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Zephaniah’s Zeal. Zephaniah Only fifty-three verses Because of its brevity, we accurately call Zephaniah a minor prophet Length is the only ‘minor matter’

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Presentation on theme: "Zephaniah’s Zeal. Zephaniah Only fifty-three verses Because of its brevity, we accurately call Zephaniah a minor prophet Length is the only ‘minor matter’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zephaniah’s Zeal

2 Zephaniah Only fifty-three verses Because of its brevity, we accurately call Zephaniah a minor prophet Length is the only ‘minor matter’ about the man or his message

3 About 621 B.C. Contemporary of Jeremiah, Nahum, and Habakkuk Zephaniah traces his genealogy back four generations to Hezekiah (1:1) Fearful forecast against his own people: God’s judgment was coming

4 Reading Zephaniah for first time Central theme: Day of the Lord 1. Would bring total destruction, 1:2-2:3 2. Would include other nations, 2:4-3:8 3. Would precede great mercy: God will save His remnant, 3:9-20

5 Day of the Lord 1:7, at hand 1:8, Lord’s sacrifice 1:10, wailing 1:14, mighty cry out 1:15, wrath, trouble, distress, desolation, darkness, gloom, clouds, darkness 1:16, trumpet, siren 1:17, distress, blood 1:18, riddance 2:2, fierce anger 2:3, Lord’s anger 3:8, plunder, indig- nation, fierce anger, devoured, jealousy

6 I. Timing Of Judgment, 1:1

7 A period of apostasy When apostasy prevails, sin enjoys widespread acceptance  Evil dominates news  Timid folks jump on bandwagon But it’s not all bad

8 Some would rather switch than fight, succumbing to... 1. Immorality 2. Indifference 3. Imitation (watered-down church; fake) 1 Kings 19

9 Zephaniah – Jeremiah – Josiah 1. If Zephaniah writes before Josiah’s reforms, he risks wrath (2 Sm.12) 2. Jer.3:6-10, triple indictment Josiah’s reforms produced only outward change Josiah’s untimely death freed people from God

10 I. Timing Of Judgment, 1:1 II. Terror Of Judgment, 1:2-4

11 Zeph.1:2-4, reversal of creation Judah: totaled, 2 God’s outstretched hand (3-4). Ex.3:20 Creator becomes Destroyer Cosmos becomes chaos Man becomes endangered species (3)

12 I. Timing Of Judgment, 1:1 III. Targets Of Judgment, 1:5-2:3 II. Terror Of Judgment, 1:2-4

13 Main focus: God’s people God’s power once protected Judah Now it will pulverize them Ro.8:31 Great blessings impose great responsibilities FamilyChurch LostGrowth

14 Indictments against Judah 5-6, pluralists – Forsook Lord for astrology, 2 K.21:3-5; Ps.8:3 Turned to Baal & Milcom, 1 K.11:5, 7 (1 K.18) Forgot Carmel, 1 K.18. Is.29:13

15 Indictments against Judah 5-6, pluralists – 8, traitors. 2 K.20:18. Jer.2:18 9-10, thieves, liars 11, materialists. 1 Sm.5:5 12, complacent (practical atheists) Settled on lees Smug, self-righteous, self-satisfied

16 Indictments against Judah 5-6, pluralists – 8, traitors. 2 K.20:18. Jer.2:18 9-10, thieves, liars 11, materialists. 1 Sm.5:5 12, complacent (practical atheists) 2:1, shameless (3:5). Jer.6:15 3:1-2, rebels, stubborn, faithless, aloof


18 Ethiopia (Cush) Judgment was going around

19 Indictments against Judah 5-6, pluralists – 8, traitors. 2 K.20:18. Jer.2:18 9-10, thieves, liars 11, materialists. 1 Sm.5:5 12, complacent (practical atheists) 2:1, shameless (3:5). Jer.6:15 3:1-2, rebels, stubborn, faithless, aloof 3:3-4, 7, serious about sin

20 I. Timing Of Judgment, 1:1 IV. Termination Of Judgment, 1:5-2:3 II. Terror Of Judgment, 1:2-4 III. Targets Of Judgment, 1:5-2:3

21 The Plea (2:1-3) It may be…hidden (3) Lk.13:1-5 Judgment forces us to face our mortality, in the hope that we will prepare for our immortality by repenting of our immorality

22 The Plea (2:1-3) The Plan (3:8-19) 8: faithful remnant waits, trusts 9: supreme purpose: salvation 10-11, after purge, only meek remain 14-15, recognize God as King 17, time to rejoice (Lk.15) 18-20, I will In My holy mountain: Is.2, 11; Dn.2

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