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Justice Reform The judicial perspective. Topics Common ground Managing change Budgets Four lessons Surprises.

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Presentation on theme: "Justice Reform The judicial perspective. Topics Common ground Managing change Budgets Four lessons Surprises."— Presentation transcript:

1 Justice Reform The judicial perspective

2 Topics Common ground Managing change Budgets Four lessons Surprises

3 Supreme Court 19 District Courts 5 Appeal Courts Central Appeals Council Netherlands: Zwolle Almelo Zutphen Groningen Assen Alkmaar Haarlem Utrecht Rotterdam Dordrecht Middelburg Maastricht Roermond Breda s-Gravenhage Arnhem Leeuwarden Amsterdam s-Hertogenbosch 62 local courts! Council of State

4 Staff 2200 judges 1177 men 1023 women 5839 court staff 461 staff in national services Source: Judicial Council Annual Report 2004

5 Rotterdam Criminal Court

6 Amsterdam Police Court

7 University law degree Judicial training – 6 years in house and courses 1987 Judge district court 1993 local court Amsterdam 1998 Program manager for IT policy Civil chamber, Court of Appeals My Legal Career as Example

8 What do we agree on? Reasons: Growing caseload Development in technology Increasing political interest International developments Outcomes: Council, budget

9 Cases filed and disposed

10 Other Issues Governance Change management Transparency Case handling External relations

11 Governance old Model Judges Minister of JusticePresidents Assembly Court Staff Court DirectorCourt President

12 Court Improvement Program Case handling Court management Governance External relations

13 Improving Courts: Methodology 1 Program 20 Project teams Judiciary led Multi disciplinary

14 Improving Courts: philosophy Cooperation Support Knowledge based Not bureaucratic

15 Improving Courts: Results Legislation Governance Web kiosk Quality system Raised awareness

16 Improving Courts: Outcomes Court Management Judicial Council Quality system Critical mass of change managers

17 Court management and budgets More than 20 years of discussion Judiciary: No independence without budget Judicial council budgeting authority Courts get budget based on number of cases disposed

18 Integral Management Judges and Court Staff Court Board President, Sector Presidents, Court Director Minister of Justice( Presidents Assembly ) Council for the Judiciary

19 Court Budgeting Open system: cases filed uncertain Budget based on cases disposed x price Case price based on standards Undefended small claim: 15 Estimated number disposed before Actual number disposed - recalculation

20 Meet the Judicial Council 5 - full time 3 judges 2 non judiciary 6 year term renewable

21 Mission: Improving societal quality of judicial organization Policy External relations Budget Advisory Change management Meet the Judicial Council

22 Civil Aligning Reform in Coherent Programs CriminalAdmin IT Program Legislative advice

23 Lesson: Money Counts Need for good statistics Keep checking 1992-2002 Good for transparency And for productivity But quality control is needed!!!

24 Lesson: Quality Matters Measuring judicial quality Different instruments Statistics Surveys Auditing

25 Lesson: Strange Effects 4 examples Government commitment Local courts IT as catalyst for change Everybody wants computers

26 Agendas Allies Changing minds Critical mass Ownership Lesson: People Matter Most

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