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ITQ Strengthening Instructional Leadership in Mathematics

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1 ITQ Strengthening Instructional Leadership in Mathematics
Coaching and the Bridges’ Transition Model ITQ Strengthening Instructional Leadership in Mathematics

2 Essential Question Reflection
What are the characteristics of the Five States of Mind and how can I use them in my work with mathematics teachers? What's the Big Idea?  Have people using a notecard or some type of notetaking template.  Ask EQ 1 to help reflection– (non fiction writing piece) Create anchor chart of Big Ideas from audience Conscious competence (Howell, 1982): skill, ability, etc. How we learn--

3 Purpose for today Understanding the five states of mind to build holonomy Link William Bridges’ Transition Model to the five states of mind and the changes in mathematics education

4 Activating Prior Knowledge
Turn to a neighbor and share what you know about the Five States of Mind or William Bridges’ work on change ? Your homework was to practice rapport and pausing and paraphrasing. I want you to think about what frustrated you.

5 Four support functions
Coaching Collaborating Consulting Evaluating Cognitive coaching is the most effective way to support a person becoming self directed. The neutral way to support the thinking of another person.

6 Coaching The mission of coaching is to produce self-directed persons with the cognitive capacity for excellence both independently and as a member of a community. “A mediator of thinking” To convey a valued person from where s/he is to where s/he wants to be. How is a stage coach an analogy for coaching

7 Five States of Mind Holonomy
FLEX IBI L I TY C O N S I U E s I N T E R D P C C r A F t M N S H I p EF F I CACy The five states of mind bring collaboration to the forefront Hol being whole on meaning part and onomy is knowledge Divide up into five groups write what you think it is and a simple to represent it. Post or pass and have the over teams add to your poster share Thumb caftmanship POSE DATA SEARCH BACK IT UP WITH DATA ( NAMES ON THE HAND ) POINTER EFFICACY BEING INCHARGE Consciousous make new connections Flexibility commitiment invite shifts ( ring finger Interdependence invite collaboration pinky Interdepentent

8 Directions On the back of your packet is a sticker with one of the states of mind, join the group around that poster Write down synonyms or phrases for that State of Mind Move to the poster to your right when directed. You will have one minute at each of the five States of Mind Now back at your original State of Mind poster, create symbol which represents that State of Mind. (1 minute)

9 Closely Read about your State of Mind
Make notes as you read, (silent read) With your group write a tweet for the #StatesofMind which defines or describes the key characteristics Record your tweet on the index card Remember Tweets are limited to 140 characters including spaces You have 5 minutes

10 Five States of Mind HOLONOMY Back it up with data Consciences
Invite reflection Making new connections Invite a shift Invite Collaboration Consciences Flexibility Efficacy Interdependence Craftsmanship The five states of mind bring collaboration to the forefront Hol being whole on meaning part and onomy is knowledge Divide up into five groups write what you think it is and a simple to represent it. Post or pass and have the over teams add to your poster share Thumb caftmanship POSE DATA SEARCH BACK IT UP WITH DATA ( NAMES ON THE HAND ) POINTER EFFICACY BEING INCHARGE Consciousous make new connections Flexibility commitiment invite shifts ( ring finger Interdependence invite collaboration pinky Interdepentent

11 Jig Saw Color Groups: Card Sort
Again look for the sticker on the back of your packet. Find your color Form new groups by color Deal the cards out Take turns reading the cards aloud and discussing which State of Mind is being represented

12 Example “I just need to cover these 5 chapters before winter break”
“I taught that!”

13 Bridges’ Transition Model
The difference between change and transition: Change is something that happens to people Transition is internal, it is what happens in peoples minds as they go through change Change can happen very quickly, while transition usually occurs more slowly People are uncomfortable with change, for all sorts of reasons This can lead them to resist it and oppose it

14 Bridges’ Transition Model
Ending , Losing and Letting Go The Neutral Zone The New Beginning

15 Ending , Losing and Letting Go
Fear Denial Anger Disorientation Frustration Uncertainty A sense of loss Allow them time to talk about what they are feeling Emphasize how people will be able to apply their skills, experience and knowledge once they change is made Communicate a positive future and how they are an essential part of getting there

16 The Neutral Zone Guidance in this stage is incredibly important
May have a higher work load as they get used to the new system and ways of working Skepticism or resentment about the change initiative Anxiety about their role, status or identity Low morale and low productivity Can also be a time of great creativity, innovation and renewal Guidance in this stage is incredibly important Encourage risk-taking Remind them of team goals and encourage them to talk Meet with your people frequently to give feedback Set short-term goals during this stage to allow for quick wins Help people to manage their workloads either by deprioritize some types of work or by bringing in extra resources

17 The New Beginning Acceptance High energy Openness to learning
Building skills they need to work successfully in the new change Renewed commitment to the group and their role As they adopt the change help them sustain it Link their personal goals to the long term objectives Regularly highlight stories of success brought about by the change Celebrate the changes you’ve all gone through and reward your team

18 Bridges’ Transition Model
Not everyone reach the stages at the same time People can slip back to a previous stage if they think the change isn't working

19 Reflection How does knowing about the five states of mind and the Transition Model help you in your work with teachers?

20 “It is only when we develop others that we permanently succeed.”
- Havey S. Firestone

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