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When does one historical period end and another one begin? One authority, Jefferson B. Fletcher, tells us to look to the rainbow for our answer.

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Presentation on theme: "When does one historical period end and another one begin? One authority, Jefferson B. Fletcher, tells us to look to the rainbow for our answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 When does one historical period end and another one begin? One authority, Jefferson B. Fletcher, tells us to look to the rainbow for our answer.


3 Historical epochs are like the color-bands in a rainbow which, though distinct, yet merge at their boundaries. Between definitely yellow and definitely red there is a strip which has a tinge of both colors. We may call it… either the beginning of the red band or the ending of the yellow.

4 Historical periods – like the colors in a rainbow – do not end or begin suddenly. Rather, one flows into the next. It is therefore impossible to point to the exact date that marked the ‘official start’ or ‘end’ of a period. From D. Roselle. A World History – A Cultural Approach. 1963. (p.249).

5 The Renaissance A new vision of humanity

6 Renaissance = Rebirth Where?From Italy it spread to Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, England. When?From the 14 th to the 16 th centuries.


8 Factors that stimulated the Renaissance in Europe: - Contact - Trade - Wealth - Creative people





13 The Renaissance had several important features: - A rebirth of interest in ancient Greek and Roman cultures. - Humanism - Extraordinary creativity, particularly in literature, art and architecture.






19 Medieval art Flat, stiff, lifeless postures.





24 Renaissance art Celebration of the physical beauty of the human body.

25 Study of the anatomy

26 Bright colors


28 Linear perspective

29 Inspired by models from ancient Greece and Rome.




33 Patronage: Wealthy nobles and merchants pay various artists to produce work.



36 Renaissance Architecture Symmetry Rounded arches Domes Colonnades





41 Life during the Renaissance

42 Music In the Middle Ages, music was heard in church or was played by travelling minstrels. During the Renaissance, print music made music more accessible. New styles were developed.

43 Musical instruments - Dulcimer

44 Gemshorn

45 Harp

46 Harpsichord

47 Hurdy-Gurdy

48 Pipe and tabor

49 Psaltery

50 Recorder

51 Shofar

52 Flute

53 Zink (also called “cornetto”)

54 Literature Invention of printing press by German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440. Printing press made books available to more people and made them less expensive.

55 William Shakespeare

56 Aldus Manutius

57 Map of Italy during the Renaissance

58 Types of governments Principality: a territory ruled by a prince. Republicanism: a type of government where the richest families made laws, ruled the city, etc. Monarchy: a territory ruled by a king or a queen.

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