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BY AMEYA UPADHYAY Equity based model for supporting the music industry.

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Presentation on theme: "BY AMEYA UPADHYAY Equity based model for supporting the music industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY AMEYA UPADHYAY Equity based model for supporting the music industry

2 The Idea To create a platform where musicians and listeners can interact and go into business together without intermediaries. To level the playing field in the global music business – so that the commercial success of musicians is not dependent upon financing through “record deals”……which are often discriminatory and distortionist.

3 Execution An evangelist ( individual, corporations) creates a platform (mainly the internet ) holds a repository of aspiring musicians along with their creative outputs – mainly a new album the artists’ desire to release commercially. Music lovers or believers are encouraged to sample the music and “invest” or contribute to the artist they believe will make it big in return for a claim to their revenues if and when their music is sold commercially.

4 Execution Once the money is invested the believers and musicians become business partners and can accelerate promotions in tandem ( facebook, word of mouth etc. ). The corporation hosting the platform also augments the promotion by offering incentives to believers contributing a certain minimum investment. Once a predecided critical investment is reached the artists have a commitment with the believers and the hosting corporation to record their music for commercial marketing

5 Execution Musicians have COMPLETE ownership and right for their music right form the start of recording the music. The corporation provides the support needed. Once the music is released the revenue is split in three parts between the artists, believers and host.

6 Sell A Band Already working model - sell a band in the US. Success story  29 artists have raised $50 000  18 albums have already released  On tour in the US with top artists before album release.

7 Replication in India Prospective bands with sales of over 30000 CDs in the past.  Parikrama  Moksha  Motherjane  Pentagram The demand side potential exists.

8 Replication in India


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