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Welcome! As you arrive: Make a name tag Find a partner and complete the “Triads Savvy” worksheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! As you arrive: Make a name tag Find a partner and complete the “Triads Savvy” worksheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! As you arrive: Make a name tag Find a partner and complete the “Triads Savvy” worksheet

2 The discover triad can be compared to a musical chord The Discover Triad Shepherding Stories Scripture

3 The Discover Triad Scripture Shepherding Stories

4 Timeless Principles of the Sunday School Movement Heart Heartbeat Focus Genius Mark of a Dynamic Sunday School Class pp.8-10 Scripture is the Teachers are the Learners are the The Class is the Discovery is the

5 The Discover Triad Scripture is about Bible study and discovering truths … Scripture comes alive in the context of the stories of the learners. p. 6

6 Discovering Scripture Never tell anyone anything that you can lead him to discover for himself. p. 10 Brainstorm: Advantages & Disadvantages of Discovery Teaching

7 Discovering Scripture If we want spiritual transformation to take place in the lives of our listeners, we must allow them to become learners. Many believers walk in and out of churches week after week with no real learning because we have not allowed or challenged them to become learners. – George Yates pp. 10-11

8 Discovering Scripture A modern paraphrase of James 1:22: Our final exam will not be about how much Bible we learned, but how much Bible we lived. p. 13

9 Elements of Discovery Teaching and Learning Questions Used by Jesus – Luke 10-25-37 Appropriate for All Ages and Learning Styles

10 Elements of Discovery Teaching and Learning Questions Learner Participation How can learners in your class be active participants? p.15

11 Elements of Discovery Teaching and Learning Questions Learner Participation Learner Preparation How can we communicate The expectation that learners will prepare? pp. 17-18

12 Elements of Discovery Teaching and Learning Questions Learner participation Learner preparation Connecting a stand-alone lesson Understanding the “big picture” Identify at least one way to connect next Sunday’s lesson to the unit of study for the “big picture”

13 Elements of Discovery Teaching and Learning Questions Learner participation Learner preparation Connecting a stand-alone lesson Move beyond the lecture Problems of Lecture Values of Lecture p. 20

14 The Discover Triad Jesus did not come merely to be the subject of a story, or just to tell stories, but to impact our stories. p. 23

15 Discovering Stories Stories … … Connecting Scripture with Experience p. 23 … Connecting People’s Journeys p. 24 … Sharing our Pilgrimages of Faith pp. 25-26

16 Discovering Stories Stories Build Community – Story sharing may help Humanize strangers and those different from us Level the playing field for outsiders Foster empathy, human connections, relationships Open minds and hearts Deepen appreciation of differences and commonality – Dolly Berthelot p. 27

17 Discovering Stories pp. 28-29

18 Discovering Stories Everyone has stories! Stories come from four basic sources: 1.Your ancestry 2.Your family 3.The place where you live 4.Your own personal experience p. 28

19 The Discover Triad The part of the Discover Triad that pulls it all together is shepherding. p. 32

20 Discovering Shepherding You can be a teacher without being a shepherd, but you can’t be a shepherd without being a teacher. p. 33

21 Discovering Shepherding Teachers Comfortable behind a lectern Looks for immediate response Hours of preparation Shepherds Most comfortable sitting among the sheep Content to watch people make incremental progress Enough preparation to feed flock what they need p. 35

22 Discovering Shepherding Tools for Shepherding My FRAN Prayer List, pp. 29-20 Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors Care Group Member Pages, p. 41

23 Knowing this is my primary teaching style, how can I be sure to include all three – Scripture, Stories, Shepherding? Teachers Comfortable behind a lectern Looks for immediate response Hours of preparation Shepherds Most comfortable sitting among the sheep Content to watch people make incremental progress Enough preparation to feed flock what they need p. 35

24 The Discover Triad

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