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SEIMS Workshop GIS Audit Process, NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Tool and Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan.

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Presentation on theme: "SEIMS Workshop GIS Audit Process, NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Tool and Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEIMS Workshop GIS Audit Process, NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Tool and Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan

2 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit
What is an SBE jurisdictional audit? An SBE jurisdictional audit is a way for the county to ensure that all voters are in their correct Jurisdictions. How does SBE put together a jurisdictional audit? SBE imports all voter addresses into SBE GIS system. SBE GIS system then uses many different mechanisms to translate the address to a point on the map. Once the voter address points are generated on the map, SBE then overlays the jurisdictional map over the entire state map. The GIS system then looks at the SEIMS jurisdiction associated to the points on the map to see if it matches the jurisdiction on the map. Voters not in the correct state jurisdiction are identified in the county audit files.

3 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit
The following are jurisdictions audited by SBE: NC Senate District NC House District Congressional District District Court Precinct VTD County Boundaries

4 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit Instructions and Files
State Jurisdictional Audit Instructions can be found on the Intranet site under DocumentationGuides and Manuals: County Audit zip files are located on the FTP site at ftp:// /. Navigate to your county’s folder and open the Audit folder. Save your file to your Desktop (or other easily remembered location).

5 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit Instructions and Files
Extract the files from the file by right-clicking the file and choosing Extract All. Extract the files to a folder on your Desktop (or other easily remembered location). The audit files are now available for review using a GIS software or Google Earth.

6 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit Viewing Audit Data
In the example shown, Google Earth is being used to review the audit files. If your county does not have GIS software, Google Earth is a free alternative. All layers that have been imported appear in the Temporary Places column on the left. Click on any dot on the map to reveal all pertinent geocode information. Double-click the dot to zoom-in to street level view. Review each dot and make corrections in Geocode as necessary.

7 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit DBF Files
DBF files in the file contain the raw data that corresponds to the mapped data. Essentially, these files will list every voter in the county that needs to be moved into an updated district. This information can be sorted in any manner which facilitates the redistricting update process. The DBF files can be viewed in Microsoft Excel. Use the DBF files and map files, along with Geocode and GIS software, to investigate and modify jurisdictional information.

8 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit Auditing Data
When doing your audits remember the following: Include your county GIS if possible. Research all issues, plotting a point on the map is not always 100% accurate. Have you ever put in an address to a GPS and not ended up at the correct location? Use county tools with Satellite overlays or Google Earth. These tools allow you to look at the street and home from your computer. Sometimes the GIS systems put the address point on the street and not the house. This causes an issue if the jurisdictional line is on the street.

9 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the data in the file come from? The State approved lines come from the North Carolina Geodetic Survey ( which is also used by DOT and NC Onemap. How come my audit numbers are not decreasing as I fix problems? The Audit runs every weekend. If you check the audit files prior to the next audit run, there may be no decrease. As Geocodes are being fixed, other data may change which may increase or decrease the numbers. Increases or decreases should show after the next audit run. What exactly is the no_geo_pts.dbf file? This is a file containing voter addresses that we are unable to match with a point on the map. Please send that file to your county GIS department so they can Geocode those addresses and have them send it back to us.  Doing this will enable us to better audit your jurisdictions.

10 SEIMS/GIS Jurisdictional Audit Frequently Asked Questions continued…
What do I need to do to give the State updated data from my county GIS? Please enter a SEIMS Helpdesk ticket and give us the contact person for your county GIS so that we can contact them to get updated E911 files and/or street files. Who do I send updated GIS information to? Our GIS Analyst should receive this information. Please enter a SEIMS Helpdesk ticket, include the updated files, and we will get the data to the GIS group. How do I get help with my jurisdictional audit? Please send an to to enter a SEIMS helpdesk ticket and someone from the Helpdesk staff will be glad to assist you and walk you through the process.

11 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map

12 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map
What is the NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map tool? This application is used to correct the location of points flagged by the SBE GIS Precinct Audit. An address point is flagged because of the following two issues: Address point is incorrectly mapped OR Address point is in the correct location but has been assigned to an incorrect jurisdiction. This tool is used to correct errors related to item #1 above, where the address point needs to be moved to the correct location. Errors related to item #2 above are to be changed in SEIMS. For example, if it is determined that a point’s location on the map is indeed correct, then the Precinct Jurisdiction (‘SEIMS prec’) that it was assigned to is incorrect and needs to be changed to the ‘GIS prec’ value.

13 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map
Steps for moving an address point: Step 1: Launch IE browser Browse to url: Replace ‘COUNTY’ with name of your county. Example: ( Step 2: Zoom to any location of your choice (refer to ‘Navigating the Map’). Make edits (refer to ‘Editing’). Step 3: Exit the application when edits are complete.

14 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Navigating the Map
Zooming: There are several ways to zoom in or out: Scrolling wheel on the mouse – roll up to zoom in and roll down to zoom out. Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and drag the mouse to make a rectangular box to zoom in to the extents of the box. Hold down the SHIFT and CTRL keys and make a rectangular box to zoom out. Click on + or – button on the map to zoom in or out.

15 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Navigating the Map
Panning: Using the mouse, left-click and hold to activate panning. Move the cursor to pan, still holding down the left mouse button. Zoom to Default size (Home): Click on the HOME button on the map to zoom to default extents for the county. Zoom to Address: Type the street address in the address locator and map zooms to nearest matched address location. NOTE: The address locator uses the ESRI Geocoding Service. As with many geocoding services, the address mapped may be approximated and should be used with caution.

16 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Navigating the Map
Base Maps: Click on the ‘Basemap’ pull-down menu to select a different background map. NOTE: DO NOT USE THE BROWSER’S BACK AND FORWARD ARROWS TO NAVIGATE THE MAP.

17 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Editing
To begin moving dots on the map, follow these steps. Use the Zoom tool to zoom to any location on the map. Click the ‘Start Editing’ button. Click on the red address point that you want to edit. You will see the symbol and color of the point change to round and green. Note the ‘gis_prec’ value and the ‘seims_prec’ value shown in the pop-up window.

18 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Editing continued…
Left-click and move the point to the correct location. Once the point is moved, change the ‘pt_edit’ value to ‘Y’. NOTE: Edits are saved when the ‘pt_edit’ value is changed to ‘Y’. The color of the point is now dark green and square to indicate that the point has been edited. Exit the pop-up window and continue making further edits.

19 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Editing continued…
When all edits are complete, click the ‘Stop Editing button’ to switch back to query mode. NOTE: ‘Stop Editing’ does NOT save edits. Moving a point does not correct Geocode. Be sure to correct Geocode after you move the point, if necessary.

20 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map View Precinct and VTD Information
To view the Precinct and/or VTD information for a location on the map, follow these steps: Click the ‘Stop Editing’ button if in editing mode. Left-click on a polygon to see a pop-up with information for the polygon at the point clicked, including Precinct and VTD. Use the small arrow on the pop-up box to switch between Precinct and VTD information.

21 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map View Address Point Information
To view information for a specific address point, follow these steps: Click the ‘Start Editing’ button. Left-click on a red address point to see a pop-up with information for the address point.

22 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Frequently Asked Questions
If I do not have any more red points on the map how is it possible to have so many no_geo_points? At this time, no_geo_points are not placed on the Interactive map. Points are not placed unless they meet at least a 75% accuracy. Data from multiple databases is used to place the dots (county geocode data, DOT, E911, NC Onemap and ESRI). If a point does not meet the accuracy rate it is simply not placed on the map. However, it is possible that in the future, we can place the no_geo_points on the map if the counties want that to happen. If that happens, then the dots would be placed in a “chunk” on the map (likely in their corresponding Zip Code) and would then have to be moved to the right place. What causes an address to be a no_geo_point? An address may be a no_geo_point due to student or military housing, P.O. boxes, non-verified city or street names, or other similar addressing problems.

23 NCSBE Precincts Audit Interactive Map Frequently Asked Questions
When do my changes take effect? The changes will take effect after the job runs on Friday night. Any points that were moved, but not corrected in Geocode, will again appear on the Interactive Map in their original location. Points moved and corrected in Geocode will not appear again on the map. How do I get help with using the Interactive Map tool? Please send an to to enter a SEIMS helpdesk ticket and someone from the Helpdesk staff will be glad to assist you and walk you through the process.

24 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan

25 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan
The following topics will be discussed: Processing a State Absentee Ballot Request Form Generating an Absentee Request Form for a Specific Voter Processing a Generic Mail-In Request (Invalid Request) Processing an Absentee Request with No Registration Generating Blank Absentee Ballot Request Forms Absentee Help Files and FAQs

26 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan Processing a State Absentee Ballot Request Form
Scan the request(s) using the ABS STATE REQUEST [V ] or ABS CBE REQUEST [V ] document type, selecting the appropriate Registration Source and Election, and any other options. Accept the batch and access Batch Management. Check the ABS D.E. box and click Search. Select your batch and click Batch Data Entry. Complete the data entry for the information provided on the Request. Fill in the Absentee request details under the ABS Request button. Save the record to Review and process it through to have the request appear in VoterView.

27 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan Reject Reasons and Possible Messages Received During Processing INCOMPLETE DATA message: Absentee requests that are of CIVILIAN type must have ID provided to be saved. Please correct the data entry or send it to the I-Queue. Resolution: Click OK to the message and record the DL or SSN, or check the Additional ID Provided box and select the ID type provided. In NO ID is provided, send the record to the I-Queue and send an Incomplete Letter. ABS ID NOT PROVIDED reject reason: If no ID was provided, this reject reason will populate in the Incomplete Reason field. Resolution: Send the record to the I-Queue and send an Incomplete Letter. ID UPDATE INVALID reject reason: If the DL or SSN update provided by the voter does not validate, this reject reason will populate in the Incomplete Reason field. UNMATCHED ID reject reason: If the voter provided a DL or SSN that conflicts with their current DL or SSN, this reject reason will populate in the Incomplete Reason field.

28 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan Generating an Absentee Request Form for a Specific Voter
If a voter appears in-person or calls to request an absentee ballot, you can generate and print a partially completed Absentee Request form in VoterView as long as it is within 90 days of the Election. Search for the voter in VoterView and open their record. Select the ABS Voter icon at the bottom of the screen. Click Print Request and select the Election Date. Have the in- person voter complete the form or mail the form to the caller to complete. When the form is returned, scan it in VoterScan using the ABS CBE REQUEST [V ] document type. Perform Batch Data Entry from Batch Management and complete the data entry information. Don’t forget to enter the ABS Request details! Save the record to Review and process it through to have the request appear in VoterView.

29 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan Processing a Generic Mail-In Request (Invalid Request)
Follow the steps below to process a request not on the State Absentee Request form. Scan the request in VoterScan using the ABS GENERIC REQUEST document type. Perform Batch Data Entry from Batch Management to complete the data entry of the generic request. Select INVALID/INCOMPLETE REQUEST for the Incomplete Reason. On the second line, enter NEED STATE REQUEST FORM. Click the I-Queue button. Print an incomplete letter for the voter and mail it along with the Absentee instructions and a State Absentee Request Form. When the form is returned, scan it in using the document type ABS STATE REQUEST – LINK. In Batch Management, link the Absentee request to the record in the I-Queue. Access the record in the I-Queue (don’t forget to check the Include Mailed Letters checkbox!), remove the two lines of the Incomplete Reason and save the record to Review. Process from Review to have the request appear in VoterView.

30 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan Processing an Absentee Request with No Registration
Follow the steps below to process a request for a non-registered voter. Scan the request using the appropriate document type. Perform the Batch Data Entry of the form and complete the ABS Request details. Click Save. A message will appear that the record cannot be processed as it is not linked to a registered voter and the Incomplete Reason will populate with NO RECORD OF REGISTRATION. Click the I-Queue button. From the I-Queue print an Incomplete Letter and mail it to the voter along with the State Absentee Ballot Request form and a Voter Registration Application/Update form. When the form is returned, scan the registration form using the ABS SEIMS APPL/UPD FORM document type. Perform Batch Data Entry from Batch Management. When complete, click Scanning ProcessesLink to ABS Request. Link the registration to the absentee request and Save. Access the Review queue and save the record through to VoterView. Once the record is in VoterView, access the ABS Review queue and save the corresponding Absentee Request to VoterView (after entering all required information).

31 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan Generating Blank Absentee Ballot Request Forms
If a person or group requests blank forms for an Election, you can generate these from Report Manager. In Report Manager, select the Absentee Voter report group and select the ABSENTEE REQUEST STATE FORM. Enter the Election Date and click Run. The form will print with your county information and the Election Date filled in. Make or print as many copies as necessary.

32 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan Absentee Help Files and FAQs
The following SEIMS help topics will answer most Absentee questions. There is also a comprehensive FAQ from that answers many specific absentee questions. Help files are constantly being updated, so if you can’t find something, let Erica know and she can get it added quickly. Voterscan: Absentee Ballot Request Procedures (where most of this presentation came from) Absentee Medical Requests Data EntryABS Data Entry Data EntryABS Data Entry ID Verification Data EntryABS Request Detail Data Entry Data EntryFWAB Processing VoterView: Absentee Admin TasksCreate Absentee Requests (UOCAVA/FPCA) FAQs: Administrative FAQs2014 General Election: Frequently Asked Questions Absentee & VR Processing Administrative FAQsAdminFAQ Absentee

33 Processing Absentee Requests in VoterScan Absentee FAQs
How do I know when to use the ABS STATE REQUEST form vs. the ABS CBE REQUEST form when scanning in an absentee request? If the Absentee Ballot Request form has your county name and address in the header at the top, use the ABS CBE REQUEST document type. If the Absentee Ballot Request form does not have your county name and shows the SBOE address information in the header at the top, use the ABS STATE REQUEST document type. Can I still process Absentee Requests in VoterView? No. All absentee request processing should be handled through VoterScan.

34 Thank You! That concludes the presentation! Have a great day and please remember to enter a SEIMS helpdesk ticket if you need any assistance or have further questions. "Life's a journey - Enjoy the trip."

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