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Building a Better Economic Future for Americans with Disabilities Powered by the National Disability Institute Tax knowledge is freedom.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Better Economic Future for Americans with Disabilities Powered by the National Disability Institute Tax knowledge is freedom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Better Economic Future for Americans with Disabilities Powered by the National Disability Institute Tax knowledge is freedom. Johnette Hartnett, Ed.D. Director Real Economic Impact Tour National Disability Institute RESNA Webinar February 2011 Be Bold. Embrace Difference. Change Lives.

2 Tax knowledge is freedom. Build a Roadmap Out of Poverty Remember History’s Role Understand New Reality Find Innovative Solutions Pioneer Next Generation of Work Overview

3 Tax knowledge is freedom. NATIONAL DISABILITY INSTITUTE A national research and development organization that promotes income preservation and asset development for persons with disabilities. Build a Roadmap Out of Poverty

4 Tax knowledge is freedom. 20 th Century Health Insurance Introduced (growth in hospitals) Vocational Rehabilitation Established Nursing Homes Opened Telegraph and Telephone Federal Reserve Established Great Depression 1928 History’s Role

5 Tax knowledge is freedom. 20 th Century Early Welfare Reform – 1920’s Introduced Social Security – 1930’s Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act – 1938 (Amended by 1971) WWII TV’s – 1950’s Medicare Medicaid and SSI – 1960’s History’s Role

6 Tax knowledge is freedom. Growing poverty not prosperity 43 million Americans living in poverty – biggest growth in 50 years 13 million are children 18 years or younger Over half of people that report income poverty report a disability (Fermstad, 2009) People with disabilities experience 2 to 5 times more poverty (She & Livermore, 2009) 21 st Century Understand New Reality

7 Tax knowledge is freedom. People with disabilities pay higher out of pocket health expenditures ($795 vs. $256) (Livermore & Hill, 2002) 65% of people experiencing long-term poverty – greater than a year are persons with disabilities 40% of individuals accessing food pantries, shelters and kitchens are on SSI, SSA, or SSDI Understand New Reality

8 Tax knowledge is freedom. 61% increase homelessness since December 2007 57% of unemployed receiving unemployment compensation compare to 40% before recession 17.1 million families of three living in extreme poverty $9100 year or $25 a day (12.6 million before 2008) 54 million people with disabilities Understand New Reality

9 Tax knowledge is freedom. Taxpayers with Disabilities 51% earn less than $21,000 (2007) 51% earn $16,500 (2010) 10% use tax prep software compared to 20% with no disability 37% less like to have savings/investments compared to 51% with no disability Much tax software not accessible – IRS Report 2010 Understand New Reality

10 Tax knowledge is freedom. All Americans 60 million under banked 17 million unbanked 43 million use non-bank money services Predatory Lending $70 billion industry Underserved Market Research FDIC December 2009 Understand New Reality

11 Tax knowledge is freedom. Real Economic Impact Tour (REI Tour) is national movement of 713 partners in 100 dedicated to: Improving the economic lives of people with disabilities; Building disability inclusive communities of practice; and Promoting economic and social justice through activities that: Find Innovative Solutions

12 Tax knowledge is freedom. Increase access for taxpayers with disabilities – over 600,000 Create new communities of practice over 713 partners and Test innovative technology and social media solutions – Find Innovative Solutions

13 Tax knowledge is freedom. Find Innovative Solutions REI Tour is blending technology and social interaction Building channels to communicate Monthly newsletters Web 2.0 savvy – people want to do business with us 600% plus increase of Facebook fans 40% increase in Twitter followers 91% increase of visitors to blogs American Dream Video contest leveraged 700 direct relationships that in turn disseminated our message to 150,000 target constituencies

14 Tax knowledge is freedom. 693,402 free returns in six years $73.6 million in EITC $663.6 in Refunds REI Tour Statistics Demonstrate Success

15 Tax knowledge is freedom. Return on Investment $1.7 million investment in six years $2.45 a tax return $138.4 million in preparation fees saved

16 Tax knowledge is freedom. REI Tour Engages Private Sector Work with corporate affinity groups Develop skilled-based volunteer opportunities Provide value-add to sponsors Find Innovative Solutions A Case Study

17 Tax knowledge is freedom. REI Tour strategies for scale and sustainability Develop business case for disability Identify new funding opportunities Create Washington, DC presence Serve on boards (non disability) Make new non-disability partnerships Produce research data Find Innovative Solutions

18 Tax knowledge is freedom. REI Tour Strategy – Build Relationship with New Partners FDIC – Money Smart Program – In Braille Federal Reserve Bank – September 2010 IRS – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Treasury – Bank On Program Federation of Community Development Credit Unions New Goals for a New Century

19 Tax knowledge is freedom. Administration on Development Disabilities, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Community Services – Administration on Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services New Goals for a New Century

20 Tax knowledge is freedom. REI Tour Partnership Strategies Private Sector National Asset Leaders National Disability Organizations State and Local Social Security Administration, Vocational Rehabilitation, Veteran groups and WorkForce/OneStops, AbilityOne Networks Find Innovative Solutions

21 Tax knowledge is freedom. ACTIVITIES Create disability workgroups within free tax coalitions Design free tax services and products that are accessible across the disability continuum Create volunteer tax modules that address serving taxpayers with disabilities Hold asset summits to introduce disability community to financial community Provide benefits education about receipt of public benefits and tax credits The Real Economic Impact Tour Strategy

22 Tax knowledge is freedom. REI Tour developed a new model for building integrated services that will increase scale and sustainability REI Tour Workgroups REI Tour Asset Summits REI Tour Benefits Trainings REI Tour BEST Clubs Find Innovative Solutions

23 Tax knowledge is freedom. National Audio Conference Series Monthly Grantee Calls Webinars with National Partners Annual National Press Club Awards Every October Annual Mayor’s Leadership Academy on Asset Development (NYC, Baltimore, MD, San Antonio, TX, Jacksonville, FL and November 2 – 4 Chicago, IL) Find Innovative Solutions

24 Tax knowledge is freedom. Pioneer Next Generation Work How can RESNA become involved? Partner with local non-profits doing free tax work Provide location for tax preparation Provide volunteers to assist as greeters, tax preparers Apply for VITA Grant to fund tax work Conduct research at individual level on tax and financial service needs of customers Conduct research at systems level on tax and financial service needs of customers

25 Tax knowledge is freedom. Pioneer Next Generation of Work Impact on Customers with Disabilities Increase economic self-sufficiency Improve knowledge of financial and tax services Promote community integration Provide customers with new skills Lessen use of public benefits Improve quality of life and independence

26 Tax knowledge is freedom. Johnette Hartnett, Ed.D. Director Real Economic Impact Tour National Disability Institute (202) 296-2043 REI Tour

27 Tax knowledge is freedom. The Real Economic Impact Tour (REI Tour) - a national initiative of the National Disability Institute (NDI) - delivers free tax preparation and filing assistance, along with other asset building strategies to low-income persons with disabilities. The REI Tour is a public-private collaboration designed to provide Americans with disabilities insight, tools and resources to improve their lives through financial education, training and counseling. For more information on the Tour please visit and to learn more about NDI’s economic empowerment projects visit REI Tour Sponsors The Real Economic Impact Tour

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