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 Anorexia Nervosa is a disease marked by the pathological fear of weight gain causing rapid or extreme weight loss.  It is often accompanied by excessive.

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3  Anorexia Nervosa is a disease marked by the pathological fear of weight gain causing rapid or extreme weight loss.  It is often accompanied by excessive exercise, and/or malnutrition.  The disease usually causes girls to stop their periods, have dry skin, loss of hair, are frequently cold,moody, and often become severely ill.

4 "I did not yet understand that the gasp and wheeze of my heart was death. The wild skittish flitting of my eyes and my hands working themselves together, trying to get warm was death. The absence of any understanding that my body was falling away from me like a pair of old pants was death. I did not understand. It did not occur to me that I'd gone crazy. It did not occur to me that I would either be dead or locked up for good in the near future. I know that while I was in the hospital, I got a pair of scissors and cut my waist-length hair to my chin. [Someone] said I looked like a model. I was of course thrilled." ~Marya HornBacher~

5  In desperation for nutrition, the body begins to CANNIBALIZE itself!  Fatigue Easy Bruising  Cramps Ulcers  Brittle Nails Pale Skin  Loneliness Mood Swings  Irritability Depression  Low Self Esteem Anxiety

6  Dancers are very aware of what their bodies look like  They are forced to stare at themselves in the mirror and compare themselves to the other dancers around them.  They want to be small so they can to jump high, spin fast and balance on their toes for extended periods of time.  Dancers are also perfectionists so they are forced to be flawless and better than the other dancers in their class!!

7 Bulimia- An eating disorder, common especially among young women of normal or nearly normal weight, that is characterized by episodic binge eating and followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation. It is often associated with measures taken to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, the use of laxatives, dieting, or fasting. Compulsive Overeating - is defined by the persistent and obsessive pursuit of mood changes as the result of repeated episodes of binge eating.

8 Secretive Eating Eating only very low calorie foods, such as lettuce and popcorn Frequent binging on high calorie foods Excessive use of laxatives or exercise Frequent trips to the bathroom after meals Rapid weight loss or frequent weight fluctuation

9 Development of tooth cavities, especially on those inside surfaces of teeth Feeling out of control around food Feeling guilty about eating Feeling overweight despite friends telling you otherwise



12 Rader Programs: 1-800-841-1515 Remuda Ranch: 1-800-414-4945 To Find a Treatment Center that Suites You Call: 1-866-784-8411

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