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June 12, 2006 Are Libraries Innovative Enough? June 12, 2006 Stephen Abram, Vice President, Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "June 12, 2006 Are Libraries Innovative Enough? June 12, 2006 Stephen Abram, Vice President, Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 12, 2006 Are Libraries Innovative Enough? June 12, 2006 Stephen Abram, Vice President, Innovation


3 What is Innovation? An innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by the individual or other unit of adoption. It matters little, as far as human behavior is concerned, whether or not the idea is new as measured by the lapse of time since its first use or discovery. The perceived newness of the idea for the individual determines his or her reaction to it. If an idea is new to the individual, it is an innovation. Everett Rogers Ill know it when I see it!


5 2002 Light Sent into Future

6 2003 Light Transported

7 2006 Light Goes Backwards Boyd's team collected data showing light traveling 'backwards,' seemingly faster than light speed. Image credit: Univ. of Rochester

8 The question we should be asking is… Whats the BEST future FOR libraries?

9 Expectations 1.0 Search Retrieve Print Link Navigate Read...


11 Darlene Fichter, 2006





16 WEB 2.0 RSS – really simple syndication Wikis New Programming Tools: AJAX, API Blogs and blogging Recommender Functionality Personalized Alerts Web Services Folksonomies, Tagging and Tag Clouds Social Networking Open access, Open Source, Open Content Commentary and comments Personalization and My Profiles Podcasting and MP3 files Streaming Media – audio and video User-driven Reviews Rankings & User-driven Ratings Instant Messaging and Virtual Reference Photos (e.g. Flickr, Picasa) Socially Driven Content Social Bookmarking

17 Librarian 2.0 The Guru of the Information age!

18 Innovation Tips Fear of Failure


20 Innovation Tips Listen Outside of Libraries, a lot

21 Innovation Tips Cross the Generations, often

22 Innovation Tips Follow well, and lead from the side

23 Innovation Tips Blog Both Ways, as conversations

24 Innovation Tips Try something New EVERY Day


26 Play

27 Innovation Tips Lead and Share

28 Innovation Tips Dont Just Criticize

29 Innovation Tips Stay Positive

30 Innovation Tips Learn Un

31 Innovation Tips Focus on the Lesson Level

32 Innovation Tips Dont Kill the Babies

33 Innovation Tips Work from the customer in, Really put the customer first.

34 Innovation Tips Have a vision

35 Innovation Tips NO PUNY VISIONS

36 Lots of BIG questions to think about What will it mean to libraries if their services can be delivered to cheap devices that almost everyone has with them all the time? Think about it… Smart phones easily and cheaply offer Web, e-mail, music, talking books, e- books, etc. Be creative. Design your portal to deliver just what's needed, in the format that's needed. Don't drown them!

37 How do I find and trim my vision?




41 Chinese e-ink

42 Web-enabled cards…!?

43 eBook readers

44 Everythings getting smaller and more personal…

45 Lots of BIG questions to think about What will it mean for libraries if secure, broadband connectivity is ubiquitous in your community? Think about it… What if Google's investment in free broadband wireless through the electrical grid is wildly successful? Be creative. Compete. Make a difference by empowering your community to take advantage. Innovate.

46 Google invests in wired …

47 Bidirectional wireless module Hydro Broadband


49 The questions keep coming… What does it mean if a decent laptop is available for under $150.00? Think schools, public libraries, gyms, stores, playgrounds, clubs, etc. Think transformation. How will you empower learning, finding, and contextual experience?





54 The questions keep coming… What does it mean if virtually all content in any kind of container is available through the Internet? Video, music, books, learning, courses, pictures, drawings, art, etc. Do you drown, surf, or swim? How does everyone learn the skills? How do quality and context rise above simple search and find? What are the risks of satisficing?

55 And they dont get easier to answer! And they dont get any easier to answer! What impact will Millennials have? What about post-Millennials? These are Internet natives, not immigrants If people and technology change, how must libraries and librarians evolve?

56 Preparing for the Inevitable


58 Usability The A frame adopted from newspaper layout is not what works. Eyetools





63 Principled / Values More FriendsMore Diverse Respect Intelligence Optimistic / Positive Internet Natives More Choices Format Agnostic Balanced LivesAdaptive / Flexible Civic Minded High Expectations CollaborativeNomadicGamersExperiential IndependentConfidentDirectMore Liberal Multi-taskersInclusivePatrioticEntrepreneurial Healthy LifestyleFamily Oriented GraphicalAchievement Oriented Millennial Characteristics Credit: Richard Sweeney, NJIT

64 And they dont get easier to answer! And they dont get any easier to answer! What will you do when 90% of courses are supported by e-learning and potentially 65% of all students never come on campus? Focus on the Lesson level, manage relationships at the course and departmental level.


66 Add hundreds of database Suppliers (MS already has about 120+) Make it OpenURL compliant Make it Browserless Add a toolbar that behaves in a research way Integrate e-commerce for articles, standards, etc. Predict their needs through mining of Gmail, surfing, and behaviours Personalize it and track your needs and Add alerts … Add for online discussions, communities of practice, group and Individual blogs and connections through social networking software Add tools – citation, RefWorks, ProCite, stat packages, Add virtual reference Do OCLC stuff

67 Add hundreds of database Suppliers (MS already has about 120. Make it OpenURL compliant Make it Browserless Add a toolbar that behaves in a research way Integrate e-commerce for articles, standards, etc. Predict their needs through mining of Gmail, surfing, and behaviours Personalize it and track your needs and Add alerts … Add for online discussions, communities of practice, group and Individual blogs and connections through social networking software Add tools – citation, RefWorks, ProCite, stat packages, And then ally with Sun to build a new OS for wireless world… Writely! Google Spreadsheets Add virtual reference Do OCLC stuff



70 What if... Search gets better and needs new hooks? (and it will)







77 Are you up on tagging? How about folksonomies?

78 EverQuest


80 Reminder: 150,000 or more PER DAY!








88 Second Life Library

89 Second Life Library eBooks

90 Teen SL Library services meeting, Sun 5/7/06 Teen SL Library services meeting, Sun 5/7/06




94 Podcasting

95 Video iPod etc.



98 And everybodys talking about Google! If libraries simply align themselves with Google, what are they missing? Who remembers that Google is focused on search for meeting commercial and advertisers needs Who's ensuring that people and entire communities have access to quality information, resources, and services --- i.e. sustaining knowledge? Whos keeping in mind that discovering knowledge involves more than simply searching and finding content? US


100 The Long Tail of QUESTIONS libraries

101 So, Are Libraries Innovative Enough?


103 And one final question What if there were no special librarians? What would you do if you were starting from scratch to meet peoples needs? Would your plans bear any resemblance to current plans we have for the future?

104 A year from now you may wish you had started today. Karen Lamb

105 The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Alan Kay Computer Technology Pioneer Alan Kay Computer Technology Pioneer

106 Stephen Abram, MLS VP Innovation 416-669-4855 Thanks Stephens Lighthouse Blog has all PPTs and articles on it.

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