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第一次课 History of Papermaking

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1 第一次课 History of Papermaking



4 The Spread of Papermaking 造纸术的发展


6 Paper making process Step 1: 种树(Forestry)
Typically, trees used for papermaking are specifically grown and harvested like a crop for that purpose.  To meet tomorrow's demand, forest products companies and private landowners in Wisconsin plant millions of new seedlings every year.

7 Step 2: 砍树、去皮、削片(Debarking, Chipping and/or Recycling)
To begin the process, logs are passed through a debarker, where the bark is removed, and through chippers, where spinning blades cut the wood into 1" pieces.   Those wood chips are then pressure-cooked with a mixture of water and chemicals in a digester. Used paper is another important source of paper fiber. 

8 Step 3: 制浆(Pulp Preparation) 蒸煮、洗涤、漂白、打浆、着色等过程
The pulp is washed, refined, cleaned and sometimes bleached, then turned to slush in the beater.  Color dyes, coatings and other additives are mixed in, and the pulp slush is pumped onto a moving wire screen. Computerized sensors and state-of-the-art control equipment monitor each stage of the process.

9 Step 4: 抄纸(Paper Formation)
As the pulp travels down the screen, water is drained away and recycled.   The resulting crude paper sheet, or web, is squeezed between large rollers to remove most of the remaining water and ensure smoothness and uniform thickness.  The semidry web is then run through heated dryer rollers to remove the remaining water. Papermakers carefully test for such things as uniformity of color and surface, water resistance, and ink holding ability.

10 Step 5: 整理(Paper Finishing)
就是把纸幅卷成捆。一捆有的有25吨。然后再卷成更小的捆,便于运输和使用。纸机很大,最大的32英尺宽(1英尺=0.3米,1米=39英寸),550英尺长,一天可产1600公里长的纸。The finished paper is then wound into large rolls, which can be 30 feet wide and weigh close to 25 tons.  A slitter cuts the paper into smaller, more manageable rolls, and the paper is ready for use.

11 The process of making paper has not changed – at least, fundamentally – since its discovery.  But with almost two centuries of improvements and refinements, modern papermaking is a fascinating, high tech industry.


13 第一次课 History of Papermaking Focus on: P1(…); P2(…).

14 New words


16 句型焦点

17 名言 Some people pretend to despise the things they cannot have. (Aesop, ancient Greek fable writer) 吃不到葡萄的人说葡萄酸。(古希腊寓言作家 伊索)

18 Joke :Ten candies Mother asks her son, “Jim, if you have ten candies, and eat four, then how many candies do you have?” “Ten”, Jim says. “Ten”? Mother asks. “Yes, Mum, Four candies are in my stomach and six candies are out of my stomach. Four and six is ten, isn’t it right?”

19 Homework 翻译: Global population growth during the twenty-first century should continue. With a low paper and board consumption per capita in many regions of the world, this creates a large global demand potential. Simultaneously, these trends create new pressure on the world's resource base for the pulp and paper industry using fiber base, especially its forest resources. Intelligent management of the resource base is becoming especially critical for global survival.

20 Extra reading practice
The Amazing History of Paper! The Amazing History of Paper.doc

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