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“Possible Side Effects Include…”: Accutane

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1 “Possible Side Effects Include…”: Accutane
Allison Boyle

2 Overview Accutane (Isotretinoin) is a prescription drug used to treat recalcitrant nodular acne if other treatments have failed. (generally a final effort) This treatment is very controversial due to the many severe side-effects that could occur. This pill is every day, but, unlike some pills, when one is missed you do NOT double up doses. This must be taken with food.

3 Overview (cont.) Blood tests are mandatory every month to regulate the body (liver) One is required to take the iPLEDGE Program quiz before renewing prescriptions This treatment usually lasts between 4-6 months If acne is not gone after 6 months a second session on the drug may be necessary; however, a minimum 6 month period between doses For more information please visit: (iPLEDGE website)

4 What it does! This is a form of vitamin A that reduces the amount of oil (sebum) released by oil glands in the skin. Decreases the cell buildup that causes whiteheads and blackheads Kills acne bacteria within the skin Reduces inflammation

5 Things to Avoid While on Accutane
Pregnancy Giving blood Breastfeed Other medications Cosmetic Procedures Drive at Night (until you know whether the medication has affected vision) Sunlight/Ultraviolet Lights Do NOT Share

6 Must be on 2 forms of birth control (females)
Consent to constant pregnancy tests to prevent birth defects from taking place Mandatory blood tests every month iPLEDGE quizzes Can NOT donate blood while on Accutane or 30 days after treatment is ended SUNSCREEN because sunburn is a very high risk

7 Not So Serious Side Effects
Red, cracked, sore lips Dry skin Nosebleeds Peeling skin Slowed healing of cuts or abrasions of any kind Increased sensitivity to the sun Dry eyes Dry nose Allergic Reactions Skin Problems

8 Serious Side Effects Mental Health Problems (depression, psychosis, suicide) Life-Threatening Birth Defects Seizures Yellowing of the skin or eyes (caused by liver) Swelling (miscellaneous places) Serious Brain Problems Abdominal Problems Vision Problems Hearing Problems Bone and Muscle Problems Blood Sugar Problems (Diabetes)

9 Being on this Pill Like anyone else would say, this is a very dangerous pill, and it took a lot of time to make this decision, but overall I believe I made the correct choice. I took this for 6 months and my acne problem has subsided. I had to get constant blood and pregnancy tests to protect me from dangerous side effects. In addition, my body’s physiology changed dramatically.

10 Being on this Pill (cont.)
My physiology changed due to the fact that my skin became extremely sensitive to both injury and sunburn in addition to the obvious dryness. I was forced to use 2 lotions specifically for my face in order to prevent constant peeling. My chap-stick received the name of my “glue stick” because it was a different, more potent brand than others.

11 Being on this Pill (cont.)
From being on this pill I have learned that what you think about yourself is the most important thing. Several of my friends have approached me about potentially going onto this medication, and I strongly recommend it. Although the risks are large, the benefits for the user are priceless.


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