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Targeted capacity building for avoided deforestation, reforestation and sustainable land management in Africa Harnessing the carbon market to sustain ecosystems.

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Presentation on theme: "Targeted capacity building for avoided deforestation, reforestation and sustainable land management in Africa Harnessing the carbon market to sustain ecosystems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Targeted capacity building for avoided deforestation, reforestation and sustainable land management in Africa Harnessing the carbon market to sustain ecosystems and alleviate poverty November 13, 2008 Washington, DC NTF-PSI

2 Overall Project Objectives Support African countries to prepare for and take advantage of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and other mechanisms that can compensate them for reforestation and REDD activities, while creating an enabling environment for improving local livelihoods. Support three BioCarbon Fund projects in reaching the above objective: Ethiopia Humbo Assisted Regeneration Niger Acacia Senegalensis Plantation Madagascar Biological Corridor

3 Ethiopia Humbo Assisted Regeneration Project Project objectives and outcomes: Project is aiming to restore 2,728 ha of biodiverse natural forest in the Humbo area of Southwestern Ethiopia. Expect to sequester about 750,000 tCO2 in 30 years. Pioneer carbon sequestration CDM project implemented at the community level and managed by user groups organized in 7 cooperative societies. Could be the first ever CDM project registered in Ethiopia. Project sponsor and implementer is World Vision Ethiopia. However, strong need for additional capacity building efforts at the community/cooperative level NTF-PSI grant

4 Ethiopia Humbo Assisted Regeneration Project Project level objectives: Capacity building for project sponsor in project monitoring and implementation of the CDM Monitoring Plan. Increased skills and knowledge at the community level on sustainable forest management, improved agricultural practices, and conflict resolution. Increased skills and knowledge among community cooperatives on project management and monitoring. Increased potential for eco tourism and better knowledge within the community cooperatives about this. Project level outcomes: Enhanced community capacity to participate in the carbon finance reforestation project. Direct contribution to successful implementation and operation of the BioCarbon Fund reforestation project. Enhanced community capacity to improve their own likelihoods. Improved livelihood of temporarily negatively affected communities.

5 Ethiopia Humbo Assisted Regeneration Project Implementation progress: Many of the planned activities are already completed, including: training on sustainable forest management, agro- forestry, conflict resolution, eco-tourism, and carbon leakage and project monitoring. Completion of the remaining activities is expected by December, including a final report on the outcome of the capacity building activities.

6 Niger Acacia Senegal Plantation Project objectives and outcomes: Project is aiming to reforest over 17,000 ha of degraded land throughout Niger with native, drought-resistant acacia senegal. 32 local communities involved. Expect to sequester about 1.8 million tCO2 by 2017. Strong local social and environmental benefits: Social: Income generation through carbon payments and Arabic gum production. Environmental: Rehabilitation of degraded land, biodiversity. Could be the first CDM project registered in Niger. Project sponsor and implementer is a local private company Achat Services International, with support from the Gov. Niger. Highly replicable project (already in Mali and starting in Bur.Faso) However, strong need for additional capacity building efforts at the community level NTF-PSI grant

7 Project level objectives: Technical assistance to communities to improve success rate of plantations. Capacity building for nursery implementation and plantation maintenance, including fencing and pruning. Increase local communities understanding of carbon finance and their ownership of the project. Capacity building at the community level to better internalize the limits of the project (i.e., reforestation boundaries). Improve monitoring of the project, including biomass and leakage monitoring Niger Acacia Senegal Plantation Project level outcomes: Barriers to succesful planting identified for each project site and discussed with communities and local extensionists. Task led by ICRISAT (CGIAR). Two workshops on forest carbon to be held in Maradi and Zinder, w/ strong particip. of local communities and decision-makers. Communities are materializing the sites boundaries with stones, live fences, etc. Monitoring expert has just been hired and will start activities with communities soon.

8 Niger Acacia Senegal Plantation Implementation progress: ICRISAT has delivered training to the 8 Min. Env. extensionists giving technical assistance to communities. ICRASAT is currently undertaking an evaluative mission. Two teams are visiting all 42 planting sites and meeting with local communities throughout the country. Two workshops in Maradi and Zinder are scheduled for November and December 2008, with the participation of local communities and decision-makers. Mission to all project sites for the internalization of the site boundaries took place in the second half of 2008.

9 Madagascar Biological Corridor Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ) Project objectives and outcomes: Reducing deforestation in 425,000 ha of native humid forests in Eastern Madagascar and reforesting 3,000 ha with native species to reconnect two biodiversity-rich forest fragments Hybrid project: Reforestation (CDM) and REDD (voluntary carbon market) 1.2 million tCO2 in 30 years from the reforestation component 25 million tCO2 avoided in 30 years from REDD (figures being revised) Strong social benefits: promotion of sustainable livelihood activities (increased agricultural productivity), creation of jobs in nurseries and planting, cap. develop., payment for carbon credits Project sponsor is Government of Madagascar, with technical support from Conservation International and the World Bank Need for support in finalizing methodological aspects of two project components (reforestation and REDD) and in starting the FCPF Readiness activities NTF-PSI

10 Madagascar Biological Corridor Project level objectives: Finalize the Project Design Document (PDD) for the Reforestation component New project area Monitoring Plan Growth model nat. species Prepare the REDD PDD, using the BioCF RED Mosaic Def. Method. Build capacity at the project developer level to monitor both poroject components Develop an equitable and effective benefit sharing mechanism for carbon payments Support the start of FCPF activities in the country Project level outcomes (expected): Final reforestation PDD, ready for CDM validation Draft REDD PDD, for validation using the voluntary carbon standards (VCS) Project developer is able to monitor project activities, both from the reforestation and REDD sides Proposal for a benefit sharing mechanism for CAZ FCPF activities undergoing, including the preparation of the R- Plan

11 Implementation progress: Madagascar included as part of the NTF-PSI only mid-2008. Contract for the finalization of the reforestation and REDD PDDs is being finalized with Conservation International. Local consultant to initiate FCPF Readiness activities and to support the REDD component of CAZ was selected by a hiring committee in Madagascar. Contract is currently being processed. Madagascar Biological Corridor

12 The NTF-PSI has had an important role in supporting the implementation of forest carbon projects in Africa Most of the NTF-PSI resources have gone towards capacity building at the local level NTF-PSI is also supporting the emerging REDD agenda and promoting a link between the BioCF and the FCPF Supporting cutting-edge developments, such as the preparation of the first REDD project using the RED Mosaic Deforestation Methodology Disbursement has been slower than expected mainly due to institutional challenges in Ethiopia and Niger. Madagascar was included later. Conclusions

13 Thank you!

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