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Review of Grooming Bathing and Blanketing your Horse Equine Science 1 Horse Maintenance Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Grooming Bathing and Blanketing your Horse Equine Science 1 Horse Maintenance Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Grooming Bathing and Blanketing your Horse Equine Science 1 Horse Maintenance Unit

2 What is this grooming tool? Curry Comb

3 What kind of brush is shown? Dandy brush

4 What is the second type of brush? Soft Bristled Brush

5 This is used for mane and tail? Pulling Comb

6 Bathing and Blanketing

7 When to bathe horses…  Some say never because natural oils are removed.  Most show horses are bathed a few days prior to a show so they will regain their sheen.  Too frequent use of soap – dry skin and dull coat PICTURE OF SOAPS

8 Basics of bathing  Keep horse from catching cold:  Outdoor temp = 50 F or higher  Bathe earlier in the day so they’ll be dry by night (cooler time) PICTURE OF THERMOMETER

9  Cover with a cooler (pic of a cooler)  Use a sweat scraper – helps dry faster  Sweat scraper – grooming tool used to scrap sweat or water from horse’s coat (pic of seat scraper)

10 Use warm water, shampoo, rinse  Use sponge if running water or hose frighten the horse  Begin behind the ears and proceed to the tail  Scrub one section at a time SPONGE BEING USED ON HORSE

11  Keep washing and rinsing until suds stay white  Never allow soap to get into horse’s ears  Always wash under the tail  Sweat collects there and causes irritation PICTURE OF SUDS ON HORSE

12 Males need special treatment  Bathing the stallion or gelding  Sheath (fold of skin over penis) needs to be cleaned  Smegma – smelly black secretion that is dirt collected outside the sheath (it can cause irritation and infection) PICTURE OF SMEGMA

13  Vet or experienced horse handler may be needed to help safely clean the sheath PICTURE OF SOMEONE WASHING SHEATH

14 Blanketing your Horse  Confined horses may need blankets during cold for warmth but those left outside usually develop their winter coat LONG WINTER COAT ON HORSE OUTDOORS

15 Why blanket?  Show horses –  protects coats from sun bleaching (during summer)  Used during spring along with lighted stalls to “fool” the horse into early shedding of winter coat  May prevent them from growing long winter coat

16 Other reasons…  Helps to keep coat cleaner  Racehorses are blanketed in cool weather to keep them from cooling too fast when “cooling out” after exercise PICTURE OF RACEHORSE AFTER BEING WORKED OUT

17 Proper use of blankets  Proper fit  So that hair isn’t rubbed off  Watch shoulders, withers, chest, and top of tail for signs of blanket rubbing PICTURE OF Blanket near chest

18 Heavy or light weight blanket?  Determine how heavy a blanket is needed based on weather conditions and climate  Sheet should be light enough to keep the horse from sweating

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