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Bell ringer Using the information you learned about your explorer write a short obituary for him. It should be 2- 3 sentences and summarize his life and.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell ringer Using the information you learned about your explorer write a short obituary for him. It should be 2- 3 sentences and summarize his life and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell ringer Using the information you learned about your explorer write a short obituary for him. It should be 2- 3 sentences and summarize his life and adventures. For example (George Washington) Here lies George Washington founding father and first president of the United States. Dedicated to the creation of a free country.

2 Monuments

3 Vasco da Gama

4 Motivation/ Regions Explored Find sea route to Asia. Sailed around southern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope)

5 Challenges/ Accomplishments Opened up trade between Arab in India and Europe. Got gold, spice, and cloth. Portugal became powerful as a result.

6 Impact on Natives Killed African hunters. Murdered innocent Arabs and often tortured them.

7 Vasco Nunez de Balboa

8 Motivation/ Regions Explored Set out to discover a new ocean (Pacific) Explored through Panama

9 Challenges/ Accomplishments Pacific Ocean discovered More land to Spain, wealth, and brought more explorers to the region.

10 Impact on Natives Took natives as slaves to help him search for gold. Turned natives against each other and many were tortured and killed.

11 Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

12 Motivation/ Regions Explored Settle California and gain more wealth for Spain.

13 Challenges/ Accomplishments Spain continued to expand and spread Catholicism. Dies trying to help soldiers under attack by natives

14 Impact on Natives Many experienced beatings, torture, and execution. Natives were nice until learned they were being overtaken by Cabrillo. Forced to work on Spanish farms.

15 Ferdinand Magellan

16 Motivation/ Regions Explored Explore Pacific and spread Catholicism

17 Challenges/ Accomplishments Started with 5 ships and 275 crew ended 1 ship 35 crew. Proved world was round and Pacific was huge. 1 st to circumnavigate.

18 Impact on Natives Many natives refused to convert were tortured. Tricked natives into selling gold and jewels.

19 Francisco Pizzaro

20 Motivation/ Regions Explored Explore South America for land and himself. Ran into Inca Empire.

21 Challenges/ Accomplishments Gained more land and wealth for Spain. Killed by his soldiers for hardships they faced.

22 Impact on Natives Inca empire, culture, and way of life was destroyed. Disease killed many of them.

23 Francis Xavier

24 Motivation/ Regions Explored Catholic missionary for the Jesuits. Spread Christianity. Missionary to Asia.

25 Challenges/ Accomplishments Convert and spread Christianity. Baptized 10,000 alone.

26 Impact on Natives In India many Jesuits were killed. Many resistant to convert Laws were put into place to stop the spread of christianity.

27 Hernan Cortes

28 Motivation/ Regions Explored Explore South America for new Spanish colonies. Explored Mexico.

29 Challenges/ Accomplishments Gained new territory in Mexico. Exported valuable goods. Spain grew in power.

30 Impact on Natives Destroyed the Aztec empire from disease and superior weapons.

31 John Cabot

32 Motivation/ Regions Explored Northern more faster route to Asia. Discovered parts of Canada.

33 Challenges/ Accomplishments Gave rights to England to set up colonies in North America gained natural resources.

34 Impact on Natives Didn’t come into contact with any Native Americans.

35 Christopher Columbus

36 Motivation/ Regions Explored Find quick sea route to Asia. Landed in San Salvador (thinking it India)

37 Challenges/ Accomplishments Natural resources to be brought back to Spain. Promised gold but couldn’t deliver.

38 Impact on Natives Natives were friendly to them. Enslaved and forced to mine for gold. Tortured and killed. Population Arawak and Taino started at 300,000. 50 yrs later 500.

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