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Word Skills- Test Friday Take good notes and study nightly!! Lesson 12.

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1 Word Skills- Test Friday Take good notes and study nightly!! Lesson 12

2 agon contest, struggle agony: agon (struggle) y (result of) antagonist: anti (against) agon (struggle) ist (one who) protagonist: proto (first) agon (struggle) ist (one who) The antagonist in Cinderella is a wicked stepmother who promotes her own daughters over the sweet and beautiful Cinderella..

3 Note: Athlon as in decathlon also means "to struggle or to contest."

4 barometer: baro (pressure) meter (measure) barograph: baro (pressure) graph (write, record) baritone: baro (weight, heavy) ton (sound) Baro weight, pressure

5 cereb brain cerebellum: cereb (brain)-part that controls voluntary movement, posture, equilibrium cerebral: cereb (brain) al (related or pertaining to) cerebrate: cereb (brain) ate (make, cause )-to think [Note: neuro]

6 clam (claim) shout, cry out clamor: clam (shout) or (state, quality) exclamatory: ex (out) clam (shout) ory (pertaining to) proclamation: pro (forth, forward) clam (shout) ation (act of) The writers read the Constitution of the United States aloud as a Proclamation from the corners of Boston streets.

7 clarify: clar (clear) fy (make) declare: de (down, from) clar (clear) clairvoyant: clair (clear) voy (see) ant (one who) A clairvoyant read my palm and said that I would have three children! Clar clear

8 cosm world, universe, order cosmic: cosm (universe) ic (related to) cosmonaut: cosm (universe) naut (sail) cosmopolitan: cosm (world) polit (city) an (pertaining to)-having international sophistication and experience; common to the world; not local or limited Though Paris Hilton may be more cosmopolitan than many in this school, I do not admire her rowdy, party lifestyle

9 doctor: doct (teach) or (one who) docile: doc (teach) ile (capable of being) indoctrinate: in (in, into) doct (teach) ate (make, cause) Freshmen are indoctrinated to believe that they must carry senior student’s books in many schools! doc (doct) teach

10 err wander, stray error: err (wander, stray) or (that which) erratic: err (stray) ic (related to )-having no fixed course aberration: ab (away, from) err (wander, stray) ation (act of)-abnormality Jake’s erratic driving was so atrocious that he received two tickets in one day and was grounded from playing in an afterschool sport!

11 foli leaf. exfoliate: ex (out) foli (leaf) ate (make, cause)-to peel in small flakes like bark or skin portfolio: port (carry) foli (leaf)-device for carrying "leaves" of work, materials It is necessary to exfoliate dead cells during the winter so that you do not have dry skin.

12 gestation: gest (carry) ation (act of) digest: di (through) gest (carry) gesticulate: gest (bear) ate (make, cause)-producing movement [Note: port, fer, fert] The gestation period for elephants is 9 years. gest carry, bear

13 holo whole holocaust: holo (whole) caust (burn)-wholesale destruction; complete burning holograph: holo (whole) graph (write)-wholly in handwriting of one who signs it holistic: holo (whole) ic (related to) Hitler sentenced the Jewish people to a holocaust which stirred a heroic protest by many nations.

14 idiot: idio (private)-originally, a private citizen; one unaware of public events idiom: idio (peculiar)-an expression that is peculiar to a language and cannot be translated literally, such as "to kick the bucket" meaning "to die" idiosyncrasy: idio (peculiar) syn (together) krasis (mix) y (result of)-mental or physical characteristics which are peculiar to an individual idio peculiar, private (unknown), distinct

15 lex word, law lexicology: lex (word) logy (study of) lexophobia: lex (word) phobia (fear of)-fear of reading lex non scripta: lex (law) non (not) script (written)- unwritten law; common law [Note: dict, log (word), leg (law)] So many students have lexophobia when teachers ask them to read aloud that we may never have a good voice for reading in the future.

16 mar sea manner: mar (sea) er (one who) submarine: sub (under) mar (sea) ine (pertaining to) maritime: maritimus (sea)-located near the sea; concerned with navigation or shipping A former student of mine took a degree in maritime law and in now in the Merchant Marine Corps.

17 oste (osteo) bone osteoarthritis: osteo (bone) arthr (joint) itis (inflammation) osteoporosis: osteo (bone) por (pore, opening) osis (disease) osteotomy: osteo (bone) tomy (cut) I am to have a sinovectomy and osteotomy on Wednesday the 24 th to remove a bone infection and a tumor from my right knee. These are new words to me!!

18 petroleum: petr (rock) oleum (oil) petrify: petr (rock, stone) fy (make) Peter: petr (rock) [Note: lapis, lith] When he saw the face of Jason, Super Sammy became petrified with fear. petr stone, rock

19 schiz split, divide schism: schiz (split)-division of a church because of differences in doctrine schizophrenia: schiz (split) phrenia (mind)- mental illness schizogenesis: schiz (split) gen (start) sis (process)-reproduction by fission

20 pIe (pIen, pIet) fill, full plenty: plen (full) y (result of) complement: com (together, with) pIe (fill) ment (result) deplete: de (down, from) plet (fill) After skating the 1500 speed race, Apollo was depleted of fluids and needed a Gatorade.

21 Popul people popular: popul (people) ar (pertaining to) depopulate: de (down, from) popul (people) ate (make, cause) vox populi: vox (voice) populi (people)-"voice of the people"; popular opinion [Note: demos] Because East and South Rowan were so large, they were depopulated to form Carson High.

22 pyro fire pyre: pyr (fire) pyrogenic: pyro (fire) gen (start, begin) ic (related to) pyrophobia: pyro (fire) phobia (fear of) Because I saw the Graylyn Estate burn when I was young, I have developed pyrophobia and carefully check all electrical appliances before I leave home for vacations.

23 Sol alone desolate: de (down, from) sol (alone) ate (characterized by) soliloquy: sol (alone) loquy (talk) Hamlet the protagonist in Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy was desolate due to his mother marrying his uncle, who is his dead father’s brother. When he was at the wedding, he delivered what has become a very famous soliloquy which speaks of his sadness.

24 solar: sol (sun) ar (related to) solarium: sol (sun) arium (place where) parasol: para (near, beside) sol (sun) [Note: helio] The White House has a solarium with many big plants where Presidents can go to enjoy the solar heat and see the world outside as if they were there. sol sun

25 ten (tenu) thin tenuous: tenu (thin) ous (full of)-having little substance; weak attenuate: at (very) tenu (thin) ate (make)-to reduce or weaken extenuate: ex (out) tenu (thin) ate (make)-to reduce in seriousness with excuses [Note: Do not confuse with ten (hold) and tend, tens (stretch).] Many students say that they are tardy due to such extenuating circumstances as crowded hallways or teachers who do not let classes go on time.

26 tom (tomy) cut atom: a (not) tom (cut) anatomy: ana (apart, through) tomy (cut) dichotomy: dicho (two) tomy (cut) The study of human anatomy is the study of each of the separate parts of the body, cut away from unrelated parts and examined closely.

27 victor: viet (conquer) or (one who) convince: con (together, with) vine (show conclusively) invincible: in (not) vine (conquer) ible (able) I hope to convince you that English is a wonderfully analytic course with much to think about. viet (vine) conquer, show conclusively

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