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{ flS Tutorial By  flS uses SMTP protocol to send mails, so your SMTP information is needed.  The first time you launch flS, you will be.

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Presentation on theme: "{ flS Tutorial By  flS uses SMTP protocol to send mails, so your SMTP information is needed.  The first time you launch flS, you will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 { flS Tutorial By VILIC@CQU

2  flS uses SMTP protocol to send mails, so your SMTP information is needed.  The first time you launch flS, you will be asked to complete some information. Now I will take AIESEC mail (actually Gmail) an example to explain how to configure. Configure flS

3  The settings panel is like this. Fill your information in this panel, actually it’s quite like the way you go when configure Outlook or some other email clients. If you are using AIESEC mail or Gmail, just leave “SMTP” as what it is. Otherwise, if you don’t know how to deal with it, Google it. “Name” here is your display name, e.g., mine is “VILIC VANE”. As for “Email”, it of course won’t be mine. When you fill the “Email” textbox, the “Username” will be filled automatically, and most of time, your email address is your username. And, maybe your password is “123456”?

4  After that, click “Save” to save your settings.  And when you need to change something in the future, click “Sender” then “Settings”.

5  It’s not that easy any more.  Here we go. Create a template

6  A template file is somehow like a HTML segment. I see, you may know little about what’s HTML, but you’ll have to know something about it.  Don’t worry, not too much.  flS provides several tags to display the different parts of the first letters. Let’s start with these tags.  Notice, the tags of flS are case sensitive. What does a template look like?

7  The tag [TNM] stands for the name of the TN Manager you’re sending FL to.  You may want to use it like this: Dear [TNM], I am someone from somewhere… [TNM]

8  The tag [TNID] stands for the ID of the first TN. So, how the “first” come? Sometimes, in your list, several TNs may have one same TNM. On this condition, flS will send only one email to the TNM, and that’s how the “first” come.  You may want to use it like this: I am wondering that if the TN, [TNID], is still available? [TNID]

9  The tag [TNIDs] stands for the IDs of the TNs. It shows like this: ID-1 (if only one TN) ID-1 and ID-2 (if only two TNs) ID-1, ID-2 and ID3 (if three or more)  You may want to use it like this: I am wondering that if the TNs, [TNIDs], are still available? [TNIDs] – Basic Usage

10  This tag has some other stuffs, they are called parameters, which is wrote like this: [TagName param=“value”]  The parameters are startfrom: which would you like to start showing with. maxcount: the max number of TN IDs you want to show. seperator: the seperator you want, default is “, ”. lastseperator: the last seperator you want, default is “ and ”.  You may want to use it like this: [TNIDs startfrom=“2” maxcount=“4” seperator=“/” lastseperator=“/”] [TNIDs] – More Usage

11  The tag [TNCount] stands for the count of the TNs. It has one parameter: decrease: the number you want to minus when showing.  You may want to use it like this: He is interested in your [TNCount] TNs. What about the other [TNCount decrease=“1”] TNs? [TNCount]

12  The tags [MTN] & [STN] are used to differ if there is only one TN or there are more than one TN. Actually, “M” means multiple, and “S” means single, They are paired tags, a [MTN] must ends with a [/MTN], and so does [STN]. The content between the tag will be shown only when the number of TN(s) is one ([STN]), or is larger than one ([MTN]). These tags has the same parameter, and it’s actually the same as what the [TNCount] has: decrease: the number you want to minus.  You may want to use it like this: [MTN]Your content for multiple TNs[/MTN] [STN decrease=“1”]This content will actually show when there are 2 TNs, cause 2 – 1 = 1 (single)[/STN] [MTN] & [STN]

13  Congratulations! You have just walk through the template tags.  But, there are more tags waiting for you! And they are HTML tags! However, you are lucky cause there are many tools that can help you write HTML visually. Like Dreamweaver, FrontPage and so on. If you want, you can install one.  Though I have a simpler solution for you. HTML Stuffs

14 Write Something in Gmail

15 Select All and Copy

16  Open flS, and select “Sender” then “HTML Generator”. Open HTML Generator

17 Paste What You Copied and Copy the HTML.

18  The first line will be the subject of the FL, and tags are also allowed in it.  From the second line on, will be the body of the FL. And just paste the HTML code you copied just now.  Save it with UTF-8 encoding, and then it’s your template!  How? Click “File” then “Save as”, then you will see the option. Create a File as Template

19  What if we want to add a poster or a profile picture in the template file?  It’s simple! But not that simple… Add an Image

20  Don’t tell me you can’t insert an image in Gmail, Google it!  Then, copy all, paste to the HTML Generator and copy the HTML as what you tried before.  Find the HTML tag “ ”. (You can Ctrl + F and lookup “ ”. (You can Ctrl + F and lookup “<img”) Insert an Image to Gmail and Copy All

21  Actually it’s not a must-have step. But it may be the simplest way for you.  Move the image file you want to add to the template to the same directory(or say, folder) with your template file. E.g., if the full path of your template file is “D:/AIESEC/tpl.txt”, make your image file in the directory “D:/AIESEC/”. Move Your Image File

22  E.g., if the original one is like this:  E.g., if the original one is like this:  And if the file name of your image is “poster.jpg”, change it to this:  And if the file name of your image is “poster.jpg”, change it to this:  Notice, these steps is assuming that you have moved the image file to the directory of the template file.  And don’t forget to save! Change the “src” property of “ ”

23  You have just made a template!  But there are some thing you should notice.  When you want to add some style to the text or something else, never across the paired tag, or break a single tag!  Never do something like below: Tips Add red color to the left parts of paired tag [MTN] Add bold style to the half of tag [TNIDs]

24  Are you ready? Let’s do the coolest stuff!  But a slow connection may trouble you a lot. You may use a proxy to solve the problem. As for how, Google it! Send the First Letters

25  Do you use “Analyzer”? If you do, just select the two columns (“TN ID” and “Raised By”) from the file exported and copy them. Get the TNs List - Analyzer

26  Otherwise, you need to write down the list like below, and then copy them. Get the TNs List - Manual

27  Just click the “Paste” on right-top. And you will see the items showing in the TN List. Paste to The TN List

28  Select the template file you create by click “Select a template file”.  If you need, you can add some attachments the same time by click “Add attachments”. Select a Template and Attachments

29  To ensure the things are right, click “Preview” before you send the FLs. And if your template works fine, you should have seen the right things, including the images. And it is suggested to send yourself first to make sure everything.  Then, if everything is OK, click “Send”!  You will need to enter the names of TN Managers then, flS will automatically give a suggestion name depends on the username of the email address. If you don’t agree with it, you can change it or just “Cancel” to set it as “TN Manager”. Preview & Send

30   Email:  Web:  Twitter: @vilicvane Enjoy flS!

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