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Speech Processing Laboratory

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2 Speech Processing Laboratory
Temple University DESIGN OF A KEYWORD SPOTTING SYSTEM USING MODIFIED CROSS-CORRELATION IN THE TIME AND MFCC DOMAIN Presented by: Olakunle Anifowose Thesis Advisor: Dr. Robert Yantorno Committee Members: Dr. Joseph Picone Dr. Dennis Silage Research effort partially sponsored by the US Air Force Research Laboratories, Rome, NY

3 Outline Introduction to keyword spotting Motivation for this work
Experimental Conditions Common approach to Keyword Spotting Method used Time Domain MFCC Domain Conclusions Future Work

4 Keyword Spotting Identify keyword in spoken utterance or written document Determine if keyword is present in utterance Location of keyword in utterance Possible operational results Hits False Alarms Miss

5 Keyword Spotting Speaker dependent/Independent (speech recognition)
Single speaker Lacks flexibility and not speaker adaptable Easier to develop Speaker Independent Multi-Speaker Flexible Harder to develop

6 Applications Monitor conversations for flag words.
Automated response system. Security. Automatically search through speeches for certain words or phrases. Voice command/dialing.

7 Motivation for this work
Typical Large Vocabulary Continous Speech Recognizer (LVCSR) / Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based approaches requires a garbage model To train the system for non-keyword speech data. The better the garbage model, the better the keyword spotting performance Use of LVCSR techniques can introduce Computational load, complexity. Need for training data.

8 Research Objectives Development of a simple keyword spotting system based on cross-correlation. Maximize hits while keeping false alarms and misses low.

9 Speech Database Used Call Home Database Switchboard Database
Contains more than 40 telephone conversation between male and female speakers. 30 minutes long conversation. Switchboard Database Two sided conversations collected from various speakers in the United States.

10 Experimental Setup Conversations are split into single channels
Call home database 60 utterances ranging from 30secs to 2mins. Keyword of interest were college, university, language, something, student, school, zero, relationship, necessarily, really, think, English, program, tomorrow, bizarre, conversation and circumstance. Switchboard database 30 utterances ranging from 30secs to 2mins. Keyword of interest always, money and something.

11 Common Approaches Hidden Markov Model Statistical model –
hidden states / observable outputs Emission probability – p(x|q1) Transition probability – p(q2|q1) First order Markov Process – probability of next state depends only on current state. Infer output given the underlying system.

12 Hidden Markov Models HMM for Speech Recognition
Each word – sequence of unobservable states with certain emission probabilities (features) and transition probabilities (to next state). Estimate the model for each word in the training vocabulary. For each test keyword, model that maximizes the likelihood is selected as a match – Viterbi Algorithm. KWS directly built using HMM based Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognizer (LVCSR).

13 HMM Limitation Large amount of training data required.
Training data has to be transcribed in word level and/or phone level. Transcribed data costs time and money. Not available in all languages.

14 Various keyword Spotting system
HMM Context dependent state of the art phoneme recognizer Keyword model. Garbage model. Evaluated on the Conversational Telephone Speech database. Accuracy varies with keyword 52.6% with keyword “because”. 94.5% with keyword “zero”. Ketadbar etal, 2006

15 Various keyword Spotting system
Spoken Term Detection using Phonetic Posteriogram Trained on acoustic phonetic models. Compared using dynamic time warping. Trained on switchboard cellular corpus. Tested on Fisher english development test from NIST. Average precision for top 10hits was 63.3%. Hazen etal, 2009

16 Various keyword Spotting system
S-DTW Evaluated on the switchboard corpus. 75% accuracy for all keywords tested. Jansen etal 2010

17 Contributions We have proposed a novel approach to keyword spotting in both the time and MFCC domain using cross-correlation. The Design of a Global keyword for cross- correlation in the time domain.

18 Cross-correlation Measure of similarity between two signals.
Two signals compared by: Sliding one signal by a certain time lag Multiplying both the overlapping regions and taking the sum Repeating the process and adding the products until there is no more overlap If both signals are exactly the same, there’s a maximum peak at the time = 0, and the rest of the correlation signal tapers off to zero.

19 Research Using Cross-correlation
The identification of cover songs Search musical database and determine songs that similar but performed by different artist with different instruments Features of choice - chroma features Representation for music Entire spectrum projected onto 12 bins representing 12 distinct semitones. Method used is cross-correlation Cross-correlation is used to determine similarities betweeen songs based on their chroma features

20 Cases Considered Time Domain MFCC Domain Initial approach
Modified approach MFCC Domain

21 Time Domain Initial Approach
2. Observe position of peak to see if it’s around the zero lag. Yes: Keyword No: Not keyword 3. Shift observed portion by a small amount and repeat process If a portion is reached where the peak is close to the zero lag, then that’s where the keyword is. If not, the utterance does not contain the keyword. Let the length of the keyword or phrase be n. The cross correlation of the keyword and the first n samples of the utterance is computed. xcorr

22 ZRR-Zero lag to Rest Ratio
The power around the “zero” lag is obtained and compared to the power in the rest of the correlation signal. This ratio is referred to as Zero lag to Rest Ratio (ZRR). If the ZRR is greater than a certain threshold(2.5) then that segment of the utterance contains the keyword or phrase. The test utterance is shifted and the process is repeated If there is no segment with a ZRR greater than 2.5, the utterance does not contain the keyword (for now the first one tenth portion is observed but this could be varied)

23 Test Cases Different Speaker Same Speaker
Keyword part of the utterance Different Speaker Keyword from different speaker

24 Results (utterance-male1 keyword-male1)

25 Result (utterance-male1 keyword-male2)

26 Results ( utterance-female1 keyword-female1 )

27 Results ( utterance-female1 keyword-female2 )

28 Result Speaker Dependent Initial Time Domain Approach
Tested on 30 utterances single instances of the following keyword bizarre, conversation, something, really, necessarily, relationship, think, tomorrow extracted from the same speaker Percentage Hits 86% False Alarm 14% Miss

29 Result Speaker Independent Initial time Domain approach
Tested on 40 utterances Multiple instances of the following keyword bizarre, conversation, something, really, necessarily, relationship, think, tomorrow extracted from various speakers. Percentage Hits 26% False Alarm 65% Miss

30 Challenge Keyword → REALLY * 13 and 14 → same gender (female)

31 Time Domain Modified Utterance
Global Keyword from Quantized Dynamic Time Warping Pitch Smoothening Cross-Correlate both signals and Computer zero lag to Rest Ratio (ZRR) on a frame by frame basis Highest Zero Lag ratio is the location of the keyword

32 Pitch Measure of frequency level
Change in pitch results in a change in the fundamental frequency of speech Difference in pitch between keyword and utterance increases detection errors.

33 Pitch Normalization Pitch is a form of speaker information
Limit the effects pitch has on a speech system Kawahara Algorithm STRAIGHT (Speech Transformation and Representation using Adaptive Interpolation of Weighted Spectrum) algorithm to modify pitch. It reduces periodic variation in time caused by excitation

34 Utterance Pitch Normalization
Straight Algorithm Elimination of periodicity interference Temporal interference around peaks can be removed by constructing a new timing window based on a cardinal B-spline basis function that is adaptive to the fundamental period. F0 Extraction Natural speech is not purely periodic Speech resythensis The extracted F0 is then used to resynthesize speech It is a smoothing function.The second-order cardinal B-spline function is chosen because it places the second-order zeros on other harmonic frequencies making the resultant spectrum less sensitive to F0 estimation errors. Gabor filter (a linear filter normally used for edge detection and very effective at texture representation and discrimination)

35 Modeling a Global Keyword
Compute MFCC features for each keyword Perform Quantized Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) on several keyword templates.

36 MFCC Take the Fourier transform of (a windowed portion of) a signal.
Map the powers of the spectrum obtained above onto the mel scale, using triangular overlapping windows. Take the log of the power at each of the mel frequencies. Take the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of the mel log powers, as if it were a signal. The MFCCs are the amplitudes of the resulting spectrum.

37 Dynamic Time Warping Time stretching and contracting one signal so that it aligns with the other signal. Time-series similarity measure. Reference and test keyword arranged along two side of the grid. Template keyword – vertical axis, test keyword – horizontal. Each block in the grid – distance between corresponding feature vectors. Best match – path through the grid that minimizes cumulative distance.

38 Quantized Dynamic Time Warping
The MFCC features extracted from various instances of a keyword will be divided into 2 sets: A and B . Each reference template Ai will be paired with only one Bi. For each pair Ai and Bi the optimal path will be computed (using the classic DTW algorithm). The new vector Ci= (c1, c2,…cNc) will be generated Repeat the process considering the pair (Ci, Ci+1) as a new Ai and Bi pair . Result is a single reference vector Cy Invert the vector into a time domain signal

39 Sample Results

40 Sample Results

41 Result Using a Global Keyword and Pitch Normalized utterances and keywords.
Tested on 60 utterances Used a global keyword 10 utterances associated with each keyword keyword of interest bizarre, conversation, something, really, necessarily, relationship, think, tomorrow, computer, college, university, zero, student, school, language, program. Percentage Hits 41.2% False Alarm 37% Miss 42%

42 Results Analysis Result differ from keyword to keyword
The best performing keyword was bizarre which had a hit rate of 60% Time domain is not suitable due to uneven statistical behavior of signals.

43 MFCC Domain Steps for cross-correlating the keyword and utterance in the MFCC domain. Step 1: Pitch normalized utterances and keywords Using the straight Algorithm Step 2: Estimate the length of the keyword (n) and computed its MFCC feature Step3: Compute the MFCC feature of the first n samples of the utterance Step 4: Normalize the MFCC features of the utterance and keyword and cross-correlate them. Step 5: Store a single value from the cross-correlation result in a matrix and shift along the utterance by a couple of sample and repeat steps 3-5 until the end of the utterance. Step 6: Identify the maximum value in the matrix as the location of the keyword.

44 Normalizing MFCC Features
Divide the features by the square root of the sum of the squares of each vector Similar to dividing a vector by its unit norm to obtain a unit vector. Reason so MFCC features ranges from zero to one

45 Interpreting cross-correlation result of MFCC features
Similar to cosine similarity measure. If two vector are exactly the same there is an angle of zero between them and the cosine of that would be a one. The closer the cross-correlation result of two vector is to one. The more likely they are to be a match. Vectors that are dissimilar will have a wider angle and their cross-correlation results will be a lot less than one.

46 Distance Between MFCC Features for Different Keywords
College Distance 1.1*10-8 University 2.1*10-4 Something 8.3*10-3 Conversation 1.98*10-5 School 1.1*10-2 Zero 0.98*10-3 Program 2.1*10-6 Language 1.5*10-4 Bizarre 7.8*10-5 Circumstance 2.6*10-4 Really 3.2*10-2

47 Speaker Dependent Test were conducted on 30 utterances
Keywords were extracted from the same speaker College, university, student, school, bizarre The maximum matching score corresponds to the location of the keyword.

48 Speaker Independent Test
Test Samples Average of 5 utterances associated with each keyword Average of 5 version of keyword 20-25 trials 13 keywords

49 More Results The maximum matching score corresponds to the location of the keyword.

50 More Results Maximum matching score location of keyword University
Second Highest score is the word Universities

51 Result Using a Cross-correlation in MFCC Domain.
Average considering results from every keyword 20-25 trials per keyword 13 keywords considered call home database 3 keywords considered in the switchboard database Percentage Hits 66% False Alarm 12% Miss 23%

52 Keyword Dependence Keyword Accuracy College 0.83 Circumstance 0.77
Conversation 0.63 English 0.35 Computer 0.50 Always 0.85 School Language 0.40 Student 0.62 Money 0.7 Program Something 0.68

53 System Performance Threshold

54 Conclusions Cross-correlation in the time domain is not very accurate for a speaker independent system Because of the behavior of the signals in the time domain. Improvement with the use of a global keyword and pitch normalization Not enough to deem a success Cross-correlation of MFCC features is a very viable alternative to keyword spotting

55 Future Work Experiments using more keywords
Use larger dataset to optimize system performance Test cross-correlation in other domains

56 Thank You! Any Questions?

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