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1 The state of agriculture and challenges in Mozambique Rafael N. Uaiene, Maputo, 09 February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The state of agriculture and challenges in Mozambique Rafael N. Uaiene, Maputo, 09 February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The state of agriculture and challenges in Mozambique Rafael N. Uaiene, Maputo, 09 February 2011

2 2 Background and Motivation Mozambique a poor country with large agricultural potential. 36 million hectares of arable land Numerous rivers and reasonable rainfall in many parts Less than 5 million hectares actually planted in 2003 and an even lower rate of use of water resources Agriculture currently characterized by low productivity subsistence production.

3 3 Agriculture growth and Contribution to GDP Agriculture contributes about 24% of GDP Agriculture grew by more than 7% per year between 2003 and 2009 Year%GDP% Growth 200323.45.2 200422.85.1 200522.56.9 200622.910.4 200723.18.2 200823.69.3 200923.87.4 Source: INE

4 4 Major food crops Source: TIA, 2008

5 5 Major Food Crops, Small, Medium Enterprises by Crop and Year (ton) 20022003200520062007 Maize1 1141 1799421 3961 134 Rice931176598103 Sesame138191115202167 Millet1222152225 Nhemba beens5464487162 Cassava3 4556 54750006 6594 959

6 6 Yield are low: e.g. Maize

7 7 Low agriculture Performance – The example of Maize Fonte: FAOSTAT

8 8 Agriculture growth Driven by increased area Low and constant level of labour and land productivity Expected future growth on non- labour- intensive agriculture and manufacturing Large commercial plantation eg. Banana, Biofuels, food (by foreign governments ?) Low job creation

9 9 Low input use 9

10 10 Low use of improved Seeds 10

11 11 High Poverty in Mozambique Poor performance of agriculture in Mozambique results in high poverty rates National poverty head count not decreasing Rural areas worst off Central part of Mozambique doing poorly Region2002-032008-09 National54.154.7 Urban51.549.6 Rural55.356.9 North55.346.5 Centre45.559.7 South66.556.9

12 12 A large number of promising technologies are already available in Mozambique. But access of small farm households to the technologies is not easy. Technology Cropping season 2001/ 02 200 7/08 Fertilizer use3.73.5 Pesticide use6.75.1 Animal traction use 11.28.6 Access to extension 13.7 8.3. Sources: TIA 2002 and TIA 2008 Adoption of new technologies by farm households

13 13 Challenges Clear definition and funding of core public functions Agricultural research and Innovation Extension Services Information/Agric Statistics Regulation Monitoring and Evaluation Strategies instability and weak capacity of Agriculture Administration and services

14 14 Challenges Adequate funding for core functions of Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural Research and Extension Agricultural services: Seeds Crop and Animal Protection Irrigation Information/Agricultural Statistics Regulatory and

15 15 Challenges Research and extension appropriate technology must reach farmers and be adopted for use within the different farming systems Access to water Addressing inefficient management practices in water use and rain-fed agriculture is vital for the growth of the sector. Access to credit: FDD yes but how to engage private initiatives in this area?

16 16 Challenges Access to land and land rights secure land tenure and private use rights greatly improve the efficacy of rural development activities Roads Improve maintenance of rural roads will boost the growth of productivity Policies, markets and agribusiness Need to create enabling frameworks and policies for agribusiness, agro-industry and improvement of markets Market failures have been acute, especially in rural Mozambique

17 17 Current and Recent Policy initiatives to address the challenges Green Revolution Strategy (2007) Food Production Action Plan (FPAP) Agricultural Sector Development Strategy Plan (PEDSA) Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP)

18 18 Thank you for attention !

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