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CDM Developer Workshop. TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Purpose What do you want from this workshop?

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Presentation on theme: "CDM Developer Workshop. TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Purpose What do you want from this workshop?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CDM Developer Workshop

2 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Purpose What do you want from this workshop? General Introduction to the CDM Library i.e. programming language, platform, domain model AND / OR Show a simple example of how applications build on the CDM Library AND / OR Q & A

3 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Common Data Model (CDM) New development covering all domains of information Leans on existing standards / models like TDWG Ontology Exchange format Expandable

4 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy IO CDM Library

5 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Fundamentals An application using the CDM is concerned with data that falls within the scope of the CDM i.e. primarily Taxonomy, Nomenclature, Descriptive or Specimen data (with some secondary data like literature, molecular or geographical data but primarily "Taxonomy"). Exactly what the application does, or what it looks like is not defined by the CDM Java Library - this is presumed to be specified by the developer. Instead the CDM Library provides the rather dull, but essential generic services that 95% of applications need. The advantage is that, as an application developer, you do not need to do the boring stuff yourself, but instead you can focus on delivering real value to your users.

6 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Generic features of CDM Objects UUID - surrogate key Audit info (created, created by, updated, updated by) Annotations ("comments") & Markers ("flags" or "tags") Rights (think dc:rights) & Sources (provenance) TitleCache, LSID

7 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy What you get for free Persistence: Generic CRUD operations Search: free-text query or criteria query Versioning: track changes in data objects Audit: record who did what & when Validation: check "is this object ok?“ Web service components (JSON, XML, RDF, LSID Resolution) Import-Export (TCS, SDD, ABCD, EndNote, CSV, Excel, CDM XML)

8 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy What you need to provide Business Logic User Interface Look & Feel Packaging (as webapp, eclipse RCP, java swing etc)

9 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy A quick word about Maven Maven is the build tool used to manage the CDM Library For those of you who have used unix, it's a bit like make For those of you who have used java, it's a bit like ant It is more than a tool for compiling and packaging applications as it is based on the idea of managing dependencies (i.e. jar files), and of deploying such files to a (local or web-based) repository.

10 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy A quick word about Spring Spring is an application development framework that began as a lightweight alternative to J2EE (Java Enterprise Edition). It is based on the idea of services being pojo's (Plain Old Java Objects), which have their dependencies injected into them (dependency injection is also called the "don't call us, we'll call you" principle - the idea of the container managing the dependencies of objects). This application design pattern essentially results in a very loose coupling of dependencies between layers of the application. Loose coupling is a good thing.

11 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy A quick word about Spring As an applicaton developer, it is sufficient to create an (XML) file that describes your "application context" - the services that are available as dependencies of your application. E.g. lines like will scan your classpath for objects in the eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api package (i.e. the cdm services), and make them available as dependencies.

12 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Taxon Hot OR Not When a user visits taxon hot or not, they are presented with a taxonomic description. It includes a picture of the taxon. It also includes a form. Within that form is a UUID that identifies that taxon description, and also a field called markerType that can take one of five values that correspond to -Best -Better -Ok -Bad -Worst

13 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Rank this taxon! By selecting a value for markerType, and clicking on the button, the browser sends the UUID of the descripion and one MarkerType to the controller. Provided that the POST request is well formed, the controller will add a new "Marker" of the specified type to the description, persisting that updated description. It calculates a heuristic "score" for the description, based on the ranks that it has been given, returns this data, and gets a new description to rank as well.

14 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy MVC Architecture Model: In this case, the Common Data Model - java objects View: In this case a single Java Server Page index.jsp, using springs's tag libraries Controller: In this case a single java class, annotated with spring's @Controller annotation, responding to two types of HTTP Request  HTTP GET to / which returns a description of a taxon (including an image)  HTTP POST to / which includes: A UUID for the description A UUID for the marker type

15 TDWG 2009 - Andreas Kohlbecker Taxonomic Workflow in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Where to ask for help Development wiki, bugtrac, subversion, documentation Mailing list CDM UML Documentation and diagrams Dependencies, Javadocs,changelog etc for cdmlib releases

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