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CITRUS NUTRITION SOLUTIONS Fruit Drop Problem: 1. During fruit growth phase  Right fertilization, foliar applications will correct imbalances faster 

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Presentation on theme: "CITRUS NUTRITION SOLUTIONS Fruit Drop Problem: 1. During fruit growth phase  Right fertilization, foliar applications will correct imbalances faster "— Presentation transcript:

1 CITRUS NUTRITION SOLUTIONS Fruit Drop Problem: 1. During fruit growth phase  Right fertilization, foliar applications will correct imbalances faster  Improve health of trees increasing self-defences  Prevent stress and act very fast in case of stress  Apply Trafos K or Trafos Sinergy to fortify plants and increase natural defenses, increasing also K nutrient  Apply Delfan or Aton range bio-stimulant products to reduce stress and give fast recovery from stress If more fruit drop than normal is identified, this is a sign that the tree is under stress caused by a late frost, a lack of water, too much water, fungus diseases or an inadequate supply of soil nutrients (low potassium).

2 CITRUS NUTRITION SOLUTIONS Fruit Drop Problem: 2. After fruit setting  Right fertilization, foliar applications will correct imbalances faster  Improve micronutrients applications (Zn, Mn, B, Mo)  Check soil pH and nutrients availability  Apply Aton Zn + Aton Mn + Aton Mo at sprouting to improve fruit quality  Apply Tradebor before flowering to get a better fruit setting Early in the fruit formation period, small immature fruit will fall from the tree in large quantities. This is normal but an abundance of fallen fruit is a much more serious issue.

3 CITRUS NUTRITION SOLUTIONS Silicium (Si) KEY ELEMENT in citrus fruits  Silicium helps the formation of mechanical barriers  Silicium reduces spore germination  Silicium improves antimicrobial enzyme activity  Silicium induces phytoalexins production  Apply Si during the active growth of fruit to enhance disease and environmental stress tolerance Blocked fungal spore Silica bodies Cuticula

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