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TEMPLATE DESIGN © 2008 How the Caring Sciences Align and Reinforce Our WCH Vision Leading with Care STAR Leadership Modules.

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Presentation on theme: "TEMPLATE DESIGN © 2008 How the Caring Sciences Align and Reinforce Our WCH Vision Leading with Care STAR Leadership Modules."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEMPLATE DESIGN © 2008 How the Caring Sciences Align and Reinforce Our WCH Vision Leading with Care STAR Leadership Modules for Nurse Managers and Assistant Nurse Managers 4 Guiding Inquiry Questions Used to Frame Reflection and Discussion What does it mean to Lead / Practice with Care? How do I align my actions and my words? How do I align mind-body-spirit and co- create a healing environment? How do I communicate authentically and express my values and beliefs every day? feedback loop Behaviors Transform Approach, Practice & Relationships (e.g. policies & procedures, workflows, interactions, culture) Hardwire Performance Excellence // Assure WCH Outcomes Align Goals + Reinforce Behavior Standards & Communication Tactics + Define Accountability “Tactical” Strategic yet Prescribed Processes WCH Initiatives (Highly Skilled & Motivated Workforce // Quality Leader // Exceptional Care Experience // Care without Delay) Caring Sciences (Heart // Voice // Home // Path // Journey) Attributes of a Caritas Leader 1. Philosophy of Caring. A conscious goal, permeates every action. 2. Fairness. Recognizes the potential of all people around them. 3. Professionalism. Commitment to nursing a lifelong affair. A nurse is always a nurse and he or she responds to daily life from that point of view. 4. Craftsman. Nurses desire work that clearly contributes to the patients well being. The nurse is a craftsperson in caring/healing. Being able to deal repeatedly and continuously with the patient is the only way for them to practice their profession. 5. Collegiality. Treats all nurses with respect of colleagues. Do not feel that they need power for themselves, but are interested in all nurse reaching their full potential. 6. Planning and Creativity. Plans for the future. Allows nurse to show creativity. Encourages their input into organizational matters. 7. Power as Influence. Spread power, does not hoard it. Feel secure. Do not feel the need to use power to gain compliance. Seen as an opportunity, used carefully to enhance the nursing organization. 8. Open Communication and Decision Making. Most important attribute. Being able to listen to the good and the bad. Being accessible. Asking for clarification. Not cutting things off when they get hot. Letting people in on the decisions and the accolades. 9. Fiscal Accountability. Uses resources efficiently as possible and encourages others to do the same. Does not use finances as a fear tactic. 10. Environment of Excellence. Expect a lot when it comes to the work of patient care. Recognition for excellent work. Storytelling. 11. Management by Relationships. Cannot be done by an uncaring administrator. Talking things over with people. Asking instead of telling. Full attendance at every conversation. Hearing not just the words but the meaning. People work with you not for you. 12. Autonomy Potential and Empowerment of Staff. People work better when they are treated as if they are very important. Trusting people have potential which can be achieved in an empowered environment. Not looking over someone’s shoulder, but trusting them to make the right decision on their own. 13. Altruistic Values. Believes in the innate good of people and is willing to help others just for the reward of doing so. 14. Integrity and Personal Excellence. Expects a lot from others, but no more than they expect of themselves. High moral and ethical values that they incorporate into their lives. The very act of caring depends on personal integrity and excellence. Nyberg, Jan. A Caring Approach in Nursing Administration. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 1998. 242-244 NCAL executive leadership has made it one of our highest organizational priorities to support our first-level PCS managers in gaining greater awareness, comfort and ability to lead from a Caring Sciences framework. In 2011, Regional Patient Care Services developed 4 Leading with Care modules which are offered at each of our 21 NCAL medical centers through the STAR Leadership Program (as of June 2011). These 4 modules are organized by the key relationships we have as caregivers: We believe that our Nurse Managers and Assistant Nurse Managers serve as the primary conduit for linking the efforts of frontline staff and executive leaders to create and sustain a Caring Sciences foundation. “Consciousness” Professional Practice Framework Align Hearts + Reignite Passion + Reinforce Power + Reaffirm Perspective + Inspire Accountability Beliefs & Behaviors Captures the heart and mind of the nurse Relationship with Self Relationship with Patient Care Team Relationship with Patients & Family Relationship with Medical Center Leaders & Community

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