative. Blue print: Mass production of plans are made from negatives by exposing them to sensitive blue print paper developed in water and fixed in potassium dichromate. It is used to estimate the cost and to carryout the construction work. Orientation: In general animal sheds are located with long axis east to west the paddock side facing the north to get direct sunlight during winter and to prevent entry of direct sunlight into the shed during other seasons.

3 FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED WHILE DESIGNING A LIVESTOCK FARM Different types of enterprises such as dairy, piggery, sheep and goat units need different building design. Designing for unit It is desirable to design the accommodation for a workable unit. Structural form Shape and design of building should meet the needs of all classes of livestock. Designing for flexibility Animal building has to be designed to meet the requirement of changing enterprises. Shape of the roof It is designed to suit the local climatic conditions. Gable with roof ventilators are necessary for hot condition. Monitor roof is suitable for building with smaller width.

4 Cont… Standard width of buildings Single row cow shed - 3. 80 to 4.25 metre Double row cow shed - 7. 90 to 8.70 metre Poultry and others - 20 to 30 feet. Single row system

5 3D picture

6 Double row system





11 3D Picture


13 3D picture

14 Standard height of the building The standard height of the building may differ according to the roofing material and agroclimatic condition. Length of building It may vary depends upon the number of animals housed. Length can be determined based on the total stock to be housed within the building. eg In case of dairy 15-20 animals in single row system and 20-50 animals in double row system and above 50 animals a separate shed should be provided.

15 Designing the animal building for production and product control Animal house is so designed to have control over production of product and also the quality of product. Environmental controlled house Recent trend in animal house is to control the bad effect of environmental factors to provided comfort conditions to the animals. In tropical building, choice of building material and method should be employed to prevent heat radiation from sun into the building through roof, wall and surrounding ground. Non-conducting material with sufficient insulation will prevent various kinds of heat radiation. Comfortable air velocity, optimum humidity should be maintained in the building. These entire factors will have effect on growth, reproduction and health status of livestock. Quality of products High quality milk and egg can be produced only in certain type of houses, which are specially designed for it. For example certified high quality eggs are produced only in cages with rollaway flow arrangement or in slatted floor arrangement. Certified high quality milk with low bacterial counts can be produced only in the parlour system of milking.

16 Cont… Labour control Labour cost can be reduced and designing the animal house properly and labour efficiency can improved by double row arrangement of animals and animal building facilities circular travel and two-way job. Construction of alleys/passages like feed alley, milk alleys, egg collection alleys and animal weighment yard are designed to reduce the labour cost. Disease control Animal house should be designed properly to effect disease control. Provision of washable and easily drained floor, washable walls will control spread of diseases. Designing of suitable drainage system for quick and hygienic disposal of wastes is required for preventing disease. External loose box accommodation is necessary for isolation of sick animal. Dampness resistant surface will reduce the high humidity, which is the predisposing cause for respiratory disease in pigs and young animals.

17 Floor space requirement Type of animal Floor space requirement (m 2 )Maximum number of animals/pen Height of the shed (cm) Covered areaOpen area Cattle and Buffaloes Bulls12.024.01175 cm in medium and heavy rain fall and 220 in dry areas. Cows3.57.050 Buffaloes4.08.050 Down – calver 12.0 1 Young – calves 1.02.030 Old – calves2.04.030

18 Cont… Sheep and Goat Ewe/Nanny1.0-60300 – dry areas and 220 in heavy rain fall areas Lamb/kid0.4-75 Ram/buck3.4-- Milch doe1.4mx1.2m-Single stall Pigs Boar6.0 – 7.08.8 –12.0-200 – 250cm Farrowing sow 7.0-9.08.8 – 12.0- Weaner/fatte ning pig 0.9 – 1.8 30 Dry sow/gilt1.8 – 2.71.4 – 1.83 – 10

19 Cont… Feeding and watering space requirements Type of animalWidth (cm)Depth (cm)Height of inner wall (cm) Adult cattle and buffaloes 604050 Calves401520 Adult sheep and goat503035 Lambs and kids502025 Adult pigs502025 Growing pigs301525

20 Floor space requirements of poultry Age of birdFloor space (sq. ft.) Chicks0 – 10 weeks0.8 – 1.0 10 – 16 weeks1.5 – 2.0 LayersBrown egg2.0 – 2.5 White egg2.0 Meat type2.5 – 3.0 Broilers0 – 8 weeks0.8 – 1.0 Turkeys0 – 8 weeks1.0 – 1.5 8 – 12 weeks1.5 – 2.0 12 – 20 weeks2 - 3 20 – 26 weeks3 – 4 Breeders6 – 8 Ducks0 – 7 weeks0.5 – 1.0 7 weeks to maturity2.5 Breeders herd3.0 Confined6.0 QuailsAdults200 – 250 cm 2

21 Feeder and water space requirements of chicken Age (weeks)Feeder space (inches)Waterer space Chicken 0 – 31.0 – 1.525 cm 3 –102.5100 cm 10 – 13 and above4250 cm Quails1.0 – 1.2 (linear)1.5 – 2 cm

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