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Climate Change and the Ocean ACE-CRC Science From Antarctica to Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change and the Ocean ACE-CRC Science From Antarctica to Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change and the Ocean ACE-CRC Science From Antarctica to Australia

2 Key questions  How does the Southern Ocean influence global and regional climate?  Is the Southern Ocean changing? Can we tell if it is climate change or a natural cycle?  Will changes in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean influence Australian climate?

3 Connecting ocean basins Rintoul et al., 2001

4 Overturning circulation Rintoul, 2001

5 Ocean uptake of CO 2 Sabine et al., 2004

6 Ocean heat storage  More than 90% of “global warming” is in the ocean. Levitus et al., 2004

7 Ocean heat storage  Most of the change in ocean heat content is in the southern oceans. Levitus et al., 2004


9 “I think we’ve hit a critical desalinization point!” Dennis Quaid, renowned climatologist

10 Sensitivity to climate change Hirst et al.,

11 ACE observations

12 Antarctic Bottom Water

13 Rapid changes in the deep SO  In 10 years, the deep layers of the entire basin have become fresher and less dense.

14 Causes of fresher shelf water  Increased glacial ice melt, due to warmer ocean  More precipitation  Less sea ice formation  Change in winds (eg southern annular mode) Davis et al., Vaughan; Science, 2005

15 Link to Australian climate? Southern Ocean winds further north? Southern Ocean winds further south?

16 Summary  The Southern Ocean has a significant influence on global and regional climate.  Growing evidence for change in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean – but still too soon to tell if it is a natural cycle or due to human activities.  Australia will not be immune to changes in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.  Understanding SO change will enhance our ability to adapt to future change.

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