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Identifying Your Dietary Needs. I. Reasons people eat Psychological a) Appetite - desire for food b) Loneliness/Boredom etc… Physical - Hunger.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying Your Dietary Needs. I. Reasons people eat Psychological a) Appetite - desire for food b) Loneliness/Boredom etc… Physical - Hunger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying Your Dietary Needs

2 I. Reasons people eat Psychological a) Appetite - desire for food b) Loneliness/Boredom etc… Physical - Hunger



5 II. Metabolism The means by which the body releases the energy in food and uses it to build and repair body tissue.

6 III. Basal Metabolism The amount of energy needed by the body when it is at rest to carry out basic life functions.

7 3 Body Types Ectomorphic Mesomorphic Endomorphic

8 Ectomorphic Ectomorphic body type is characterized by long arms and legs and a short upper body and narrow shoulders, and supposedly have a higher proportion of nervous tissue. They also have long and thin muscles. Ectomorphs usually have a very low fat storage; therefore they are usually referred to as slim.nervous tissue

9 Mesomorphic Mesomorphic body type is characterized by a high rate of muscle growth and a higher proportion of muscular tissue. They have large bones, solid torso combined with low fat levels. It is also noted that they have wide shoulders with a narrow waist. muscular tissue

10 Endomorphic Endomorphic body type is characterized by an increased amount of fat storage, due to having a larger number of fat cells than the average person, as well as higher proportion of digestive tissue. They have a wide waist and a large bone structure.digestive tissue

11 IV. Caloric values Protein = 4 calories per gram Carbohydrate = 4 calories per gram Fat = 9 calories per gram

12 V. Weight Management Eat well-balanced, low fat meals. Eat no less than 1200 calories a day when trying to lose weight. Exercise daily. caloriesexercise Maintain weight calories exercise Lose Weight

13 VI. Obesity Boys: Being over 25% body fat. Girls : Being over 30% body fat. Obesity that is caused by overeating is considered to be an eating disorder.

14 VII. Anorexia Nervosa Severe weight loss distorted body image dry skin, brittle hair play with food excessive exercise loss of menstrual period


16 VIII. Bulimia Eat large amounts of food, then purge themselves by vomiting or using laxatives. Distorted body image. intense fear of being fat.


18 IX. Sports Nutrition PregamePregame meals should include: 1) nutrient-dense foods 2)water StayStay away from candy and sodas. DrinkDrink plenty of water during practice and games.

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