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Gender in Value Chain :Action plan format
Ephrem Tesema( PhD) Social Anthropologist and LIVES Gender Expert, Presented at Gender in Value Chain Training Workshop for LIVES Project Staff, August 19-22,2013, Adama, Ethiopia, Rift Valley Hotel,
Outline Value Chain Analysis with a gender lens
Data Collection at Macro, Meso and Micro Levels Gender Sensitive Value Chain Mapping Analyzing Gender Sensitive Value Chain Mapping Analyzing Gender Based Constraints Concluding Remarks
Value Chain Analysis with a gender lens
Use gender-based Constraints tools to: Distinguish areas of gender inequalities relevant to the efficient operation of the VCs Identify inequalities and the subsequent Factors Formulate actions to build a VC with equal gender opportunities Diagnose the possible Socio-economic realities that affect gender relations across value chain nodes Points of Emphasis: The Value chain governance is the most important arena in terms of securing equal benefits
VC Mapping at Macro, Meso and Micro Levels
The Preliminary Mapping shed light on Institutions, Organizations and Individual actors involved in a VC Level of Awareness on gender Equality Issues The Ones who advocates on Gender inequality issues Interaction and linkage among them Actors with the potential to bring impact on gender equality Financial and technical resources committed for gender equality
Gender Sensitive Value Chain Mapping
Macro Level Analysis Cultural Setting/Dynamics Regulations and Legislations Meso Level Analysis Gender Sensitivity of specific Local Structures Focuses on Institutions and Structures and their delivery system Investigate if they reflect gender equality principles in their structure, culture, in the service they provide ( Producers group, BDS etc.
Gender Sensitive Value Chain Mapping Contin’d
Micro Level Analysis Identifies major Constraints faced by women at the HH level It shows the repercussion of the constraints on the meso and macro level specific to achievements and chain governance Example IFPRI/ILRI Mapping of Assets within the HH Natural Physical Financial Human Social Political
Analyzing Gender Based Constraints in A project Context
Steps in Gender Sensitive VC Mapping Process: Step I: Mapping Gender Roles & Relationships along the commodity/ Value Chain -Step II: From Gender Inequality to Constraints Step III: Assessing the Consequences of the Constraints Step IV: Taking/Recommending Actions Step V: Measuring Outcomes of the Actions
Integrating Gender in Agricultural VC
I. Mapping Gender Roles and Relations along the VC II. Moving from Gender inequality to Constraints III. Assessing the Consequences of Constraints IV. Taking Action VI. Measuring the Outcome of the action Source: Adopted from Gender Equitable Opportunities in Agricultural Value Chains, USAID, 2010
Food for Thought Evening Exercise (10-15 for Each Commodity VC)
Take one Commodity and map Gender roles/relations, identify constraints, assess the gender Consequences, Proposes mitigation/actions and state hypothetical Outcomes expected from the proposed action Put your findings in One Flip Chart and Post on the Wall in the morning for exhibition and to get comment from other team members
Implication for VC Research for Development Work
To enhance gender roles in value chain nodes and Chain governance of high value Livestock commodities and Irrigated Crops To enhance gender sensitive knowledge management and capacity building interventions in high value Livestock commodities and irrigated crops To ensure gender sensitive approaches' use by LIVES’s research and development partners and value chain actors and chain supporters
Thanks: The World is a Market Place; Then bargain in it!
Sebeta Cattle Market, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April, 2013, Photo by Ephrem Tesema
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The Activist, The Catalyst and Apathetic?!
Presentation I:Rational for Gender Mainstreaming in Livestock and Irrigation Value Chain Research and Development The Activist, The Catalyst and Apathetic?!
Outline Why Gender Matter in Livestock and Irrigated Value Chains R&D Interventions Facts and Figures: They Google at You!! Inclusive Development, Social Justice and Effectiveness: Areas that nag your concise Projects Objective/Outcomes: Sound(s) centrifugal/ final resort to make matters …. Concluding Remarks
Why Gender Matter in Livestock and Irrigated Value Chains R&D Interventions
Many millions of women and men Depend on the Agricultural Sector (livestock and irrigated Crop) Both Sexes Contribute for the growth and advancement of the agricultural sector There are indispensable complementarity of male and female smallholder in value addition and efficiency They pay costs in terms of health and wellbeing mostly disproportionately Most nutrition related successes depend on the level of gender empowerment in the household Value addition of products for the market depends on gender balanced decision making in the HH.
Gender in Smallholding livestock Value Chains
Assumptions about men and women in the livestock Sector Contribute for gene flows and domestic animal diversity Hold knowledge useful for prevention and treatment of livestock illness (ethno- Veterinary) Differ in putting criteria for breed selection Have different livestock knowledge and skills depending on their roles and responsibilities-boys and girls included Differ in reasoning for keeping certain types of livestock Therefore: Mainstreaming gender in livestock initiatives means addressing the perceived needs and interests of men, women, boys and girls
Facts and Figures: They Google at You!!
752 m people in the world keep livestock of which about 50% are women 2/3 of poor livestock keepers (400m) are women mainly poultry, sheep and goat Milk and processing is mainly run by women and to some extent children 43% of labour contribution in the agricultural Sector in some countries is from women Mostly women and children get affected by Zoonotic disease, Bilharzia in Irrigated areas) 70% of food producers in the family are women
Facts and Figures Contin’d
Gender disempowerment at HH level demure the possibility of effectiveness along the VC ( Verbal communication with female agricultural Extension agent in IPMS PLW,2007) Therefore, What we are going to do to change this? Emphasize on the following : Access to and control over natural/productive resources ( Land, Water) The implication of distribution of roles and responsibilities based on sex and age Access to Technologies, training and Extension Services
Therefore, What we are going to do to change…?
Access to Financial Services Access to markets Space for participation & decision making in the HH, Community and Enterprise level Occupational health and safety Investment both in gender practical and strategic needs Ensure gendered responsive accountability at different levels
Breaking the Gender Bias and Strike the Balance
Inclusive Development, Social Justice and Effectiveness: Areas that nag your concise Taking your share of the problem as most of the gender constraints are emanated from biases They could change over time, not permanent natural phenomena and not biological
Projects Objective/Outcomes: Sound(s) centrifugal/ final resort to make matters ….
A Gender Lens in commodity/ Enterprise Development Commodities and value chain nodes traditionally dominated by women Commodities and value chain nodes conventionally involve men and women Commodities and value chain nodes conventionally dominated by men only.
Directives for Successful Gender Sensitive Interventions in LIVES
Set specific Gender targets for LIVES Intervention that captures the imagination of staff and partners and facilitate support for its successful achievements. Learn from and share the experience of successful gender sensitive VC Governance Present evidence and facts to raise the awareness of project partners regarding the Importance of gender in value chain development initiative. Do not preach!! Prepare a gender action plan and scan the plan and all project activities with gender lens, share with partners and project staff
Directives Contin’d Learn and share gender analytical tools and approaches for successful delivery Work in partnership with the respective Women’s Affair Offices and other gender sensitive public and private service delivery organizations Understanding the gender context of the priority commodity/ value chains through diagnostic process and by making continues follow up studies Collecting and analyzing site and priority value chain specific information on gender differences in division of labor in producing and marketing priority commodities
Directives Contin’d Identify the extent of access to and control over resources and benefits accrued to men and women from specific commodities and value chain nodes gender participation in decision making capacity needs to be engaged in priority commodity value chain development Developing strategies to address gender issues in commodity chains with partners Identifying opportunities and implementing strategies to enable women and men to have equal opportunities in the project activities Identifying constraints and opportunities for women’s participation in the selected value chains
Possible Areas of Interventions
Targeting women from female‐headed households who have land for vegetable production Targeting women to engage in input supply systems like fruit tree nurseries, pullet production, feed block preparation Involving women and women groups in value addition/processing (e.g. juice and honey processing) Giving more focus and support to women in women‐dominated enterprises (e.g. dairy, Small ruminants and poultry)
Possible Areas Cont’d Adapting enterprises to more effectively engage and increase benefits to women, e.g., honey production in modern beehives Supporting women to identify and develop joint enterprises like small ruminant fattening Facilitate linkage to micro-finance institutions and other financial sources to enhance access to credit and market linkages for women to better Increase the participation of women in value chain development Evaluating these approaches to understand which strategies work, where and under what conditions
Possible Areas Contin’d
Using participatory technology adoption and evaluation approaches that enhance women’s participation such as farmer participatory research Involve women in special and regular Field days to demonstrate and scaling up Successful Out Comes Create Space for them in the Knowledge Centers, in ICT based information delivery and in activities to be carried at FTC levels Evaluate the way extension services are rendered to both men and women farmers, Mainly the facilitation skills of development agents, including our own Engaging women water‐users’ associations to increase access to irrigation technologies and enhance decision making role in tapping the resources
Learning and Sharing: Knowledge Dissemination and Capacity Enhancement by innovative Female Farmer In Ada’a District Oromia Elfinesh, A Female Farmer from Adaa District, Oromia Regionala State, share her experience in back yard Beekeeping for AGP Staff from Four Regions of Ethiopia in 2010, Photo by Ephrem Tesema, ILRI/IPMS Project Gender Expert. W/ro Elfinesh Bermeji, a female smallholder in Ada’a district in Oromia, share her experiences on backyard beekeeping for AGP trainees, Photo by Ephrem Tesema, November 18, 2011
Presentation III: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities in LIVES Gender Mainstreaming Endeavour
Outline Progress in LIVE Gender Mainstreaming Task Opportunities Challenges The Way Forward A Message for LIVES Team on Gender Mainstreaming Secret for Success
Progress in LIVE Gender Mainstreaming Task
Directly Project Related Activities 1.1. Familiarizing LIVES Staff with the Gender mainstreaming guideline ( Presentation) May 30, 2013 1.2. Selection of gender in value chain reading materials to be down loaded on E-readers and distributed to partners for action research purpose 1.3. Supporting the knowledge management intervention through commenting the knowledge management guideline, the E-reader based data collection questionnaires
Continued 1.4. Distribution of soft copies for headquarter and Regional staff to share new insights, gender analytical tools and innovative approaches 1.5. Involving in designing a research project call from the World Bank with CRP 3.7. team to gain expertise to carry out a research in four PAs with the objective of designing gender Self-determination and Empowerment path ways. The pilot gender self-determination and empowerment tools will be tested in four value chain projects located in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Tanzania
Continued 1.6. Supporting the LIVES Staff recruiting panel through involving in the interview questions and by presenting gender in value chain related questions during Recruitment of Research Officers, Business Development Officer 1.7. Contribution a part on gender disaggregated reporting for a weekly reporting format prepared by LIVES’s Programme Coordinator
Opportunities Coordination and Gender Infrastructure
Past Experiences, Guidelines, Tools Proper Planning and Guidance Familiarization of staff, Co-planning with LIVES team Partnership and Resource sharing LIVES Gender Unit closely work with ILRI Capacity Building CG Gender Consortium, CRP 3.7 ATA, Agri-Hub Ethiopia, AGP, Ministry of Agriculture Gender Unit, Individual Researchers on Gender, Gender and Nutrition etc. Gender proactive Project Management Style and Good Relation with Donor Agency Allocation of resources, space for influencing project pillars and budget and logistic allocation for Gender Work Constructive Relation with CIDA
Communication and Information Flow
Challenges Communication and Information Flow Need improved communication with Regional and Zonal Team The Understanding of the Gender Dimension of LIVES and how to materialize Gender equity in the project pillars across all intervention Areas Low Assessment of partnership building at Regional and Zonal Level-Need to inspire, involve and support key Partners in the Ministry of Agriculture-Gender Unit, Women Affairs Offices, Cooperative Agent Gender Unit Minimum Resources and Capacity to uniformly address gender issues across Project Areas( Pillars) from Headquarter so far.
The Way Forward Gender Sensitive team building within LIVES
Build Capacity of Gender LIVES Regional and Zonal Team through coaching, mentoring and TOT Training Carry our Gender in Value chain analysis on the basis of selected Commodities in each intervention regions/zones Creating partnership b/n LIVES regional and Zonal teams with gender units in the Ministry of Agriculture, Women Affairs Offices and NGOs with Gender and Agriculture related intervention Capacitating key partners ( DA’s, Extension Agents and other front line development partners) through gender sensitization training, coaching and mentoring of gender in value chain issues and gender in value chain mapping and analysis Publication on Gender in value chain success stories and Lessons
Gender Mainstreaming Secret for Success
Readiness to discover the lost six sense within us Readiness to listen others perspective and capitalize on that Gender contributes a lot for Career building and to claim professional excellence at individual level in the present century Professionalism Gender sensitivity also add value to enhance the success of ILRI and LIVES in its core competency areas Do Gender across all intervention areas and pillars with sense not only with sense of responsibility but with high sense of humour and
Facilitation Skills: Semi Structured Interview(SSI) With Community
The Basics of Gender Facilitating Skills Individual Interview Group Interview Key Informant Interview Focus Group Interview
The Basics of Gender Facilitating Skills
High Degree of Trust between The Field Workers and Community This Requires Facilitation Skills It Empowers people equally It help men and women to assess and review their environment and world views
Individual Interview Connected with an opportunity sample of purposely-selected individuals It may include leaders; innovative persons, women household heads, resource poor farmers Interviewing a number of farmers on the same topic will quickly reveal a wide range of opinions, attitudes and strategies It is advisable to ask individual respondents about their own knowledge and attitude
It is difficult to mange a larger group at a time
Group Interview Provide access to a larger body of knoldge ( or community level information) Provide an immediet crosscheck on information, for it is received from others in the group It is difficult to mange a larger group at a time As a rule of thumb keep the size from 20-25
Key Informant Interview
Can be done with any one with Special knowledge on a particular topic Key informants are expected to be able to answer : Questions about the knowledge and behavior of others Especially about the operations of the broader system Crosschecking is necessary to avoid risks of mislead by key informants Outsiders who live outside the community can be valuable key informants
Focus Group Interview Helps to discuss specific topics in details with small groups of people Keep the size of interviewees from 6 to 12 They should have intimate knoldge about the topic under considerations The facilitator make sure that: The discussion does not diverge too far from the original topic No participant dominates No participant ignored Eye contact Responsive gestures/para-liguistics Selecting words and probing not arguing
How to Conduct Semi-Structured Interview
Def.:SSI is a form of guided interviewing where only some questions are predetermined There are three types of Questions Leading Questions: Imply the kind of response that is expected: the speaker may try, consciously or unconsciously, to get the listener to agree with or support the speaker’s point of view Direct questions: Usually aimed at obtaining specific points of information. Usually they are prefaced by: How many, How much, How often, Who, When, Where Open questions: are key questions in dialogue on innovation. They give free rein expression without explicitly directing interviewee's response
Preparations Select an appropriate team of interviewers. Assign responsibilities i.e. note taker, observer and moderator Formulate questions clearly. Agree on how to conduct the interview: Focus Group, Key informants, individual Prepare yourself for the interview Prepare a check list
Before Interview Begin with traditional interview Explain who you are? Your name, job, purpose of visit Began your Qing by referring to something or some visible entity Be sensitive and respectful Take a sit as same level with the interviewee Do locally accepted polite talk Find the right place to sit Avoid language barriers Dialogue/ casual conversation Rapport between interviewee and facilitator dictates the quality of data Spend some time for casual conversation Observe,keep eyes for patterns, behaviours differences, usual things and non-verbal indicators
During interview Ask one questions at a time Most interview should be open ended with broad questions to allow respondents to discuss the topic in their own terms, not the interviewer's Use words phrased like Why, Who, Where, When, How. Probe responses Do not suggest answers Avoid lecturing and advising Carefully lead up to important or sensitive questions Take your time, allow your respondents to answer completely before moving to another point
Summarise the discussion Do not refuse drinking water or local drinks
Closing the Interview Summarise the discussion Do not refuse drinking water or local drinks Do not take a photograph of people unless you ask and receive their permission Finish the interview politely Thank the interview
Recording the Interview
Devide the page of your note into two columns One, for responses and the other for observations Ask permission from your informants before you start writing things Record what is being said Details of an interview Important points Who was interviewed? Was it in a group? Where was the interview held?
Please understand Both types of knowledge ( local and scientific) merit mutual respect The rural people practices, and whole way of life, are respected and esteemed by the outsiders The rural people need to understand the discussion that is going on, and therefore has the right to ask questions; they are entitled to explanations and justifications of the discussion The outsiders are motivated to learn the rural people who will therefore teach as well as learn The rural people will be responsible dor decisions that can make or break the success of the field work/data collection
Points to remember for FGI/SSI Facilitators
Plan ahead of time and relax as it is a journey in another realm of knowledge from the formal one Consult community members and leaders Identify the necessary composition that fulfills your purpose Understand that it is not a last resort to your problem then relax if the first attempts fails Re-plan your interview after thorough evaluations Thank participants for their time and knowledge Organized your not immediately after interview Do it with one team members
Thanks Together We Can!! Thaks!!
Gender Action Planning Guide for LIVES Team
An Action Plan is a simple lists of all of the tasks that you need to finish an objective It is not a menu of a TO-Do List It Focuses on the achievements of a single goal It gives a framework for thinking about how you will complete a project activity efficiently Help finish activities in a logical order It helps you not to miss key issues, steps and priorities It helps you to monitor activities after sometime It can capture essential elements in a simple format It is a mnemonic device over time
Steps in Preparing an Action Plan
Step 1:Identify Tasks Start with brain storming: talk on the needed actions, set priorities to meet specific deadlines List tasks and change it into plans Step 2: Analyze and Delegate Tasks Look at each task with a greater detail Identify tasks to be delegated to team members State deadline for each actions and steps Indicate if you may need additional resources Step 3: Double check systematically Space Cash Supporters/people
Double Check Systematically Cont’d
Equipment Materials Expertise systems Step 4” Monitoring and review Monitor the execution of your plan and review the plan regularly
Action Planning Format
No. Outcome Activity Target Group Supporters Time Table
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