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Dell Confidential Agenda  Performance Testing Requirements  Reviewer's Guide  NDA Presentation  Intel Relationship  Press Briefings (Tour or call.

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Presentation on theme: "Dell Confidential Agenda  Performance Testing Requirements  Reviewer's Guide  NDA Presentation  Intel Relationship  Press Briefings (Tour or call."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dell Confidential Agenda  Performance Testing Requirements  Reviewer's Guide  NDA Presentation  Intel Relationship  Press Briefings (Tour or call downs)  Eval Units  Other

2 Dell Confidential Performance Testing Requirements  1 st Pass to Lab – DONE  Ensure regions have provided input to PTR so no surprises later  Can have official sign-off if desired  Get a commitment for RAP Lab on results availability  Set expectations with regions on when results available  Gives regions time to schedule agency briefings for Marcom  Check-in with Lab often on progress to ensure schedule hasn’t slipped  Set up meeting with all regions to explain what the numbers mean  This info needs to be communicated in Marcom, PR, sales

3 Dell Confidential Reviewer's Guide  Purpose:  To ensure fact checkers, editors, staff writers, lab personnel have ALL the technical and marketing information needed to write an accurate article on Dimension products at the time they have the system at the publication.  Timing:  Use T-minus chart !!  Rule of Thumb:  Legally approved ~ 1 month before system ships to press for review (not press tour)  This allows for regionalization, translation, printing, and shipping to EMF RAP Lab  PG Marketing:  Owns document and legal approval  Responsible for preparing a global document  Ensures product/peripheral updates are continuous  Regional/BU PR:  Adds any corporate messaging desired  Look and Feel of document  Printing and distribution to RAP Lab and Press

4 Dell Confidential NDA Presentation  Purpose:  Reference tool provided in press kit on press tours to provide press details on pricing, key messages, specs, performance, etc..  Timing:  Rule of Thumb:  Legally approved ~ 3-4 weeks before Press Tour  This allows for regionalization, translation, printing  PG Marketing:  Owns document and legal approval  Responsible for preparing a global document  Ensures product/peripheral updates are continuous  Regional/BU PR:  Adds any corporate messaging desired  Gives the document a thorough edit job for press and may edit look and feel  Printing and distribution to RAP Lab and Press Remember, the press are NOT Marketing types. They HATE.ppt and want it to be kept simple. No LONG Opti slides…

5 Dell Confidential Press Briefings  Timing:  PR provides deadlines for when systems need to be shipped Keep it simple  Messaging needs to be clear  Remind them about what you talked about last briefing  Know what’s going on at Dell (read the news!!)  Know all you can about peripherals  It’s a conversation…ask them questions  Don’t use the powerpoint if possible…know it by heart

6 Dell Confidential Eval Units  Be anal retentive….SOMETHING WILL GO WRONG

7 Dell Confidential Intel Relationship  Different focus leads to lack of understanding for Press Tour timing  Intel’s Core Press is the Business pubs  SHORT LEAD PRESS--WSJ, NYT, Newsweek, etc  Dell’s Core Transactional Press are the monthlies and on-line  LONG LEAD PRESS - PC World, PC Mag, C/Net, Family PC  Expect a battle to get Intel permission for NDA briefings  Have WW PR gather the facts for you on deadlines to fight Intel to attain coverage at launch  Take this battle to exec level if Intel fights

8 Dell Confidential Intel Relationship  Americas—US Lab long lead times  EMF – proto us lab to turn on ship to EMF install right config, loadlanguage,

9 Dell Confidential Managing Workload Benchmark Technology & Performance Analysis TPG RAP Lab Dashboard

10 Dell Confidential Simplified Process Americas PR Request Americas PR Request Step 1: What to Send - Dbase Entry : PR/Mkting - Prioritize: PG Mkting/RAP - Configure/Price: COC/RAP - Sign-off : RAPTeam - Confirm RTS dates: COC - MS WHQL status check: Mkting Step 1: What to Send - Dbase Entry : PR/Mkting - Prioritize: PG Mkting/RAP - Configure/Price: COC/RAP - Sign-off : RAPTeam - Confirm RTS dates: COC - MS WHQL status check: Mkting Step 3: Build/Test Units All Regions - Base units shipped to respective RAP labs - Units hand built with just-in-time peripherals - Benchmark and test - US loads images for Asia units - EMF loads images for EMEA Step 3: Build/Test Units All Regions - Base units shipped to respective RAP labs - Units hand built with just-in-time peripherals - Benchmark and test - US loads images for Asia units - EMF loads images for EMEA Step 4: Ship to Media - Ship system/monitor via air - Track logistics in Dbase - Provide follow up support for reviewers as needed Step 4: Ship to Media - Ship system/monitor via air - Track logistics in Dbase - Provide follow up support for reviewers as needed Preeminent and industry recognized Americas RAP lab focused on sharing best practices with EMEA RAP Lab in FY01 Step 2: Sourcing Units Pre-Production - PG Mkting coordinates eval allocation for regions with planners - Press units delivered to US RAP Lab & EMF RAP Lab (if appropriate) Production Level - BU Mkting or PR orders from local factory - Shipped to EMF/AMF RAP Step 2: Sourcing Units Pre-Production - PG Mkting coordinates eval allocation for regions with planners - Press units delivered to US RAP Lab & EMF RAP Lab (if appropriate) Production Level - BU Mkting or PR orders from local factory - Shipped to EMF/AMF RAP Japan/AP PR Request Japan/AP PR Request EMEA PR Request EMEA PR Request WW Transactional Product Reviews

11 Dell Confidential Managing Workload  WW Reviews Database launched in summer 2000  Tracks PR opportunities fulfilled in Americas RAP Lab and SPA Lab from cradle to grave  Supports all product lines (not currently used by Precision and PowerEdge)  Enables consistent tracking of PR opportunities from cradle to grave across region/LOB  Developed, maintained, enhanced in Americas RAP Lab (not IT supported)  Launches in EMEA on 6/1/01 for all products WW Transactional Product Reviews

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