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International Study of Hybrid Flexible Electronics Kickoff Meeting 12/3/8 Duane Shelton August 27, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "International Study of Hybrid Flexible Electronics Kickoff Meeting 12/3/8 Duane Shelton August 27, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Study of Hybrid Flexible Electronics Kickoff Meeting 12/3/8 Duane Shelton August 27, 2008

2 WTEC mission Inform U.S. agencies, universities, and research community of science and technology abroad in critical fields World Technology Evaluation Center, Inc. Baltimore, Lancaster, Johnstown, Arlington.

3 Acknowledgements …and over 400 expert panelists, thousands of foreign hosts

4 Why Conduct International Assessments?  Guide U. S. R&D investments  Look for good ideas abroad (tech transfer) ‏  Find opportunities for cooperation  Compare U.S. status with that abroad  Justify investment in R&D. Pointing with alarm is an example

5 Why Point with Alarm?  Research and education are changing rapidly abroad  Greatly increased investments are producing substantial outputs—we can learn from abroad  Further, since we care about U.S. leadership of engineering, we need more resources to compete  Pointing with alarm can be a motivator, e.g. Rising Above the Gathering Storm -> ACI, America COMPETES Act  Kostoff has shown that the PRC has passed the U.S. in scientific papers in Compendex

6 WTEC Past: Over 60 Studies Since 1989 ‏  Brain-Computer Interfaces (DOD, NSF, NIBIB, NINDS, 2 foundations) ‏  Catalysis by Nanostructured Materials (NSF, DOE, AFOSR, DTRA) ‏  Simulation-Based Engineering & Science (24 programs at 4 agencies) ‏  WTEC also staffs the Nanotechnology Coordination Office and Inter-Agency working groups, and provides workshops

7 WTEC Future International Studies  Stem cells for tissue engineering  Spinal cord injury  Personal and service robots  Hybrid flexible electronics

8 WTEC Methods  Write grant proposals that can pass peer review  Establish a coalition of sponsors who have resources to make it happen  Recruit a great panel from Government nominations  Conduct the study effectively; Government participates in decisions—like where to go  Maintain good host relations, so we can return in future studies  Publish an outstanding report

9 From Draft Statement of Work  What is the position of foreign R&D relative to the U.S.?  What are the barriers in development that can be learned abroad?  What are the innovations and ideas that are worth exploring in the U.S.?  What are the opportunities for international collaboration?

10 Dec 08Kickoff Meeting Mar 09U.S. Baseline Workshop (Optional) May 09Study Tour Europe Jun 09Study Tour Asia (Optional) Jul 09Final workshop at NSF Aug 09Final report draft Proposed Timeline

11 Sponsorship Benefits: International Assessment Study  Leverage of full study for price of a workshop  Advances interagency cooperation  Recognition in report and website  Advance review of report  Ideas for initiatives and cooperation  Find out what your counterparts abroad are up to

12 Basic International Assessment Study  4-person panel of U.S. experts  Kickoff meeting with panel  Advance work to pick sites and get access  Study about 20 sites in one week (in Europe)  Workshop to present findings to professional community, with proceedings  Written report: Introduction, Exec Summary plus 4 technical chapters, appendix has site report for each site  NSF (ENG and ECCS) has committed $160K for this

13 Some Options for a Broader Study  Additional study tour in second region—Asia ($140K)  U.S. baseline workshop ($40K)  More panelists for broader scope ($40K each 1-area, $60K 2-areas)  Book by major publisher ($30K)

14 Impacts: Initiatives  DARPA Flat Panel Displays Initiative  DOD/DOC Electronic Packaging Initiative  NTSC Electronics Manufacturing Initiative  National Nanotechnology Initiative  Benign Manufacturing MUSES Program  Spin Electronics Program Announcement  Tissue Engineering Strategic Plan

15 More Informaton  Web site at  Ben’s presentation on WTEC methods later  Shelton at 717-659-7714 or

16 Distinguished Panelists  NSF Director (Colwell)  Directors of DOE Office of Science (Trivelpiece, Dresselhaus)  Chief of Naval Research (Mooney)  Director of NIGMS (Cassman)  Chief Scientist of the USAF (Feigenbaum)  Vice presidents for research of IBM, Bell Labs, Seagate Technology  Presidents or provosts of UC (Berkeley, San Diego and UC system) and Rensselaer  Over 400 other engineers and scientists

17 Report Editing  Our reports are of academic quality with full citations, etc.  Analytical chapters written by experts Site reports are merely an appendix  They are edited several times  We always have to extract chapters from holdouts  Published in 9 books; we now have an international technology series with Springer with 4 published

18 Researchers have developed a rubber that is able to conduct electricity well, paving the way for robots with stretchable "e-skin" that can feel heat and pressure like humans.. "Objects that come into contact with humans are often not square or flat. We believe interfaces between humans and electronics should be soft." Takao Someya, University of Tokyo, in Science August 7, 2008 E-skin for Robots -- From Japan

19 A Hybrid Flexible Camera System—from Illinois "We believe that some of the most compelling areas of future application involve the intimate, conformal integration of electronics with the human body, in ways that are inconceivable using established technologies." "This approach allows us to put electronics in places where we couldn't before. We can now, for the first time, move device design beyond the flatland constraints of conventional systems." John Rogers, Nature, August 7, 2008

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